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Hinata's POV

"Sakura hurry up and get dressed" I groaned brushing my hair, "Naruto you can help yourself to the kitchen, there should be ramen in one of the cabinets" I said "thanks!" he replied and started running into the kitchen. By now I was done brushing my hair and my teeth so all I need to do now is get my shoes on, eat breakfast and pack my bag. "Hey Sakura can you get our bags and put them on the sofa?" I asked running past her room, "yeah!" 

"five more minutes guys!" Naruto yelled, "Naruto can you set out some bowls and cereal?" I asked slipping my knee high socks on and my black flats. "Sure thing! he replied, I sighed of relief when Sakura walked out with our packed bags and the correct outfit. yesterday she forgot where her outfit was and she almost wore her pj's out the house.

"okay cereal for you guys" Naruto said slipping bowls of lucky charms in our faces. "Thank you!" we replied in unison, "Sorry but I ate some of your Ramen" he said scratching the back of his neck "No worries, I said you could anyway" I assured with a smile.

"Hurry up and get out the door!" Sakura yelled after placing our bowls in the sink "Coming!" I replied slinging my bag over my shoulder. "We're gonna be late again aren't we?" Naruto said with a sigh "probably! But if we run we'll be faster" I said "race ya!" Naruto said running ahead of me "Hey no fair!" I laughed chasing after him "awe you guys are so cute" Sakura chimed running past up "Sakura how are you so fast?" Naruto questioned "she's on the track team" I stated stopping at the school gate.

"You guys are late too?" Tenten asked panting next to us, "yeah" I answered sadly "oh by the way Sai wanted me to tell you that he fixed up your headphones" She stated "oh really, cool!" I exclaimed.

"Um are we gonna just stand here oorr?" Sakura said "oh right!" I yelled and started running through the empty halls to our class.

"Your late" the teacher groaned "we know we're sorry" Sakura apologized "just sit down and pay attention" the teacher sighed and started writing on the board again.

/magical time skip to lunch/

"Yas! My favorite time of day" Naruto said drooling over the food, "um I'll see you guys later I'm gonna look for Sai" I said backing out of the cafeteria. I started walking around the back of the school because I know he's always around the cherry tree's drawing the blossems. "Sai" I yelled running to him.

"Hey Hina, come for your headphones?" He asked "yep!" I said happily "here you are. And by the way how did they get this messed up?" He asked "I uh..." "Was it Shinon again?" "Maybe" I mumbled taking my headphones, "you can't let her push you around like that" he sighed "I know. im just gonna go eat lunch See ya" I said waving "bye"

/after school cuz I'm lazy/

"I love your headphones!!" Sakura said examining them "me too that's why I bought them" I laughed "they're cute but I wouldn't wear them" Naruto said touching the ear of the headphones "yeah cuz they have cat ears on them. But the cat ears light up and have speakers on them" I gushed "that's pretty cool" Tenten said

After we finished obsessing over my headphones we all went our separate ways to our houses. "Hina you know you have to update your YouTube because you haven't updated in a couple days" Sakura whispered "I know but I can't really update in the middle of the road can I?" I said as we crossed the street.

"well do you want to update?" Sakura asked "I mean I do, but I latterly did a performance last night so just upload the video of the concert" I said opening the door to the hotel, "fine, but I think you should record some sort of Q and A so people can get some idea of who you are" Sakura suggested "that's exactly why I don't tell people about me, I don't want people to figure out who I am, they'd be so disappointed to figure out it was just. me." I said  "How do you know that? You have so many people that like you" "yeah and I have a lot of people who hate me too" I sighed "you need some self esteem" Sakura whined walking into our penthouse.

"I'm gonna go do some homework" I said walking into the office room, "K" Sakura yelled from the living room.

I set my bag on the desk and took out my notebooks and things I needed. "what the heck is this" I groaned trying to understand chemistry. while I was trying to do homework my phone rang, so I did what anyone would do and answer it.


"Hinata? hey it's Naruto"
"Oh Hi"

"I'm just really bored and thought I would call you"
"why me? don't you have Sakura's number? she's a lot more interesting than me"
"Oh come on! your flipping awesome! you can climb tree's like it's nothing and I'm pretty sure your amazing at piano"

"how did you know I play piano?"
"Um I walked in on you on like the first day when you were listening to Murasaki"

"O-oh riiight"
"anyway! I still can't believe I sang with Murasaki!"
"why are you so excited? aren't you more famous then her?"
"yeah but I've never heard someone with a voice that beautiful!"

"I'm sure she'd be very happy to hear that"
"I wonder if she goes to our school, do you think she'd do a Q and A?"
"Maybe she'll think about it"
"Hope so. anyway I better be going, my manager wants me to do some vocal tests"
"alright have fun, bye"

I hung up and just thought for a moment. maybe I should do a Q and A, I mean, a lot of people would like that right? yeah I'll film it tomorrow..... wait a second... no the party's tomorrow. oh well.

"Sakura we need to set up the party" I whined, "okay" she sighed getting up from the couch, "a lot of people will be coming because I said Murasaki would be coming" Sakura stated casually "oka- wait.. WHAT!?" "I'm sorry it's just nobody was planning on going so"
"Sakura I can't multitask like that" I said panicking "I know! but I just thought that it would work out" she said nervously "alright. I can totally do that" I said trying to stay calm.

"anyway let's just work on getting this place clean and setting up all the party stuff. we can buy the extra things like food and other stuff we need in the morning" Sakura said, "Okay" I agreed picking up the broom.

This is gonna be one heck of a party.

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