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Only a few more chapters to go guys! I really hope your enjoying the story >w<

Naruto's POV

"Naruto!" Jiraiya hollered. "what's up?" I asked taking my headphones out. "I have great news!" he said throwing his hands to the side. "your going on tour again!" he exclaimed "huh? I-I am?" I questioned feeling a lump in my throat. "yeah! all the way to America! you'll be leaving next week" he said handing me some papers. "B-but I don't want to leave... I have friends... I have a girlfriend" I protested. "Naruto... we talked about this when we came here. you can't get attached. and you've never been attached to people till now... what happened?" Jiraiya asked.

"people talked to me like a real person this time... they cared about me and not my fame" I mumbled "Naruto...it's a once in a life time opportunity! we can always come back after your tour" Jiraiya suggested. "it won't be the same though" I whispered.

"Just think about it" he finished pointing at the papers. I nodded and walked to my car. I need to tell her about this... Perhaps she could come with me...as Murasaki that is.

/At the penthouse/

"Hey Sakura! where's Hinata?" I asked trying to sound calm "oh! she's getting ready for a new video. so she's in the studio" she said eating Twizzlers. "thanks!" I said grabbing a Twizzler before heading into her room.

"my Twizzler...."

"Hina?" I called stepping into the studio. "Naruto! perfect timing! I need to do a duet with you! everyone is asking for one and I haven't posted a video in a while. I wanna make them happy" she said fixing her mask. "Uh yeah okay. but I really need to talk to you afterward." I smiled setting my bag down on the couch.

"what are we singing?" I asked "I want to sing A song from Dear Evan Hansen! It's called If I could Tell her. I wanted you to sing with me because I would barely sing in the song... so will you do it?" she beamed "sure" I smiled at seeing how happy she was.

"okay! Sakura can you help me film the video?" she asked "yeah!" Sakura replied scampering into the studio. "okay! the lyrics are in front of you" Hinata said setting the lyrics on a music stand. "ready?" Sakura asked "ready!" I grinned.

"1-2-3!" Sakura whispered hitting the record button. 

"Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been posting videos lately... I've been busy" Hinata said rubbing her arm "anyway! I'm here with Naruto Uzumaki again!" she introduced "hey!" I smiled waving at the camera "Today we're singing "If I could tell her" from dear Evan Hansen! of course Naruto will be doing most of the singing though" she giggled.

we both took a deep breath an began to sing.

"alright! thank you Naruto for joining me" Hinata thanked "No problem" I said giving a thumbs up. I'm so cheesy....

"that's all we have today, Bai!!" she exclaimed waving "Bai!" I said also waving at the camera.

(what am I writing ;-;)

"great job guys!" Sakura said patting our backs. "thanks...Hina we need to talk" I said taking her hand. "um okay" she said nervously. I brought her to the roof so nobody would overhear us. "before you ask. I'm not breaking up with you" I chuckled "oh thank goodness I would've died" she sighed in relief.

"then what do you want to talk about?" she asked with a worried expression "well, I was told that, I'm going on tour..." I replied handing her to information papers. "for two years...? do tours even last that long?" she asked sadly "they do when your going through America..." I noted "a-are you really going to do it?" she asked looking up at me.

I could see her eyes gloss over with tears but refused to let them spill. "That's what I wanted to ask you" I said taking her hands "Of course I don't want you to leave! but I'd be selfish to make you stay! ...my questions is...do You want to do this?" she asked squeezing my hands. "I'd love the opportunity but...to leave everyone here....I really don't want to" I sighed.

"think hard about this. I can tell you nobody wants you to leave. but don't let that stand in the way of what you want okay? if you really want to leave, then do it. we can still face time and call..." she said hanging her head.

"Hey guys! what 'cha talkin bout?" Sakura asked popping out of no where. "Nothing!" I said grabbing the papers and stuffing them in my bag. "suspicious!" Sakura cried "UH! not suspicious!" I retorted. 

"pushing that aside~ dinners ready!" she chimed pulling us back inside. 

we ate dinner in silence as Sakura continued to attempt to talk to us. "what did you guys talk about!" Sakura yelled slamming her fork on the table "I've been trying to talk to you for thirty minutes! what on earth happened?" Sakura pleaded.

"I might leave on tour... for two years" I said shutting my eyes incase of a punch. "yOU wHaT?!" she screamed practically climbing on the table."Sakura calm down" Hinata said sadly "Hina? calm down? if anything you should be the one freaking out" Sakura stated "you think I'm not freaking out..?" Hinata said standing up from the table.

"I'm going to bed" she stated walking to her room.

"Naruto." Sakura said keeping her gaze out the window. "this might sound selfish but. don't leave. I know Hinata and she can't handle a long distance relationship, two years might not be as much as we think but Hinata wont be able to handle that time difference." Sakura said "Hinata's strong. don't underestimate her" I said "I'm not. I know she's strong but she can't keep that up for two years." she mumbled "please don't leave us" Sakura pleaded.

"I-I need to leave" I stuttered walking toward the elevator. 

this really is an opportunity I'll never get again...Hinata will be able to handle it...but I don't know If I will...


rushed? sorry! I hope you enjoyed! 


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