18 Birthday Special

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Happy birthday Naurto!! And happy birthday luckystar124!! Thanks for being an amazing reader and writing amazing stories!
Naruto's POV

"Hey happy birthday buddy!" Sasuke said patting my back, "thanks" I mumbled. Right now the guys are hanging around at my house making a party for me, I don't really care for a party, being with Hinata would be enough for me. THATS RIGHT I WONT DENY IT!

Yeah I'm pretty in love with her....but I have no idea how she feels, maybe I should tell her... eh later.

"Hey guys Why are there so many streemers?" I asked, "because! it's cool" Lee Shouted from the living room. Then I heard a loud thump, "Hey Lee! you okay?" I asked, "yeah I just dropped my shirt!" He yelled, "that sounded louder than a shirt!" I stated, "yeah I was in the shirt" he replied. well then.

"Hey Naruto! What do you want to do for your birthday anyway?" Sasuke asked, before I could answer the doorbell ringed so like any normal person, I slid down the hallways in my fluffy socks and collapsed in front of the door.

"Hello?" I said opening the Door. Just like expected. Tons if paparazzi and fans. I don't hate them or anything I just... They don't really know me and they stand on my front lawn all day without my permission -.-

I slowly closed the door while smiling but the interviewers or whatever just kept on asking questions like "are you and Murasaki dating?" Or "Who are you spending your birthday with?" And I really don't want to answer these questions right now.

"Who was that?" Neji asked, "just fans and paparazzi" I sighed "poor guy" Sai said patting my back, "I hope Tenten and the girls get here soon" Neji said putting a large speaker beside the TV, "oh but if they pull up they'll get mobbed by People!" I said worriedly, "oh don't worry" Sasuke said.

"Hey guys!" Hinata said walking in through my back door, "huh? H-how'd you get in?" I asked seeing no car in the front. "Well I asked the lady who lives behind you if I could jump over her fence to get to your house and she said yes so. I climbed over you fence" Hinata shrugged, "um okay? But where are the others?" I asked "oh they had some buinsess to do real quick.....Um Ino didnt put on good shoes or something?" Hinata said, "alright then, I hope the get here safely" I said "you seem different today? What's wrong?" Hinata asked. Wow she's the only person who noticed...

"Oh yeah, I've never had anyone celebrate my birthday before so its a bit new" I smiled "really?!? Well I'm going to make this birthday amazing for you!" Hinata smiled grabbing my hands, "oooo! You go guys! Being adorable together!" Lee cheered, Hinata immediently let go of my hands and stood there awkwardly. "Oh look you embarrassed then?" Choji whined, "o-okay I'm going to um, grab your gift from the backyard" Hinata said "why is it in the backyard?" I asked "hehe, well its a bit big so I didnt want you to see it. Just stay here okay" Hinata said and ran to the back.

"Its still morning, what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" Sasuke asked, "um maybe just hang out with everyone" I suggested, "sounds good!" Sasuke replied and went to the living room, "okay everyone! big decorations canceled! Just chilling today!" Sasuke yelled, "alright" Said yelled from the kitchen, "I'm just going to hang out in my room for a bit" I said, "okay we'll call you when the girls get here" Lee said sliding across the floor.

I went up to my room and closed my door. I'm really happy that they are doing this for me but its a bit weird...I never really thought of my birthday as a very important date, I don't hate it but I guess I never really cared.

"Hello? Can I come in?" Hinata asked while knocking at the door, "um yeah!" I said. She walked in and sat next to me on my bed, "so. Are you excited?" She asked, "I guess. I mean hanging out with you- Uh everyone is good for me" I said totally saving myself from rejection, "yeah, I'd like to hang out with my friends for my birthday as well, but I don't know how much I care about my birthday" she smiled, "just Like me" I chuckled.

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