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IM BACK! and I just posted a chapter for "I think I love her" so I hope you guys are excited~ anyway enjoy the chapter! might be a little rushed...

Hinata's POV

"quickly! into the supply closet!" I whisper sprinting into a the closet. "there's only uniforms in here what are we going to do with this?" Naruto asked "haven't you watched any crime shows" Sasuke inquired "you two turn around while me and Sakura get changed...AND NO PEAKING!" I said grabbing a guard uniform.

"are you two done yet" Sasuke whined "affirmative!" I chimed turning around. they both grabbed their uniforms and we turned our backs to them.

--five minutes later--

"it took us thirty seconds, the heck Is taking you two so long?" Sakura groaned "I can't get the shoes on" Naruto struggled. "Oh I got you!" I said turning around and putting his shoe on. "why does this remind me of Cinderella" Sasuke said dully.

"whatever! we need to hurry! the longer we wait the longer my moms necklace is in danger" I said "why is it in danger?" Naruto asked "my father wants to get rid of it for some reason. my best guess is that he knew the man that gave it to my mom and hated him or something like that." I stated creeping out the door. 

"okay, act like you belong here" I said standing up firmly and walking down the hall. "halt!" A body guard yelled. "who the heck says halt anymore?" I mumbled. we all turned around and saw a body guard with a gun in his pocket. THE HECK BREH.

"yes?" Sasuke said firmly. "are you the new unit sent to guard sir Toneri's necklace?" he asked "Yes, that's us" I replied. "great, follow me" he said guiding us into the elevator. well we didn't get to the security room but we're getting to the necklace!

"right down here" the body guard said as we followed him into a highly locked room. "I'll be locking this door once your inside. if anyone is to get through, you must deal with them." he said "will do" Naruto said.

after the body guard locked the outside doors we got started on cracking the safe. "ooh Hina this would look so great on you" Sakura cooed looking through a nearby magazine "Sakura I'm trying to crack a safe right now" I replied "right, right! keep working" she said "I wanna go home though" Sakura whined.

"and I want to go to the moon but that's not happening any time soon so just accept it" Naruto said trying to find a  way out with Sasuke.

"I got it!" I beamed grabbing the box inside. "how'd you do that so quickly?" Sasuke asked "lot's of practice" I shrugged.

"alright! we need to get out of here now" Sakura said unlocking the door. "what...we could do that the whole time?!" Naruto exclaimed "yup!" Sakura said pushing the doors. "we should hurry though! the security cameras have probably seen us by now and are sending people to come get us." Sasuke said running out the door.

"right!" I said following them out.

"oh no!" I heard Sasuke say "what's wrong?! who's hurt?" Naruto panicked "I think I just felt an emotion!" Sasuke said "you have got to be kidding me!" 

-five minutes later-

we were finally in the car but that's when they found us. "STEP ON IT HINA!" Naruto yelled as I started speeding past police cars. "IF WE GO TO JAIL IM BLAMING YOU!" I yelled making a sharp turn.

"your speeding!" Sasuke stated "I acknowledged the sign's recommendation" I noted "your going 30 miles over!" he yelled "WELL AREN'T YOU JUST A LITTLE RAY OF PITCH BLACK!" I yelled back.

"guys I'm panicking!" Sakura shouted "I don't care if your panicking! just do it quietly!" Naruto yelled "so rude!" I chuckled "GUYS! we have like five people chasing after us right now! what are we supposed to do?" Sasuke asked "actually it's more like eight" I noted "oh, sorry I wasn't specific enough!" he replied.

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