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Hinata's POV

My eyes fluttered open drowsily looking at the ceiling, but something was off, it felt like someone was on me. I turned my head and almost died. Naruto is cuddling me, dear lord please save me. "N-N-Naruto" I said with a face mixed of worry, embarrassment and nervousness. he stirred a bit and opened his eyes, "hm?" he said unknowingly, "c-c-can y-you let m-me go" I said blushing like a maniac, he looked down with a confused look and saw his arms wrapped around my waist, "o-oh sorry" he said, great. now we were both blushing.

I got up from the couch and saw Sakura sleeping on the floor with a huge blanket and some pillows. I sighed and walked to the kitchen after I changed into my uniform. "what are you doing?" Naruto asked walking in, "o-oh just making breakfast, bacon and pancakes" I said after calming down a bit, he nodded and walked back into the living room.

after some time later I set the platter of bacon and pancakes on the table and called for Naruto and Sakura, Naruto came in a matter of 1.5 seconds while Sakura was yet to show up. "she's still asleep" Naruto stated while following me into the living room, I smirked and walked over to her. without a second thought I ripped the blanket off of her and sat on her. "oh~ come on hina... your too light to crush me" she whined "whatever!" I yelled embarrassed by the statement, "breakfast is ready" I mumbled and got off of her. 

as we ate I realized only me and Naruto were dressed, "Sakura you might want to get dressed, we'll be late if we don't leave in five minutes" I said taking the dishes to the sink and grabbing everything I need for school. "alright! but you two better wait for me!" she yelled running around the penthouse, "don't forget the thing tonight Hina!" Sakura yelled, My eyes widened as I realized what she was talking about. Murasaki is supposed to be doing a concert at the park in the middle of town. I ran into my room and grabbed my mask stuffing it into my bag.

I ran out the door with Sakura following behind and Naruto about a foot ahead of us. "Naruto wait up!" I yelled catching up to him as we stopped running. "are you guys ready for the Murasaki concert tonight?" Naruto asked happily, "oh.. uh actually we're pretty busy tonight" Sakura said while I panicked in the corner, "awe, really? what are you doing?" Naruto asked with some disappointment in his voice, "We need to get ready for.... A PARTY!" Sakura yelled while I pace palmed myself. I brought out my phone and tapped on the text button for Sakura.

'that's the best thing you could come up with?'


I sighed and put my phone back in my bag while glaring at Sakura, "A party? That sounds fun! when is it?" Naruto asked, "Saturdaaaay" I said trying to hide the fact that I'm lying, "oh cool, I'll be there" he said as we entered the classroom, "crap. now we have to plan an actually party" I whispered to Sakura with a groan.

I sat down at my seat with Naruto behind me and Sakura next to me. "well. I'll be printing invites for the party during free time, want to come with?" Sakura asked us, we both nodded and continued to talk about the party and how it would be at the penthouse instead of one of our two houses. "okay class! today we'll be switching our schedule around, sorry we didn't tell anyone before hand, so everyone go to their fourth block and then third block and- well you get the idea" the teacher announced and everyone exited the classroom. "wanna walk to gym together?" I asked, "yeah!" Sakura said and Naruto nodded happily.

when we got there we all went into our designated locker rooms and changed into our gym uniforms. "hey Sakura what do you think we're doing today?" I asked as we stretched, "I don't know, maybe soccer" she said almost tripping over, "are you okay?" I asked trying my best not to laugh, "y-yeah I'm fine" she said trying to act cool, I turned to where she was staring and saw the captain of the soccer team stretching with Naruto, "you've fallen hard my friend" I sighed while she tried her best to look...cool? she failed by falling on her bum though.

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