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Naruto's POV

I saw the post that Murasaki posted last night. She seems to have taken it really well....unlike me. I almost strangles Jiraiya.

"Naruto! Your girlfriend has arrived!!" Sakura screamed slaming the sliding door open, "Cheezitz! Sakura! Calm yourself child" Hinata yelled covering her mouth, "Hina!" I beamed "Hi!" She smiled running to my side. "You two are adorable~" Sakura squealed snapping pictures every second.

"Uh what's this?" A girl asked, "what?" I replied dumbfoundedly. I've never seen this girl before...

"Hi! My name is Claire! I'm new here and im a huge fan of yours!" Claire cooed pushing Hinata away and grabbing my arm, "oh uh thanks but i-" "So Naruto! I'm going to make you fall for me~" Claire said "excuse me! One: this is way to cliche! And two: Naruto belongs to Hina!" Sakura yelled pulling Claire away from me.

I looked over at Hinata who looked angry, well. Kind of. She was blushining while pouting. In my opinion it was adorable.

"Huh? No way! Naruto, the famous Naruto.Would  never date a commoner" Claire scoffed "and your not a commoner?" Hinata asked "nope! I'm the prestegeous daughter of the famous Rowland family! The second richest family in Japan" She bragged "and do you know what the first richest family in Japan is?" Sakura smirked "the Hyuga of course!" She replied.

"Claire. This is Hinata Hyuga" I said awkwardly, "huh? HUH?!?" Claire screamed "n-no! that doesn't matter! I'll still win your heart" she insisted.

"Hinata! Your going to be sorry!" Claire groaned stomping to her seat. "She hurt my feelings" Hinata whined "oh come on~ your tougher than that Hina!" Sakura cheered "yeah I know" she giggled.

"Either way she can't win my heart. All I want is you, ill wait all of the life if that's what it takes." I said cuddling Hinata. "Awwweee~ hina's blushing~" Sakura cooed.

"I cant believe Claire said "you'll be sorry." So Disney" Sakura laughed "oh yeeaah" I chuckled.

"Time to start class! take your seats!" The teacher announced.

/lazy author time skip. *casually sips mountain dew*/

"Lunch time!" Hinata cheered picking up a hamburger, "yay! Oh why what are you guys being for Halloween?" Sakura asked "Pokemon trainer!" Hinata said, "ninja" I replied, "ooh fancy~ im being a doctor" Sakura said as we walked to our large table. "Hai everyone!" Tenten greeted with Neji, Lee, Ino, Sai, Sasuke, Shion, and Choji following her. (More ppl that I thought ;-;)

"hey hey!" Hinata said pulling Shion into the seat next to her. "Darling~" Sakura cooed scooting closer the Sasuke.

"Tomorrows Halloween!!" Hinata squealed "yash! Im so excited" Ino said "I'm going trick or treating because I'm a child" Hinata giggled "I wanna go with you!" I said "Of coarse! Sasuke and Sakura are coming too" Hinata stated "yeah sorry. the rest of us are going to a party" Neji said, "I have a lot if parties I was invited to but I prefer being a kid with my girlfriend" I said happily.

"Hello! Naru honey~" Claire cooed hanging on my back, "Naru? Honey?" Tenten questioned "Claire. You better back off" Sakura warned, "yeah? And what if I don't?" Claire asked. I looked over to Hinata who was already cracking her knuckled and bringing out a bag of Lego's.

"NO! NOT THE LEGOS! DONT WASTE IT ON HER!" Sakura yelled getting the entire lunch rooms attention. "Are they dating?" Some of my fans asked "Yeah they are!" Ino confirmed "not for long~" Claire said trying to hide her fear of the Lego's.

"Yeah okay" Hinata sighed and walked toward Claire. I was expecting Hina to slap Claire or something bit instead she gently pushed Claire two feet away and sat on my lap.

Hinata was blushing madly which. Was adorable ~!

"Excuse me! you cant just take my man like that!" Claire screamed "he's not your man!" Hinata squeaked, "yeah! I'm Hina's" I smiled hugging Hinata while she continued to sit on my lap.

"Yeah so Claire, just move along" Sakura said pushing Claire back to her group of friends who were also my fans.

"are you guys going to keep cuddling?" Sasuke asked, "oh right" I chuckled letting go of Hinata, "Hina come back I'm lonely" Shion said, "kk" Hinata replied getting up from my lap.

/time skip to after school/

"Sakura! Come on! We have to do the thing" Hinata said nudging Sakura with her elbow, "oh Right. Yes um bye guys! Love you Darling" Sakura said kissing sasuke's cheek, "bye!" Sasuke replied. "Bye Naruto!" Hinata smiled giving my a quick hug. "bye, bye!" I said.

Hinata's POV

"Sakura hurry!! We have so much to do~ we have to get our costumes ready, record a Halloween special for Murasaki, flipping eat because I'm hungry girl, and then clean the house because its a flipping mess" I ranted running into the elevator.

"I know Hina! I'm trying!" Sakura said pressing the button for our penthouse. "Hurry, hurry, hurry" we said in unison.

"Finally!" We yelled running through the living room and up to the second floor where pretty much all of our Murasaki stuff is, well besides the studio. The studio is too secret to risk someone walking into it.

"Okay Hina! You get the costumes and the Murasaki clothes. I'll get the studio set up!" Sakura demanded running down the stairs. "On it!" I yelled rushing through the upstairs living room and into the hall closet.

"Mask, dress, skirt, shirt- HAT! Wheres my hat!" I panicked, I'm being Serena Yvonne from Pokemon XY and XY&Z. So the hat is needed. I will be wearing a wig because my hair is a purplish black while Serena's hair is dirty blonde.

(I'm being Serena Yvonne for Halloween but I dont need a wig -3-)

"Sakura! I've got everything I need!" I yelled running downstairs in Halloween leggings and a black tank top with a pumpkin on it.

"Okay! Sit on the stool" she yelled from the studio. I ran into the studio, fixed up my hair and sat on the stool.

"Okay start!" Sakura said not letting me get prepared.

"H-hey everyone! Halloween is tomorrow! I'm so excited! Comment down below what your being for halloween! Anyway I'm going to be singing this is halloween so uh I'm just going to start" I said closing my eyes.

(Bcuz I'm lazy)

"So thats all for today! Thanks for watching and happy Halloween!" I smiled and then Sakura pressed the off button.

"Good job! I'm going to upload this and then go to bed, we can clean tomorrow" Sakura yawned "okay I'm heading to sleep" I replied "k night" she said "goodnight" I said and walked out of the studio, into My bedroom and jumped onto my bed.

I was way to tired so I just went to bed.


AYE PPL! I know its Halloween but I'm going to be uploading a Halloween special soon. It might be tomorrow because Im super busy today. Obvious I'm going trick or treating bcuz I'm a child XD I'm only 12 tho. also there will be a halloween special for college complications but thats going to be delayed a bit..Anyway


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