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Hinata's POV again sowwy

"You! Will not be joining us for lunch, you will be cooking the food and cleaning while I discussed bunisess with Claire and Naruto. Claire is only Herr because her father was not able to attend but she knows enough" My father growled "jeez I feel like Cinderella" I grumbled stumbling into the kitchen.

This is why I never come home.

I sighed as I heard the doorbell ring. It was either going to be a great Person or the person I hate more than anything. I opened the door while my father approached me.

"Hinata!" Naruto beamed with a bright smile. "You know her?" My father asked "yes of coarse! She's-" my father cut him off "Shes just my daughter who goes to your school right? Yes she'll be making lunch so she won't be eating with us" My father stated dragging Naruto to the dining room.

"Why does this chapter remind me of a Cinderella story" one of our maids sighed "chapter?" I questioned "oh nothing~" she hummed and started sweeping the stairs.

I walked into the diningquestioned  cups if water. "Has Claire arrived yet?" I asked trying to sound as nice as possible while saying her name. "Not yet, but why can't Hina join us for lunch?" Naruto asked "Hina? I'm sorry I'm afraid I don't know who that is" my father said sipping his water. Naruto have me a confused look. I replied with a hand signal telling him to follow me.

"Uh may I use your bathroom?" Naruto asked "of coarse. Hinata will show you the way" my father stated.

"Okay so what's up?" Naruto asked as we turned the corner. "Well I haven't exactly told my family about us because I havent seen them at all and my father pretty much hates me" I sighed "what?! How can he hate you? Your is adorable!" Naruto protested grabbing my hands "awe thank you!" I said while hugging him. "So what should we do? Tell him or no?" Naruto asked "um I don't know how much he'll approve...but we should tell him or at least hint him or something" I said pondering "okay! we have a plan!" he cheered "yah!" I cheered with him.

Just then the doorbell rang. "Hinata! Answer the door!" My father yelled from the dining room "coming" I groaned dragging myself to the door.

"I don't wanna have lunch with Claire though. I wanna have lunch with you" Naruto whined as I stepped in front of the door.

"Hello" I said quietly opening the door, "ah Hinata, I see your the Maid for today" Claire smirked "Im fully aware" I grumbled closing the door behind her. "Claire don't be rude" Naruto said with a slight frown "Naruto!" Claire screamed grabbing onto his arm.

"Oh Mr. Uzumaki! I heard you were dating someone but I didnt know it was Claire! Isn't that great. Let's go eat shall we?" My father said "what we aren't dating I-" Claire being the horrible person she is interrupted Naruto "oh its a surprise? Well Naruto has actually been in love with me since the first day I came to school" Claire bragged. That girl! I hope she steps on a Lego!!

"how lovely!" My father said. Lovely? What the heck?

"Claire is lying we-" AGAIN CLAIRE OMG "he's right...I am lying...we've actually been dating for a year online" she said with a blush. I swear...

My father, Claire and Naruto turned the corner into the dining room while I had to punch the wall for a sec. Then I went back into the kitchen to cook

I couldn't handle the fact that nobody let Naruto talk because they kept interrupting him. But Claire kept going on and on about how in love they were!  So I started texting Sakura. She's my best friend she can help me no matter what! She actually drove through every yard in my neighborhood just to get to me because I was sad.

'Sakura! I need u rn!'

'Wats wrong who am I killing?!'

'Claire, my father, and Naruto are having lunch and Claire made my father think that her and Naruto are dating!'

'What!? I hope she steps on a Lego!! I'm comin gurl!'

I shut my phone off and stuffed it in my pocket. Why don't we have grammer when we text?... Oh well!

I heard the door slam open and I quickly rushed into the other room. "Sakura?! How'd you get in here?!" I whisper yelled "I have a key" she replied calmly "how did you get a key to a house I barely come to?" I asked "I have my ways. ANYWAY! let's go kill Claire" she said marching toward the dining room. "Nope!" I protested grabbing her hand. "What do you mean nope?" She questioned "we need a plan!" I said pulling her upstairs.

