31 christmas eve special

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Naruto's POV

I yawned as I got changed into my regular clothes. I was a bit confused for a second because I forgot I slept at the penthouse...

"Naruto I'm coming in" Sasuke said carelessly entering the room. "You couldve knocked you know" I whined "nah" he replied falling into a chair. "So its christmas eve. You just got here this year so....you dont know what Sakura does huh" Sasuke cringed "why? What does she do?" I asked "she kind of....um...how do I put this....she goes flipping crazy with putting mistletoe over people she ships" Sasuke sighed "oh. I see....isnt that a little stalker ish?" I said "yeah probably but its kinda fun. Wanna join us?" Sasuke asked "yeah sure! Lef me get dressed" I said walking into thw guest bathroom with some clothes I brought over.

"Okay hurry!" Sasuke said walking out of the room.

I quickly slipped into a place black shirt, an orange coat, regular black pants, and Some orange converse.

"ready!" I stated walking into the living room to see Hinata watching our an high school host club

"hey hina you ready?" I asked "Hikaru just tell haruhi how you feel!!" Hinata whined "I thought you wanted Tamaki and Haruhi to get together?" I said "I do!! I don't know what I'm shipping anymore" she sighed putting a pillow over here face.

"Its okay Hina! We're about to do some shipping ourselves!" Sakura announced walking down the stairs while sasuke followed close behind with a bag full of mistltoes....we really only need one but whatever.

"Do we really need that many?" Hinata asked "of course!" Sakura replied "okay then! Lets do this!!!" Hinata yelled while her and Sakura ran into the elevator screaming.

{Out and about in le town >:3}

"Look! I cute couple!" Sakura whisper yelled pointing at some slightly younger students "Yaha! Let's do it" Hinata cheered as her and Sakura creeped closer to them.

"Maybe we shouldn't. They look...nervous" I stated watching as the boy tried to act cool around the girl. "Oh come on! One of them has to make a move~" Sakura said as she ran across the street with Hinata.

"Lets follow them" I sighed as me and Sasuke crossed the street.

Sakura's POV

"wait! Put this on!" I whispered to Hinata as I gave her a purple santa hat while I had a pink one. "Wha- wait. Where did you get these?" She asked "uh. Narnia? Just put the mistletoe above them!" I whisper yelled "oki chill child" Hinata replied taping the mistletoe onto a stick. "Here it goes!" She muttered hovering the mistletoe over the couples heads.

"They look scared" Sasuks stated coming up behind me "I bet the girl will kiss first" Naruto betted "no! I think the boy will kiss her first!" Hinata protested. "10 bucks!" Naruto smirked "20" Hinata grinned.

"Stop gambling and look at the ship" I stated.

The boy and girl looked at each other nervously while glancing at the mistletoe every now and then. Then finally after like 3 minutes the boy kissed the girl first! Of course right after that she fainted and the boy started freaking out....reminds me of Hina back in elementary school.

"YAH! I WON!" Hinata cheered taking the 20 dollars from Naruto "onto the next victim!" I chimed skipping down the street.

"Oh! Ino and sai! Lets do it!" Hinata cooed grabbing a mistletoe and tapping it to the sams stick as before because we dropped the first mistletoe.

"Carefully now" I warned "dont fret mother~ i got this" Hinata giggled as the mistletoe was now above Ino and Sai's heads. "KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE!" Tenten yelled from down the street.

hearing this, Ino and Sai shrugged and kissed almost immediately!! "arent they dating now?" Sasuke asked "I actually have no idea" Naruto sighed

"Okay we'll find one more victim and then we should go home and make more cookies~" I noted. Everyone nodded and then all our eyes landed on Claire and Caleb walking into a starbucks.

"Purrfect!" Hinata purred as we snuck into starbucks behind them. Along with a blushing Naruto because he flipping loves his girlfriend and I love this ship.

"two hot chocolates please" Claire said politely. Then when they got their drinks then went and sat at a small table in the corner.

And of  course we followed them.

"We cant use the stick in here...we'll have to act differently this time..." Hinata stated "how about we dress up as a machanic and pretend to do something with the vent above them" Sasuke suggested "Good Idea! But where are we gonna get a machanic costume" I asked "eh. just got and get one from the closet" Hinata said walking up to the regester

We curiously followed her.

"Can I see Neji please?" She said. The cashier nodded and went behind back. This is starbucks not an office....

"Hey Hina. what do you need?" Neji asked "we need a machnic outfit" Naruto said "okay follow me" Neji replied and we followed him to the back of the store.

"Hey neji do you work here?" I asked "yep" he replied casually. Well, nice talk man.

"Here you go" neji said handing us a musty machanic suit. "Naruto you wear it" I said bluntly "what why me?!" He asked "because! Your an actor! you can look good in anything" I stated "fine" he groaned and walked into the bathrooms to change.

{Five minutes lateh}

"What took you so long?" Sasuke askex "I didn't know how to put it on..." Naruto sighed "its okay! But take this and hang it on the vent" Hinata said handing him a mistletoe.

"Okay! On it!" He replied as we followed him out to the seating area.

"Hey sorry for this I just need to hang something" Naruto said deepening his voice a bit. "Is that you Naruto?" Caleb asked "uh no?" Naruto replied "k" Caleb shrugged and continued to drink his hot chocolate. Real smooth Naruto.

"Okay. Done." Naruto said and quickly walked back to us. "Did you get it?" I asked "yeah" he stated as we all watched them closely.

{Ten minutes later}

"They haveng noticed.... And they are still drinking hot chocolate. But at least their having a nice time together~" Hinata cooed.

"Oh! Claire looked up!" Sasuke whisper yelled "oh!" We all said in unison.

"U-um" Claire stuttered and continued to look at the mistletoe. "What is it?" Caleb asked and then looked up at the mistletoe as well.

"Well. It cant be helped" Caleb smiled taking Claires hands. Claire looked back at Caleb and was shocked that he had kissed her!!

"W-wha I-I" Claire couldnt finish her sentences and started covering her red face with her hands. "Awe haha Calire your adorable!" Caleb beamed admiring Her.

"AWWEEE" We all screamed getting the attention of everyone.

"My job here is done" Tenten said coming out of nowhere "but you didng do anything" Naruto stated. Tenten said nothing then flipped her hair and walked out smiling.

"We should head home" Hinata smiled "right" I agreed coming out from hiding. "Well that was eventful" Naruto laughed "you shouldve seen last year! Sakura even climbed up fire escapes just to make people kiss" Hinata sighed holding hands with Naruto.

"Sasuke look at them being all cute and all" I said admiring Naruto and Hinata. "yeah. But we can be cute too you know" Sasuke smirked.

Hinata's POV

"But we can be cute too you know" I heard Sasuke say which sparked my attention making me turn and look at them.

Sasuke was holding a mistletoe above Sakura's head and they were kissing!!!!

I started squealing and fangirling.
of course me and Naruto tool plenty of pictures of that moment because it was our ship being adorable!!


HAI! ITZ CHRISTMAS EVE! Or at least it is for me~ now I gotta write another chapter for tomorrow!


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