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Get readeh -3-

Claire's POV (ik shocking right)

I was waiting in front of the school waiting for Caleb to come. He wasn't late or anything I was just early...

In all honesty I do like Caleb. BUT! Im in love with Naruto! I think...

I dont know what I think! When I came here my father told me to start dating someone rich and famous so I first though of Naruto, my favorite actor and singer...I mean I might love Naruto and everything but I'm not sure if I love, love him....UGH WHATEVER!

"Hey!" Caleb greeted snapping me out of my thoughts "O-oh Hi! I was zoning out sorry" I said nervously "its fine i do that sometimes too~ are you ready for the football game?" He smiled. "Yeah!" I said happy.

Our school was  pretty popular now since Naruto came so now there's like twice the more people here than the last time we had a game. People probably think he's on the football team or some other club.

"I'll get some popcorn, can you find a good seat?" Caleb asked "oh, yeah" I smiled and ran toward the bleachers. I spotted Naruto and Hinata laughing with each other. I sighed thinking about how happy they must be. I should stop interfering with them... After all I want to quietly observe them and see what having friends is really like. I've only ever had one true friend but apparently she was only my friend for the money. it's funny how she faked for three years, she did it well too...

Anyway! let's get these sad thoughts out of my head. I spotted a beautiful Sakura tree with a  picnic table under it. yes it's winter so the cherry blossoms aren't there but, it still seems pretty to me.

"Hey. did you find a spot?" Caleb asked with a smiled "yup!" I said pointing to the tree "oh perfect! good job" He praised and walked over to it. I quickly caught up with him after blushing for like thirty seconds.

"Have you ever actually watched football?" Caleb asked "yup! have you?" I asked "heh no not really" He said scratching the back of his neck, "it's fine~ I've only seen it a couple times but I've stayed and watched it when I see it" I stated eating some popcorn.

Hinata's POV

I sat down at the top of the bleachers with Naruto by my side. "Hey Guys! we're gonna get some food so save our seats!" Sakura and Sasuke said as they headed for the snacks. "hey Tenten! where's neji?" I asked "snacks" she smiled sitting in front of us, "Ino come here!" Tenten said patting the seat next to her. Ino and Sai happily sat next to Tenten. "Hey Hina~" Ino said happily "Hai" I replied. Naruto looked at me suspiciously after I said that but quickly turned back to his normal self.

Maybe I should upload a video today...Eh I'll think about it later. "We're back!" Sakura yelled climbing up the bleachers while constantly hitting other peoples heads. Sasuke and Sakura finally got to the top and plopped next to us. "wow! you got a lot of snacks huh?" Naruto smirked "yep! Hina these are for you, and Naruto these are for you" Sakura said handing me and Naruto a popcorn each and then some chocolate.

"Shion! over here!" I waved grabbing Shion's attention. she waved back and sat next to us. "hey guys" she greeted happily "Hi, Hi!" Tenten said cheerfully "Hewwo!" Ino said stuffing her face with popcorn "Hey~" Sakura said sweetly. "so what should we do till the game starts?" I asked looking around for something interesting. "u-uh guys" I said with a smile "yeah?" Naruto asked "C-Claire and Caleb actually came together! and look their having so much fun together" I cooed watching the two laugh together.

"awe that's kawaii" Sakura beamed "yeah~ even though I still hate her she actually has a soft side" Ino said with a smile. "hm, I think she's actually enjoying herself!" Tenten stated "yeah it looks like it" I said. "what are they talking about though?" Shion asked, "I don't know...Hey. why aren't the boys saying anything?" I asked looking toward them. oh. the game started "you guys it started!" I said "O-oh!"

/after the game and back  in the Penthouse/

"Naruto~ I'll see you tomorrow" I said happily kissing his cheek "yeah! bye Hina!" He waved happily and then the elevator doors closed. I sighed happily and went to get changed.

"Hey Sakura can you set up the camera?" I asked "yup!" she said running through my room and into the closet/studio.

After I changed my clothes I put my mask on and sat on the stool I always sit at.

"Hi Everyone! I've recently gotten a lot of requests to have another duet with Naruto but on my channel since not everyone can come to the concerts. and yes I will try and ask him but if he says no I have no control over that. but anyway the song I'll be singing today is called Believer by Imagine dragons. I'm sure a lot of you know it but I'm singing it today!" I said proudly and started to sing

I smiled and gave a small wave then Sakura hit the off button. not my bed ending but I least I posted a video....I hope people like it...I've been getting some hate comments lately due to my interaction with Naruto things like 'I love you but your ruining Naruto's career' and other hurtful things... Anyway I should get some sleep.

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