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Naruto's POV

Yep. Its gotta be her. They sound the exact same and now that I think about it they even look alike!! I keep trying to pay attention to the teacher but I end up  thinking about how Hinata has to be Murasaki! I guesd it was pretty obvious...

Why isnt Hina here today anyway?

Hinata's POV

I sighed as my sister clutched my hand tightly. We were waiting for nurses to come and tell us that we could go in and see our mother. But its been a while...

You see me and my sister were pretty close to our mom while our dad...not so much. Anyway shes in the hospital because she's sick and...even with all the money we put into her medicine...its not working for her.

Our mother is so excepting and understanding! I trust her so much but, I could never tell her about me being Murasaki...it doesnt feel right.

"You can come in now" a nurse said with a look of pity painted on her face. Hinabi tightened her grip on my hand as we stood up and followed the nurse. "Its okay" I whispered as the nurse slid the door open.

Hinabi let out a small gasp while I kept a straight face, even though I'm seriously worried...

"H-Hi Mom" Hinabi said dropping my hand and sitting beside our mother. "Hello girls" she smiled weakly, I bit my lip while trying to smile with her. 

"I have some things I would like you to have." she said grabbing a small box that wad laying beside her. "Hinabi, I want you to have this charm bracelet, yes it may be sort of cringy for you but it was given to me by my mother and I want to pass it on" she smiled, Hinabi started to tear up slightly while staring at the charm braclet. I could tell she was happy with it...

"Hina, I want you to have this necklace" she paused taking a necklace off her neck. "This was given to me by my very first love" she smiled down at the necklace "you see, your father always thought it was just a plain necklace but, it holds more memories for me then I ever made with your father" she stated handing it to me. "B-but why dont you keep it if you love it so much?" I asked worrying that she would miss it. "Ah well I noticed that you have a boyfriend and I can tell that you two will be together for a very long time" she giggled ending in a cough.

"ladies I'm afraid you need to leave. We have to do tests now" a nurse said shyly. Me and hinabi nodded and said goodbye to our mom. Of course our dad never showed up. Like he cares.

Me and Hinabi sighef as we got into my car. "Hey Hina?" She asked "yeah?" I replied "can you make a video about mom on your channel?" she asked making me slam on the breaks. "H-how do you know about that?" I asked frantically. "Oh come on you act like I dont know what my own sister looks like" she laughed. "Well cheezitz!" I groaned "but can you?" She askef getting back to the topic.

"Yeah. Yeah I will" I smiled.


I walked through the school being late if course. I got a late pass because I went to see my mom, oddly enough we barely see her...

I slid the door of my classroom open making the classes attention land on me. I blushed slightly in embarrassment and gave the note to the teacher.

She nodded and signaled me to my seat. I slowly walked down the isle to my seat. I glanced at Naruto but quickly looked down at my lap. He looks suspisous!

{After class. At lunch}

"HINA!!!!" Sakura yelled running up to me. "HINA!" She screamed again stopping in front of me and catching her breath. "Whats up?" I asked climbing the Sakura tree that we usually sit at. Although we haven't sat here in a while...ANYWAY

"Where were you girl?" She asked sitting on the bench. "I was at the place" I said getting comfortable on a branch. "Oh" Sakura sighed. Shes actually my only friend that knows about my mother. I should probably tell Naruto but...maybe now isnt the best them. I kept thinking while twisting the necklace my mother gave me.

"Hina?" A fimiliary voice asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "Naruto!" I beamed "Hey" he said awkwardly. "Is everything okay?" Sakura asked. "Yeah well...I kind of figured something out" he said avoiding eye contact.

"Figured what out?" I asked fearing that he knew. "Well I know that your Murasaki" he said squeezing his eyes shut. "Oh well crap!" I said throwing my hands up. "Oh come on man we worked so hard!" Sakura groaned. "You took that better than I thought" Naruto said surprised.

"Okay hold up! How'd you figure it out?" I whined "um well when you uploaded the video I noticed that you sang the same way as Murasaki and I kind of just added it together. "He replied.

"Alright" I sighed. I jumped down from the tree and smiled at him. "Now we don't have any secrets" I stated, "yeah" he replied giving me a quick hug. "Well that was simple" Sasuke sighed coming from behind the tree. "OH MAH GAWD SASUKE WHAT THE FLIPPITY FLOPPITY ARE YOU DOING SIR" Sakura yelled freaking out. "What do you mean?" I asked "Everyone just learned out secret" Sakura whined "not everyone. Just me and Sasuke" Naruto smirked "that's too many" sakura said plopping onto the bench.

"But in all reality Hina, you took that incredibly well" Sakurs stated coming to her senses. "Well I was planning on telling him sooner or later...so i guesd this was a good thing" I shrugged.

"Fair enough! But Sasuke! What are you doing here?" sakura asked "hm, just felt like it" he replied "well nose you know your daughters secret" Sakura teased "daughter? Not again!" Sasuke yelled running away "NAWT DIS TIME SASUKE!! YOU CANT ABANDON THIS FAMILY AGAIN!!" Sakura said chasing after him "YEAH COME BACK FATHEH" I laughed running behind Sakura.

Naruto's POV

Wow I was right! And she took it super well! But the whole time iknew someone was watching us...TIME TO INVESTIGATE!!

I quickly scanned the area and my eyes landed on white hair. I ran over to the culprit and bruitily slapped their face. "I KNEW IT WAS YOU!" I yelled at Toneri. "You" Toner I sneered. "Yeah me. What about it? I wanna know why you were spying on us" I stated harshly "is it so bad to know what my future wife is doing" Toneri groaned rubbing the spot where I hit him.

"Wife?? Haha yeah no." I said "well I signed a contract with her father. So you cant do anything about it" he smirked "watch me" I growled and walked away.

Little did I know what was going to happen next.

Hmm this chapter seems really badly done but SORRY I TOOK SO LONG!!


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