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Naruto's POV


I'm currently sitting in a photoshoot waiting for them to bring out the props. I already hate Mondays but going to school and seeing Hinata made it worth while! But now I don't even get to see her.

"Okay Mr. uzumaki we're ready!" The producer said handing me an Axe. "An Axe?" I questioned "yes this is for a perfume add" the producer stated setting up the camera. "Perfume?!" I half yelled "oh your right sorry. a calogne add" he corrected "but why do I need an axe?" I asked setting it over my shoulder. "The Calogne is called Lumber so we thought why not!" He said.

"Whatever let's just get this over with" I sighed.

{After the photo shoot}

"Ah! Naruto your late!" The teacher said as I walking into the classroom "sorry I was at a photo shoot" I said sitting down next to Hinata. "Right, uh your fine then" the teacher sighed and continued the lesson.

A folded up piece of paper landed in front of me so I took it and unfolded it. Because why not! :D

'How was the photoshoot?'

I turned to Hinata who was glancing at me. I gave her a thumbs up and she smiled. I lover her smile 💕

"Are you passing notes?!" The Teacher yelled at us "um no" I said nervously "then what is that?" She asked gesturing to the piece of paper on my desk "that? Oh its uh. Poetry" I said awkwardly "poetry?" The teacher repeated doubtably "y-yes ma'am" I said "well then. Dont let me catch you doing that again" she sighed and continued the lesson.

I heard Hinata give a sigh of relief before mouthing 'sorry'

'its cool' I mouthed and finally started paying attention to class.

{LUNCH EVERYONEZ FAVORITE CLASS! Except for when you flipping anti social and have no friends like me ;w;}

"Hina! I missed you~ the photo shoot was so boring and the calone was horrible too" I said "I missed you too! I'm sorry it was boring but at least you got to move around. We had to take a test for two hours" she sighed "w-we had a t-test?" I asked in horror "oh yeah, it was super important" she replied "o-oh. I see" I stuttered trying to get a hold of myself. I'll have to make it up after school...but I don't want to...

"Hey guys!" Shion said happily walking over to us "Hai!" Hinata responded cheerfully "so how's my ship going? No storms right?" Shion asked as we sat down at a lunch table "well someone put out to the press that I was dating Claire" I groaned "HUH?! OH HONEY NO! MY SHIP MSUT SAID ACROSS THE OCEANS! CLAIRE YOU GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE OR IMA HIT YOU WITH THOSE TINY BARBIE BRUSHES!" Shion screamed "YEAH!!" Sakura screamed running over To Shion and yelling at Claire across the cafeteria.

"Ah yes. These are my friends" Hinata said "okay I'm gonna join em" she said getting up and joining Shion and Sakura.

"HEY! STOP! I did nothing wrong but tell the whole world Narutos real feelings for me!" Claire stated. "You told the world he wanted you in jail?" Hinata asked confused "no! I told the world we were in love!" Claire growled "pfttt! T-thats funny" shion laughed "can I see this for a sec? Thaaanks!!" Sakura said steeling my cheetos. My cheetos...

"Claire. Here take these. A peace offering" Sakura said handing Claire the opened bag of cheetos. "O-oh alright then" Claire said taking a bite of a Cheeto. Less than three seconds later she was screaming of how spicy they were.

"Hah! I put hot sauce in it!" Sakura yelled "when did you do that?!" I asked "two seconds after I took it from you duh" Sakura responded casually.

"FOOD FIGHT!" Someone yelled and now there's food all over the walls.


People ran, people filmed for Instagram, and people fought. I fought because I did this in a movie once and it was super fun so why not do it in real life instead of a set.

"Hinata get behind me! I'll protect you!" I said. Just then a lunch tray was put in front of my face before a large helping of spaghetti landed on it. "Nah! I can protect both of us!" She said climbing on a table with Sakura and Shion.

Why does it feel like I'm on a battlefield?

"Naruto!" Sasuke yelled from under the table "oh hey! What are you doing down here? Are you hiding?" I asked crawling under the table. "No! I'm planning our next attack! Sakura said that she'll fight and I can do the thinking" He explained "Darling! What's our next attack?" Sakura asked sticking her head under the table "throw the chicken nuggets Like bullets and then use the chocolate cake as a grenade" Sasuke said "on it!" Sakura replied.

"Okay I'll leave you to it then" I said climbing back up from under the Table. "Students!! Stop this!!" I teacher yelled "Do I have to bring in Principal Tsunade?!" The teacher yelled again. Once the teacher said that the entire cafeteria became quiet. Not a single word. "Thats what I thought! Now go to your next class! If you got dirty change to your gym uniform" the teacher instructed.

{time skip}

"Naruto! Are you coming to the football game after school?" A girl asked clinging onto my arm. "Of course he is! With me~" Claire said pushing the girl off me and then grabbing my arm. "Claire. I'm going with Hina so you can go with uh... CALEB" I said "huh?" Caleb said confused "Claire wants to go to the football game with you" I said pushing them together.

"Hm? Alright" Caleb said with a small smile and walked away. "W-what I- f-fine" Claire said with a slight blush. Oooooh did I make a ship?!

"Naruto!" Hinata yelled running toward me "Hina!" I beamed "Hi!" she squeaked hugging me. "Hewwo" I replied.

"Naruhina!" Sakura said running up to us with Sasuke by her side. "Sakura!" Hinata yelled running into a hug. "Hina my daughter~" sakura said squeezing Hinata. "Daughter? Sasuke your a dad!" I cheered "what?? I'm not ready!" Sasuke said running away "SASUKE YOU CANT JUST ABANDON THIS FAMILY!" Sakura yelled chasing after him. "Naruto! I'll see you in an hour!" Hinata yelled trying to get Sakura.

I waved goodbye and then turned around the corner to see Claire and Caleb happily talking. They seem like such an innocent couple~ well they should be a couple soon. I've seen Claire stare at him sometimes...And sometimes I wonder if she actually likes me or if she just wants her dad to be proud of her?

Eh I'll think about I later.


Hewwo! I hope your enjoying this story~  I'm planning on making a thanksgiving special but im not sure if I should.... Anyway,


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