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So I need glasses :D greeaat. I don't need them on all the time tho...but still 160$ XD

Hinata's POV

I can't believe I'm actually Naruto's girlfriend! I could've sworn that he liked Murasaki.... EITHER WAY HE CHOSE ME!! If makes me so happy~

"Hina you okay? Your really red" Sakura said "y-yeah just thinking about stuff" I mumbled "Naruto?" She hummed "yeah" I sighed "knew it! You guys are just adorable~" she cooed "its only been a day" I giggled "yeah but you guys were cute before" she stated walking into the school building. "Oh yeah? And what about you and Saduke huh." I smirked "I have been summoned?" Sasuke said poking his head out of the classroom "Darling!" Sakura chimed running into his arms, "good morning" Sasuke smiled "morning" Sakura said happily.

"See you guys are so cute!" I squealed "Morning Hina!" Naruto smiled patting my head "morning!" I blushed.

"So does anyone wanna do somethibg today? We've got nothing planned and its gonna be super boring" Sakura whined taking her seat, literally she picked up her seat and left, "Wait! Wherr are you going?!" I laughed "to Narnia!" She said walking down the hallway with her chair.


"Is she?..."
"Its normal...its okay"

"She litterally threw her pillow out the window because a girl yelled that she was tired..." I said as we all watched her charge through the hallway.

"Oh Hina? I heard you! And dont forget about that time you bought 100 bath bombs and put them into a public fountain then got in!" Sakura laughed "oh yeeeaah!!" I laughed "I cant believe you did that" Naruto chuckled. "Why would you even...why?" Sasuke said looking like he was contemplating humanity its self.

"Sakura come back here!" A teacher yelled chasing her around the corner, "were never gonna see her again..." I said "yep..." Sasuke agreed. "Why'd she run with a chair anyway?" Naruto asked as we walked back into the classroom, "not sure this time..." I said pondering.

"Okay class! I eh wheres ms. Haruno?" The teacher asked, "she ran down the hallways with a chair" I said casually, "...I see...so um let's start the lesson."

/after school bcuz I'm not gonna talk about algebra todah :D/

"So what should we do?" I asked as we all walked to the penthouse "well its a little late now..." Sakura said checking her phone, "that's because you had detention and we are your best friends so we waited for You..." I sighed "yeah, thanks guys" she said rubbing the back of her neck.

"and actually we arent all her best friends...Sasuke is her boyfriend so..." Naruto smirked, "ooh your right" I said, "yeah! He's the only one I love" Sakura chimed hugging Sasuke's arm. Sasuke smiled and held her hand. KAWAII!!!

"Naruto maybe we should leave these two alone at the penthouse~ THEN THEY GET TO MAKE US CUPCAKES BYE GUYS!" I yelled running the other direction with Naruto by my side.

"They wont make those cupcakes will they?" Naruto asked as we stopped at a near by park, "no way. But at least they can have some girlfriend and boyfriend bonding time" I said plopping onto a park bench.

"And so do we" Naruto smiled wrapping his arm around me, "yep!" I said snuggling next to him.

(Trying to make it kawaii .-. idk tho...)

"Hey...i have a plan" Naruto said "a good plan?" I asked "i have a plan" he said "you wanna go do weird stuff in walmart?" Naruto asked "noo walmart is already weird enough....lets go to kroger" I said "okay sounds good" he chuckled as we got up from the bench.

"We're acting way to casual when we're about to do some weirness in the middle of Kroger" I giggled "yeah but that's okay" Naruto chuckled.

/at Kroger -3-/

"Okay!" Naruto said taking a cart "what now?" I asked "climb in" he said "climb in?" I asked "yeah, uh hold on...Oh hey Tenten's here.. tenten!" Naruto yelled catching Tenten's attention, "I want you to push this when we get in position. "Okay! But a hi would be nice" she poured "Hi Ten ten!" I smiled "hello" she replied happily.

Naruto climbed into the cart and then told me to climb in as well, "are you sure?" I asked taking his hand, "of coarse! Im also sure we're gonna get kicked out of this place" he said putting his hands on my waist...

"Is this...is this the titanic pose?" I laughed "yep!" He said "im gonna start pushing the cart now!" Ten ten warned "alright!" Naruto said.

We basically just kept in the same position while Tenten moved the cart around the store.

"We should head home now huh?" I said watching the sun set from the parking lot, "yeah probably" Tenten said "well it was fun doing this with you guys! Bye!" Ten ten said walking to her car "Bye!" We yelled.

"we have to walk all the way home" I frowned "its okay I got this" Naruto smirked pulling his phone out.

"Yes hello?"
"Yeah we're at Kroger"

Naruto hung up and looked at me, "i called a limo" he smiled "a limo? You couldn't call a taxi?" I giggled "well a limo makes it cooler" he stated "okay whatever you say" I smiled.

We waited for the link for about five minutes until he finally came. "Ladies first!" Naruto said opening the door for me, "thank you" I chimed climing into the leather seats...these must really suck in the summer.

/at the penthouse/

Naruto dropped me off about ten minutes ago and now I'm eating cereal in my kitchen...at night...alone...

I sighed and decided that posting something on social media might clear up the whole me and Naruto doing a duet on Saturday thing.

'Hai everyone! I just want to say that I didn't forget to tell everyone that me and Naruto are doing a duet, the fact is, I didn't know myself! Although I would have no problem doing a duet with him, I would like to know next time ;3'

I hit the post button and decided now would be a pretty good time to go to sleep. I placed my bowl in the sink and walked to my room.

I clothed the door behind me and stared out my large windows in front of my bed (remember her room from the scenery chapter)

I fell into my bed and just looked at the city lights and stars out the window. I sighed one last time and fell asleep


Hewwo readers :D this chapter was kind if just a random chapter. Maybe a little cringy but idk. Anyway,


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