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You guys I'm so sorry this is late! its really boring too but I feel like I needed to post something.... and the updates for this book are going to be really slow and so will "I think I love her"

Hinata's POV again -3-

Its valentines day and im sitting in the police station filling out paperwork...perfect.

"Alright, you may leave" the officer said opening the door for me. "thank you" I mumbled walking put to Naruto. Sakura and Sasuke had already gone home by now and Naruto promised he would wait for me...

"I'm sorry" I apologized. "for what?" he chuckled "for being a bad girlfriend" I sighed "bad? Hina that was the most fun I've had in years!" he laughed "huh?" I said confused "your the best girlfriend ever Hina!" he exclaimed hugging me. "hey since it's valentines day~ wanna go to the fair?" Naruto asked with a grin, "you know what, sure" I giggled climbing into the car.

"AWESOME!" He beamed started up the car. 

/at the fair/

"oh my gosh Naruto, a bouncy castle" I said in awe, "Hina your too old for bouncy castles" Naruto warned "I don't care how old I am I'm getting on the bouncy castle!" I smiled running toward the bouncy castle with Naruto chasing after me.

"excuse me I have to go make a scene" I announced climbing into the bouncy castle. "Hina no!" Naruto whisper yelled looking out for adults that might think we're suspicious. "there's no age limit Naruto" I noted pointing to the sign that read 'public bouncy house'

"Fine" Naruto groaned following me inside. "look Naruto, tiny animals" I whispered "Hina those are children" he stated "right, right, whatever you say~" I singed jumping around. "WE SHOULD GET ICE CREAM!" I cooed grabbing Naruto's arm "hyper today huh?" he chuckled "I'm tired actually. but I was hoping this would make me happier after robbing a bank" I smiled climbing out of the bouncy house.

"we were in there for five seconds" Naruto stated "I know" I sighed. "are you okay?" he asked "Nope!" I whined. "what's wrong?" he asked sitting me down on a near by bench. 

"I just can't figure out why my father wants the necklace" I muttered caressing the necklaces "maybe he just really didn't want you mom to think of another man?" Naruto thought "no way, he didn't care about her, he only married her for a business thing" I mumbled. "can we think of this later?" I asked "of course!" Naruto announced.

"great! where do you wanna go?" I asked holding his hand "Let's get ice cream like you said" he smiled "thank you" I whined leaning on him. 

/later bcuz Im lazy and need to post this while it's still single awareness daaay/

I licked my ice cream as me and Naruto walked around the fair watching on the couples eat cotton candy and other things. "there isn't as many children as I expected" Naruto noticed "yeah, maybe they are at home" I thought, "Maybe."

"Hey, should we head back to the penthouse? I think Sasuke is staying there again tonight too" I said "sure" Naruto chimed munching on his chocolate ice-cream.

"Happy valentines day Hina" Naruto said kissing my forehead. "H-happy valentines day" I blushed "did you blush?" he smirked "no way!" I pouted "but you look like your blushing" he chuckled "then stop looking" I whined crossing my arms as we turned the corner.

"Hey aren't you Naruto Uzumaki!? can I get your autograph??" A girl screamed grabbing other girls attention. "O-oh I really-" 

"will you be my valentine?!" 
"Can we get married?"

what kind of questions are these... "Sorry everyone, I already have a Valentine!" Naruto said proudly putting his arm around me. "aaawwweee" they all whined "OKAY BACK OFF LADIES!!" Sakura yelled pushing them away "Sakura? I thought you went home" I said watching as Sasuke entered the scene.

"We did! but Sasuke and I were heading to the bakery" she smiled. "oh! we should head with you!" I exclaimed "yeah sounds fun!" Naruto said, even though he probably only wants the food. 

"okay! it's actually just right here" Sasuke said pointing across the street. "right everyone! watch out for cars!" Sakura warned "yes mom!" Naruto said walking across the street. "what she's my mom" I said "Yes, Naruto is my son in-law" she explained making me turn beet red.

"L-Look the bakery!" Naruto said opening the door "t-thanks" I stuttered hiding my face. "you guys are so cute!" Sakura cooed.

Sakura's POV (after the bakery)

"okay bye guys!" I said waving Naruhina goodbye. "I swear... those two can make the entire world jealous~ their relationship doesn't look like much but I'm sure it feels like cloud 9" I squealed "yeah maybe. but our relationship is better" Sasuke stated holding my hand.

"Your completely right" I said leaning on him. "wanna go on the bouncy castle?" I whispered "dub of course" he said already walking down the street.




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