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Hinata's POV

So Toneri took me to a bar and litterly made me take shots and got me drunk. Like gee, thanks dude that's totally gonna get a girl to like you. No

He dropped me off in the elevator and left me. And then I only remember waking up in my bed. Now I'm in the kitchen eating cereal.

"Morning Hina" Sakura yawned "morning" I mumbled "your head must hurt you shouldnt go to school today" she said "I wasn't planning on it" I groaned "okay. Well I'm heading to school. Don't get sick like me! I'll be back in a few. Bai!"



Now I'm alone. Okay gotta find something to do. I guess I could film a video. Yeah I'll do that. I got into leggings and a galaxy shirt and of coarse my mask. Hm I could've sword it was in a Different spot.. Probably just imagining it.

I walked into my studio and set up the camera and things just like sakura does. I hit record and looked into the camera.

"Hello everyone! So today my camera girl is not here because she's at school, and your probably wondering why I'm going to sing while I'm sick. Well I'm going to try, its just a headache anyway" I said and started to sing history maker from Yuri on ice.

"Can you hear my heartbeat?
Tired of feeling, never enough
I close my eyes and tell myself that my dreams will come true

There'll be no more darkness 
when you believe in yourself you are unstoppable
Where your destiny lies, dancing on the blades, you set my heart on fire

Don't stop us now, the moment of truth
We were born to make history 
We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around
Yes, we were born to make history

Born to make history

Born-born-born to make history

Don't stop us now, the moment of truth
We were born to make history
We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around
Yes, we were born to make history

We were born to make history
Yes, we were born to make history"

I paused for a second and looked around the room, I dont know why but I just feel like I'm being watched. But there's no windows in here so no need to worry.

"So that was History maker by Dean Fujioka, its also the opening to Yuri on ice" I explained "and like always the one fact of the day, um... Last name starts with an H, and to everyone who goes to my school, please don't look for me, its actually quite scary for me to find someone suspicious of me, anyway! Goodbye Iris's" I smiled and turned off record.

I sighed if relief and got up to plug the camera into the computer. I'm not too familiar with how to upload the video so just for safe measures, once it downloads I'll wait for Sakura to get home.

knock knock 

what? I don't even have a door. oh mah gawd it's happening! I'm gonna get kidnapped and then Sakura is going to freak out and... no. stay calm it's probably a pizza guy or something, he's probably just at the wrong penthouse.

I slowly crept out of the studio/ closet and tip toed into my living room, "hello? is anybody there?" I asked, awe why would I say that, it's not like they are going to yell back like "yeah I'm in the kitchen want a sandwich?" like jeez who does that. I guess people do it in horror movies...but they either have a gun or end up dying.

"Hey Hina!" A familiar voice chimed "huh?" my head darted around the room until my eyes landed on the top floor, "Naruto!?!? w-what are you doing here!? man i really need to get some security on this place" I sighed "well, Sakura said you still had a really bad headache and I wanted to stay with you, I just told the school that I was busy recording a new album and since the principal is my fan-....yeah my fan... she said that she understood" he said scrunching his nose a bit, "Tsunade~sama is your, fan?" I questioned "that's nothing like her, I talked with Jiraiya and he said that you and Tsunade were on good terms but fight a lot" I trailed off, "eh heh well, she um, yeah I told her I was sick but she obviously didn't believe me but she let me off anyway" he sighed "why?" I asked simply, "I told her I was going to take care of you" he said walking down the stairs.

"oh" Is all I said before walking into the kitchen. "well do you want anything to eat?" I asked searching through the cabinets, "I should be asking you that, your in no condition to be cooking anything" Naruto said walking up behind me, "hey what are you-" I didn't finish my sentence because I became too flustered to talk, he picked me up bridal style and walked over to the couch, he set me down with a blanket and a very fuzzy pink pillow. and yes, that pillow belongs to Sakura but whatever. "stay here I'll make you some...uh what do you want?" he asked with a goofy smile, "um Twizzlers...and mountain dew?" I said meekly hiding my blushing face under the covers, "coming right up!" he said and marched into the kitchen.

that boy. sometimes he's just so dense and childish, and, and.... who am I kidding I love em.

/three minutes later/

I'm sitting on my couch scrolling through Netflix but I cant seem to find anything. I was freaking out for about two minutes because I found out voltron season 4 is coming out in October.

"I'm back with refreshments!" Naruto said handing me a bottle of mountain dew and a bag of Twizzlers, "can you move your legs real quick?" he asked, I humbly obliged and set them on the floor so he could sit beside me. he sat down and placed his drink and popcorn on the side table, "you can put your legs on my lap" he smiled, I was a little embarrassed at first but then I set my legs comfortably on his lap while leaning my back on the arm rest.

"comfortable?" he asked "yeah" I said quietly "you wanna watch try not to laughs?" I smirked "you know me so well!" Naruto gushed.

we started scrolling through YouTube on the TV and found a few really good ones. "Ah! good post! well meme'd my friend" I said "ha what!" Naruto laughed. we kind of just watched funny videos for a few hours until Sakura came home.

"hey guys I'm back!" Sakura chimed walking in through the elevator with Sasuke, "Hey Sakura there's something in my closet I need you to see" I said winking at her, winking is our code for when there's Murasaki  stuff involved and by saying in my closet she knows what's going on.

"what are you talking about?"

....did she.... heavens Sakura!

"there's a video in my closet" I said with a more secretive tone, "I? OH! okay I'll go handle it right now! be right back guys!" she yelled running into my room to update our Murasaki channel.

"hey guys a new Murasaki video has been uploaded! strange at the same time Sakura went to go deal with a video" Naruto shrugged "dang she's fast" I mumbled to myself, "what was that?" "oh nothing!"

"awe naw an add" Naruto complained,


"my true love and I met on the beach when I was jumping off the docks with my friends, I was wearing Paris perfume and in a blue dress. Subaru."

end commercial:

"Naruto...what did I just watch?" I asked "I don't know..." he responded, meanwhile Sasuke was laughing his butt off in the corner.

"back! I- uh Sasuke are you okay?" Sakura giggled, "yes I'm fine" Sasuke replied climbing into an arm chair. "okay then! let's watch some Anime!" Sakura chimed, "oh we're watching Murasaki's new video right now" Naruto smiled, "hm, are we sure we want to watch it now?" Sakura asked, "yes? no? what's life anymore?" Naruto panicked "Naruto she barely said anything" I laughed, "okay let's just watch some funny videos" Sasuke said. "okay" I replied.

Sasuke and Sakura decided to copy us and sit like we were so we decided that I would stay in the same spot but eat all the food so. we won.


another chapter done. I'm doing pretty well this week you guys :D I've updated like three times T^T which isn't a lot but it's a lot on my time schedule and I know nobody wants to ready this so,


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