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Hinata's POV

I sighed as I plopped onto my bed.

'Hey Hinabi' I texted

'Hey sis!'

'Hows dad?'

'Bossy as ever. Hes talking about some sort of marriage or whatever with Toneri'

'Huh. Hes marrying Toneri? Im not judging but Isn't that like...pedophile??'

'HUH?!! No.no Hina hes marrying you off to Toneri'


I frantically dialed my fathers number and put it up to my ear.


"Father. What. Did. You. Do. With. toneri"

"I signed a paper for you and Toneri to marry when you get out of highschool. So in around 5 months"

"Why on earth would you do that when you KNOW That I'm dating Naruto!"

"Because Toneri has money and good business deals, plus its not like you have any day in it"

"Hiashi I-" the line went dead.

"OH NO HE DIDNT!" I screamed, "Hina?! You okay??" Sakura asked from the other room "nope!" I replied covering my face with a pillow.

"Hinata what's wrong?" Sakura asked sitting on a chair in my room. "My dad signed a contract with Toneri! He's making me and Toneri get married after highschool!!" I yelled annoyed "WHAAAT?!!!! HE CAN FIGHT ME!" Sakura screamed cracking her knuckles. "Sakura. Can you call Naruto?" I asked through the pillow. "Yeah of course!" She replied and scurried to the phone.

{Ten minutes later}

"HINAA!!! TONERI GONNA LEARN TODAH!" Naruto yelled running into my room. "kill me" I mumbled numbly, "never~ dont worry I'll fix this" Naruto said determined. "Really?' I whined finally lifting my head from the pillow, "promise!" Naruto smiled patting my head.

"Oo ooh thats a nice ship" Sakura cooed snapping pictures of us from different angles.

"Gah! Sakura!!" I whined covering my blushing face. "Hey Hina?" Naruto asked "yeah?" I questioned as my face cooled down. "How about we do a duet and then we'll be cooled down so we can slap Toneri out if Japan." Naruto said "duet?Hm okie! People have been asking us to anyway" I shrugged.

"Follow me~" Sakura chimed sliding my closet door open. "Why are we going in your closet?" Naruto asked walking past my clothes. "Okay here we go" Sakura mumbled pushing the studio door open. "Huh. HUH!! this is so cool!!!" Naruto yelled in awe. "Thanks! I designed it myself" I smirked.

"Wow! Your so talented Hina!" Naruto praised hugging my head. Hugging. My. Head. Okay?

"Okay back to the duet!!" Sakura said getting out another stool and setting up the camera. "Right" we said as I out my mask on.

"What song should we sing?" Naruto asked Adjusting in his seat. "Hmm....somebody to you?" I suggested "Alright I know that one!" Naruto said readying his voice.

I plopped onto the stool and looked at the camera while Sakura counted down until she would press record.

"Hey everyone! Ive gotten Naruto to do a duet with me like you guys wanted. Well actually he asked me" I ssid nudging his elbow. "Hey everyone!" Naruto beamed with a smile. "today well be singing "somebody to you" by The Vamps" I said clearing my voice and started singing

"Yaha! That sounded great!" Naruto said giving me a side hug "yeah it did!" I exclaimed beaming at the camera. "Oh and as promised the fact about  me....hm.. Oh! some people havw asked me this and yes I did have a boyfriend. But thats all for today!" I announced "Baaiii!!" Me and Naruto said into the camera as Sakura stopped recording.

"Great job you guys!" Sakura cooed plugging the camera into the computer. "Okay I'll upload it in the morning but Naruto should be getting home" Sakura stated checking the time "awe. I guess your right" I said sadly "its okay hina! Ill be back tomorrow! after school of course! And hey its almost christmas!!" Naruto cheered "your right!! I have to buy presents" I stressed and started listing gift ideas. "I'll see you tomorrow then" Naruto said kissing my for head "bye Sakura" He waved and walked out the door.

"Sakura!! I forgot about the whole marriage thing!!" I cried "ME TOO!" She cried back "omg omg omg CHILL!" Sakura screamed "CHILL?? I only wanna marry Naruto how do I chill?!!" I screeched "THATS SUPER CUTE BUT STILL YOU NEED TO CHILL MY CHILD!" Sakura screamed "ME CHILL?? WE'RE BOTH SCREAMING" I yelled "yeah we need to chill" Sakura said as we both falling back onto the couch at the same time.

"Yeah" I sighed "its okay. After highschool, I'm 18 so I dont have to follow a contract that my father signed anyway.

{Next day}

"It doesnt matter if you dont like it. Your getting married at 17 anyway" Hiashi stated "WHAAAT???!!!" Me and Naruto screamed "what?" my father asked "IM 16! AND MY BIRTHDAY IS SO SOON" I screamed "yes I know" my father groaned "I will never marry him!" I yelled "yeah she won't!" Naruto backed me up.

"Wait. Isnt that your mothers necklace?" my father asked glancing at the necklace mom gave me. "What does that have to do with anything??" I asked as my temper continued to rise. "Just answer the question" he shit back. I clenched my fists. "Yes it is. Why would you care anyway?" I asked "give it to me" he growled taking a step toward me "hey!" Naruto said puling me into his arms and protecting me.

"I need that!" My father bursted "no! Mother gave this to me and I would never give it to you! You never even gave a crap about our family!" I yelled stomping up to him "Hinata!" he yelled reaching for necklace "NO!" I screamed smacking his hand away.

"Why do you want it anyway!" I asked clutching the necklace tightly. "Because! I need to get rid of it! Your mother loved that necklace! I know who gave it to her and I hated that man!" My father yelled "what a stupid reason" I scoffed "give. It. To. Me." My father said in a threatening voice "you have to kill me for that" I said heading toward the door with Naruto protectivly walking behind me.

"Hinata!" My father demanded. Ha jokes on him I shut the door -v-

"Should you really have dond that?" Naruto asked me as we walked down the sidewalk. I looked up at him with a sad look painted on my face. "I dont think so. It didnt do much did it." I sighed "its alright! We'll get through this together" Naruto said grabbing my hand. "You have no idea how cringy and cute that sounded" I giggled.

"Oh Hinata Hyuga~ and. Naruto." Toneri said approaching us "Not Todah!" I said "I'm sorry my lady but, I need that necklace" he smirked "OH MAH GAWD! everyone wants this flippity floppity necklace" I groaned "we're walking away" Naruto said as we walked around Toneri. "huh H-Hey come back here!" Toneri yelled as we were about ten feet away from him "WE WALKED PAST YOU! YOU COULDVE GOTTEN US!" Naruto yelled to him.

"I'll get that necklace Hina!" Toneri yelled calling someone on his phone. My dad put him up to it... I know it...

Toneri's POV

"Mr. hyuga I apologize. I didnt get the necklace" I sighed

"Didnt try very hard did you" he scolded

"once you get it. Put it in the vault" Hiashi stated with a growth "yes sir" I mumbled " and if you dont get it by after christmas. You wont be able to marry my daughter" he said. I nodded and walked out.

I might get suspended if im caught but I'll get that necklace.

Sorry for the crappy chapter and sorry it tool so long to update!! I just had a timed essay and I'm shook T^T AND THERE WILL BE A PART 1 AND 2 OF A CHRISTMAS SPECIALL! of course only one will be on christmas. The other will hopefully be up on christmas eve. ANYWAY,


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