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Hinata's POV

These decorations look great! we got all the food and stuff for the party and we're now waiting for people to come. a few people are already here but we don't know why because it's an hour before the party starts. Naruto, Sasuke, Ino, Sai and Tenten are currently already here just chilling on the couch. everyone Id wearing normal party clothes like a tank top and shorts or pats and sweatshirt but I'm wearing the largest sweatshirt I own and leggings. the sweatshirt actually reaches my knee's so it's covering my Murasaki outfit but I have my mask in my room. my room is actually locked but it's not that secure because you cant open the lock with a penny.

"Hina, are you ready to change when needed?" Sakura asked whispering to me, I smiled with a nod and headed to sit with Naruto and the others. "so why are you guys here so early?" I asked swinging my legs over the arm of the couch "Well we thought we would help out with decorating but we obviously don't need to" Tenten said scratching the back of her neck "bu we don't know why Sasuke is here " Ino stated with a questioning look, "he probably came to see Sakura" Sai said calmly, "w-what that's not true, right Sasuke?" Sakura said with a blush spread across her face, we all turned to see Sasuke blushing without denying it "oh my goodness" Sakura squealed with a darker blush "Ino, I thought you had a crush on Sasuke?" I said "yeah I used to" she shrugged while Sai braided her hair, "hmm I see what's going on" I smirked with a light giggle. "n-nothings going on" Ino flushed. Sai said nothing and kept braided her long hair.

I totally ship them.

"anyway the party should be starting soon, when will Murasaki get here?" Naruto asked "oh s-she's already here" Sakura said nervously "Sakura. a word" I said dragging her into the corner "what are you thinking?" "well you cant leave your room as Murasaki and then pretend to walk through the door" she whined. "good point."" I sighed and walked back to the group.

"so can we see her?" Ino squealed "Um not exactly?" Sakura said in more of a question then a statement. "why not?" Naruto asked "b-because she's still getting ready" I said "but we can talk to her through the door!" Ino said getting up and admiring her braid then running around the Penthouse. "Hina" Sakura said "got it" I nodded and ran past the group and out the window to the ledges. I have to admit it's a nice view from up here but it completely ruins the mood when I look down and see that I could fall to my death.

I slowly crawled along the thin ledges that lead to my open window. me and Sakura made this plan earlier this morning just incase and that just incase became a reality and now I could possibly fall. I reached my window and accidently slipped a little causing me to shriek in a high pitched tone. "what was that?" I heard Naruto ask outside my door "U-uh I didn't hear anything." Sakura said. I quietly climbed into my room and fell to the ground.

I took of the sweatshirt and leggings revealing Galaxy leggings and a black flowy tank top. I still wore my black converse but nobody will notice that. I slipped on my mask and crept up to the door. "H-hello?" I asked leaning against the door, I heard Sakura have a sigh of relief and a few gasps.

"Murasaki?" Ino asked excitedly "yes?" I said calming down a bit "is that really you?" she asked like a little girl, I opened the door slightly and showed half of my body, "Hi" I said meekly, "oh my gosh!! it's you!" she yelled running in and giving me a tight hug. I have her a pat on the back before Sakura pulled her away and gave me a thumbs up, "Murasaki? you remember me?" Naruto asked with a smirk "of coarse. we sang together on stage two nights ago" I stated calmly "great! I was wondering if you could-" Sakura cut him off before he could say anything more "okay Murasaki will be out in a bit when more people are here" Sakura said pushing everyone back to the main room. "omg Hina I thought you fell off the building when you screamed" she sighed "I thought I was going to fall too" I whined "anyway good work. do you know what song you want to sing tonight?" she asked "Um maybe.... Ancient History by Set it Off" I suggested "ooh~ I love that song" Sakura cooed.

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