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Hinata's POV

I sat at the piano trying to think of something to sing for my next YouTube upload. let me explain. On YouTube I am well known for my covers and original songs, while I have many followers and fans I'm not known by my real name. When I sing I wear a mask that covers my face and I go by the name of  Murasaki, it means purple in Japanese so most people don't know that seeing as we're in America.

I started to sing one of my favorite songs by Arrows to Athens. (song is city of angels)

Sing me a symphony, one for the lost out in-between city of fallen dreams a city of angels....

there was girl with a sky full of stars in her eyes. she was chasing a world that was fast it left her behind, she ran for days but the days became years, hope went away and her smile turned to tears. now there's lines on the face of the girl with the stars in her eyes.

Sing me A symphony one for the lost out in between city of fallen dreams a city of angels-"

The door opened slowly reveling the one and only Naruto Uzamaki. I squeaked and hid the purple mask with the small purple flower and golden stitching laying beside me. "N-Naruto! w-what are you doing here?" I asked walking away from the piano and my bag full of recording equipment. "o-oh um, was that you singing just now?" He asked, I became very flustered and practically died on the spot, "No" I said quickly grabbing my bag and stuffing my mask into it, "oh, so who was it?" he asked curiously, way too curiously, "oh uh. I was just on... YouTube!" I said quickly and sprinting out the door, "Bye!" I yelled and ran out the school.

I ran into Sakura on my way home and she looked really confused, "Hey did you finish recording already?" she asked, I shook my head and dragged her back to my house. "h-hey! what's going on" she yelled as we stumbled into the house, "HE HEARD ME!" I screamed, "who?" she yelled "Naruto! he heard me sing! he'll know who I am now!" I screamed and collapsed onto the couch, "oh come on! he's a famous pop star! why would he watch YouTube" she said patting my back.

"can we just record the video and post it like every day?" I asked with pleading eyes, she smiled "of coarse, now let's go Murasaki" she said using my name in secrecy. I nodded and went over into my closet which is more like a studio and put my mask on. "Alright and 3. 2-" Sakura said and pushed the record button.

"Konichiwa my Iris's!" I greeted cheerfully, (Iris as in the Japanese purple flower) "Today I'll be doing a cover on Rising star by Alan walker" I said as the background music started to play.

"You rising star

I feel our souls are connected

In a way that goes

Beyond this world

Beyond what we've ever had before

You catch me when I fall

It's how the story goes

Even if I try

I still can see your smile yeah

You wipe away my tears

I don't know how it happens

But you're still living in my head

'Cos when I'm feeling down

You come and sit next to me

And when my lungs collapse

You breathe for me

Somehow you live within

You carry me when I'm down

You're here eternally

Forever guiding me

Ri-ri-rising star

Ri-ri-rising star

Ri-ri-rising star

'Cos when I'm feeling down

You come and sit next to me

And when my lungs collapse

You breathe for me

Somehow you live within

You carry me when I'm down

You're here eternally

Forever guiding me

Ri-ri-rising star

Ri-ri-rising star

Ri-ri-rising star"

I took a breath and opened my eyes. "I hope you guys enjoyed!" I cheered, "I promise to upload another video tomorrow, and remember my Iris's" I paused, "Stay true to yourself, and yes I know it's sappy" I smiled and waved as Sakura stopped recording, "and that's a rap!" She yelled and sat on a rolling chair and slid to the desk with the computer, she started downloading it onto the computer while I drank some water seeing as I just sang an entire song and just killed my throat.

"And it's in YouTube" she said with a sigh, I nodded and changed into my pj's while Sakura walked up to my door

"well goodnight!" I said as she waved and walked out the door. checking my phone for about an hour before I actually fell asleep.

Naruto POV

It was about 9:57 when I went on YouTube for the first time in months and saw a playlist called "the most beautiful voice in the world" I clicked on it and seconds later a voice came on, I stared at my phone and saw a girl with midnight hair and the most beautiful eyes, with all her qualities I couldn't see her face, she was wearing a purple mask with a purple rose and golden stitching.

"hey what's that?" My manager asked over my shoulder,  turned around with an unknown smile plastered on my face, "you okay kid?" he asked nervously, "yeah! just listen to her!" I said pressing play on another one of Murasaki's videos, "wow! she's amazing" he said amazed, "I know right!" I said holding my phone to face, "maybe we could get her to do a duet with the one and only Naruto Uzamaki" Jariya said with a smirk, I elbowed him wiggling my eyebrows, "nice going old man" I winked and fell on my bed not even bothering to change.

I plugged the headphones into my phone and then in my ears. I pressed play on heard Murasaki's voice clearly, I'm pretty sure murasaki means purple in Japanese, because I've never heard of someone with that name. I opened my eyes and looked up through my skylight to see the star lit sky, I sighed and reclosed my eyes.

but little did I know is that someone was looking at the same stars.

((it's not a stalker if your wondering! it's just Hinata looking through her window ~Author~chan))

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