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Naruto's POV

I was walking around in the Penthouse trying to scare Hinata a little bit but she wasn't coming out of her room so I started looking around.

I went to the top floor and found a pink dress that seemed familiar but I can't tell from where, its probably Sakura's though. There was another dress with this one was purple and it looked like it was the dress Murasaki wore during our duet.... I'll have to ask later.

I heard some singing. This sounded like Murasaki. Maybe she's here. Obviously Hinata and her have some connection because she was at the party with us, actually I can't remember Hinata being at the party....

"Hello?" I heard from Down the stairs. That must be Hinata. Or Murasaki...they sound orly fimiliar and I feel like I'm being judged for being dense.....

"Hinata!" I said walking down the stairs "oh Naruto! I really need to get some security in this place. What are you doing here?" She questioned "well, I heard your head was still hurting so I wanted to keep you company" I smillaughed,alright.. Is there anything you want to eat?" She asked, awe man! That's my line. i walked up behind her and picked her up. "What are you d-doing" she stuttered, "you get to lay here while I get you food" I sated putting her gently on the couch, "now what do you want?" I asked with a goofy grin, "um mountain Dew and twizzlers" she said hiding her face under the covers. Cute~

"Coming right up!" I chimed and marched into the kitchen. So if Murasaki isn't here she must have just been watching a video...although the song I heard wasnt on YouTube...

I was searching through the cabinets when something fell off the counter. "a Pokemon?" I mumbled picking up a sylveon plushie, "hm, watch out Hinata, you might be awesome but... I'm gonna be the very best" I whispered. i heard loud screaming and squealing from the living room, I walked in and saw Hinata jumping on the couch, I looked at the TV and saw the words "Voltron season 4 coming soon" no wonder she was so excited.

I Grabbed the food and drinks and make my way back to the living room. "I'm back with refreshments!" I said happily. I handed her the mountain dew and twizzlers then set my drink and popcorn on the side table. "Can you move your legs for a moment?" I asked, she moved her legs from the couch and to the floor. "Thank you" I said and sat down to get comfortable. "You can put your feet back now" I said. She moved her legs back onto my lap and snuggled into her blanket. "What should we watch?" I asked "do not laugh!" She chimed "yeah! Let's do it" I yelled.

3 hours lateh

(guys I'm going 500mph RN... Meme per hour -3- nah I hate myself sowwy)

"Aha ah! Good post! Well meme'd my friend" Hinata laughed "what?!" I laughed.

"Hey guys I'm back!" Sakura yelled walking in with Sasuke, "hey" I greeted "Sakura there's a thing in the closet" Hinata said with a wink, "wha?" Sakura said dumbfounded "there's a video is the closet" Hinata sighed. Video?

"Oh!! Okay I'll be right back guys" Sakura said and ran into Hinata's room. A few seconds later I get a notifacation saying that Murasaki uploaded a video. Intrestsing.

"Hey guys! Murasaki uploaded a new video! Let's watch it. Kinda weird that Sakura just went to upload a video or something" I said "dang she's fast" Hinata mumbled "what?" "U-oh nothing"

"oh no an add" I groaned.


I found my first love when I was jumping off the docks on a beach wearing a blue dress. Subaru

:commercial over:

"W-what did I just watch" Hinata asked with a frightened look "I-i don't know" I answered while Sasuke laughed his butt of in the chair.

"Hey guys I'm back i- sasuke what's wrong?" Sakura giggled "I'm fine" Sasuke responded calming down. "We were just about to watch the new Murasaki video" I said eyeing Her, "are we sure we want to watch it now?" She asked "yes? No? What is life anymore" I panicked, what am I doing -.-

"Let's just watch some funny videos" Hinata suggested "okay sounds good" we all agreed and watched funny videos for a while.

Sasuke and Sakura decided to tease us and sit in the same position as us so we stole all the snacks so...we won.

/two hours later/

"Okay. I'm heading home now" Sasuke said grabbing his coat, "im his ride so I'll be back soon" Sakura said "okay see ya" Hinata said scrolling through her phone, I kept hearing the notification sound so I got curious. I looked over her shoulder and saw her checking YouTube comments? On A Murasaki video no less. Its the new one I haven't watched yet.

"I'm gonna use your bathroom real quick" I said walking down the hallway. I closed the bathroom door and pulled out my headphones. I scrolled through my YouTube until I found the new Murasaki video.

The song was the same one I heard when I was upstairs...now is the perfect time to ask her. its just us and I'm pretty sure she trusts me so...if she's hiding something then she wouldn't lie right?

I walked back into the living room and sat next to her. "hey Hina, can we talk for a second?" I asked, "yeah sure. What's up?" She asked shutting her phone off. "Well earlier when I was in your house. I heard some singing and I just watched the new Murasaki video and... It was the Sam song. And!! I saw Murasaki's dress upstairs!" I said taking her back a bit, "I um, she left it here when she came to drop off her video....because I upload her videos so people can't track them" she said sounding a little urgent, "...are you sure?" I asked softly "of coarse! Its not like I'M Murasaki or anything. I can't sing" she said with a small laugh "but you play instruments amazingly" I said with a smirk "well thanks" she said proudly.

I'm still suspicious though...


Hello ppl!!!


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