"Okay. What are we going to do?" I asked, "oh hold on" Sakura said as her phone dinged. "Uh Hina. you might want to see this..." Sakura said showing me her phone. "Naruto Uzumaki dating Claire Rowland?!" I read. "HUH!!" I screamed "I KNOW LETS GO KILL HER NOW!" Sakura screamed "WHY ARE WE SCREAMING?" I asked "I DONT KNOW! BUT LETS GO TALK TO HER!" I yelled as we ran down the stairs.

"Claire!" I yelled stomping into the dining room. "Hinata! What did I tell you! Don't mess this up!" my father yelled "oh don't give her that! Claire is lying!" Sakura said, "excuse me? You can't talk to me like that!" My father told Sakura "and why not?" Sakura asked dully "Dad! Shut up im busy!" I said walking past him.

"Claire" I growled "u-uh H-Hi" she said trying to hide her fear. "Hina!" Naruto beamed getting up from his seat. "Look at this" I said showing Naruto the news report. "What?! I'm not dating Claire!" Naruto said grabbing the phone and looking at the news in disbelief. "Who did This?" Sakura asked in a deadly tone "It was me" my father said angrily walking up to us.

"Why?!" I asked "because they are! And they are cute" He replied "I'm already dating someone!" Naruto said "who?" My father asked not believing Naruto. "Hinata" Naruto said proudly and pulling my into his arms.

"WHAT?!" My sister screamed running down the stairs "Hinabi?" I said confused "Hey sis! AND YOUR DATING MY FAV STAR! I loved you in 'blood prison' its my favorite movie" Hinabi cooed hugging Naruto's arm. "U-um this is my younger sister, Hinabi." I said nervously "But back to the point. Your dating my daughter?" My father asked "yes!" Naruto smiled "Her? Why?" My father asked rudely "because she's amazing! Duh" Sakura said out of no where.

"Amazing?" My father chuckled "o-oh okay! Mr. Hyuga. That's a bit too much" Claire said getting up from her seat. "What do you mean?" My father asked "you don't think your daughter is amazing?" Claire asked protectively "hardly! She's to shy to do anything!" My father laughed "Excuse me! Your so rude! And I'll make sure my father doesn't except your business proposal" Claire scoffed stomping out if the house.

"And I'll make sure not to except either..." Naruto said with dissapointment on his face. "Yeah and Sir. I never thought of you as my father. And I won't be coming back here. Sorry Hinabi" I said following an angry Sakura out the door.

"How could he say that?! Hina is so confident I bet we could go to jail for her confidence" Sakura stated sliding into her Car. "We'll talk later guys! see ya!" She said driving away.

"Here I'll drive you back to the Penthouse" Naruto said Opening his car door for me "oh thank you" I smiled even though I was completely saddened by my "fathers" words.

/back at the Penthouse/

"well! I'll see you tomorrow then!" Naruto said happily "Yep, Bai!" I said as the elevator closed.

I sighed and plopped onto my couch "Sakura?" I asked being fully aware that she was stalking us the whole time, "yes?" She asked sliding down the railing "hey! Your going to!- ...fall" I sighed as she fell flat on her face. "I'm okay!" She said "good. But I'm heading to bed" I stated walking to my room "night!" "Goodnight!"

Naruto's POV

Hinata said Bai? She's said it before but she just recently got into it...just when Murasaki started saying it...she must be a huge fan! They are friends after all!

But I can't shake off what Hinata's dad said! How could he think so little of her?! She's more amazing than anyone I've ever met and he thinks she can't do anything?...must've been why Hina moved out...

I should get to bed. I'll have to deal with the press tomorrow about the me dating Claire thing...


OKAY BAD NEWS! my computer broke ;-; GOOF NEWS! I'm still uploading :D with my phone so don't worry about that. Also about the authors note I posted a while ago, the majority if the votes for them to go through the whole thing and so I'll be doing that soon. Anyway,


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