32 christmas special

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Hinata's POV

I was happily sleeping until I heard a loud flipping bang. It was -of course- Sakura, running into my room she screamed "MERRY CHRISTMAS HINA!!"

"Merry christmas Sakura" I said sleepily rolling to the other side of my bed. "Hina~ if you dont wake up then we cant scare Naruto and Sasuke awake" Sakura whined "WHA" I said shooting up from my bed. "Lets go!!" I yelled slipping into some slippers -3-

Me and Sakura quickly tip toed upstairs and made a stop at sasukes room.

"How do we do this?" I asked "uh. Just make it up as we go along" Sakura stated opening the door and creeping next to his bed.

"Sasuke! Naruto is in danger!" I yelled "hm" he grunted and turned on his size carelessly "Sakura got a paper cut" I said. He shot up from bed "what? Where is she?" He asked sleepily "right here" Sakura chimed jumping in his bed and cuddling him.

"Okaaaay I'll just give you guys some space~" I said backing out of the room. "Oh wait! We have to wake Naruto up!" Sakura said pulling Sasuke down the stairs with us.

"Okay so what should we do?" Sasuke asked "don't worry. Just got along with my plan" I smirked.

"Naruto" I said casually walking in his room and sitting on the edge of his bed. "Hm? Hinata?" He groaned shifting in his bed, "hurry and wake up the kids are waiting for you" I grinned "oh yeah I- wait what kids?" Naruto asked peeking through his blanket "the children! Sakura and Sasukes children are here this year too" I stated grabbing his hand "who's children?" He asked "I just said, sasuke and sakuras kids and our kids" I said trying not to laugh at his reaction.

"W-when did we get kids" he a questionsd trying to comprehend everything "five years ago....are you feeling alright?" sakura butted in with her great acting skills.

"Your pranking me arent you" Naruto said "HOW'D YOU KNOW?!" We all screamed "because Sasuke wasnt saying a single word. And trust me he wouldve pulled me out of my bed and thrown me across the room if I took that long to process the morning." Naruto sighed.

"Okay well. We tried. But lets go!!" I said dragging everyone to the kitchen.

"Hina. I'm 90% sure we made too many cookies. what do we even do with these?" Sakura asked "uh...eat them?" Naruto Suggested stuffing cookies in his mouth.

"Guys its weird. I had a dream that we had a house full to the breaking point of cookies and Naruto ate them all...." sakura said "really? I had the Samd dream!" I stated "seriously?!" Sakura asked in disbelief "are you crazy? Of course I didn't" I laughed "well arent you just a ray of pitch black" Sasuke said.

"You guys. What are we going to do today?" Naruto asked with around ten cookies stuffed in his mouth. "Open presents! Then maks sure we give our friends presents too" Sakura giggled "alright then let me get my gifts" Naruto said running to the guest room "Same here" Sasuke said heading up the stairs.

"Well, this is the time where we part ways. Until next time Hinata" Sakura said in a serious tone. slilence.....

"Well now that I made things awkward I'm going to make my exit" Sakura said walking to her room.

Well my gifts are already under the tree soooo. I have no idea what I want to do while I wait. OH! Ill make some hot chocolate!

I ran to the kitchen and quickly put some mugs of water in the microwave. I pulled the powderd packets of hot chocolate from the cabinet and dumped them into the mugs. "Back!" Sakura chimed sliding down the railing and sasuke making sure she didn't fall.

"Okay hold on!" I said stirring the hot chocolates and putting a candy cane in each. "Okay guys! Theres hot chocolate in here" I yelled "COMING!!" Naruto screamdd crashing into the counter "ow" he whined "awe are you okay?" I asked patting his head "yeah" he groaned.

"Okay! Now that we all have hot chocolate, let's open presents!" Sakura said throwing her gift at Sasuke and sitting on thw living room floor like a child. "open it" I said sitting next to sakura on tbw floor "aright" Sasuke obliged and unwrapped the box.

"No way!!! She got you the jacket?!" Naruto said in disbelief. "this costs like three hundred dollars!" Naruto explaimed "your welcome" Sakura chimed "thanks" Sasuke smiled. Woah he smiled.

"Okay here open his" I said handing Sakura The gift that Sasuke got her. Sakura cafefully opened the gift and before any of us could actually see it she screamed and hugged sasuke.

Me and Naruto peeked in tbe box and saw an entire set of cooking supplies, especially large in the knife area. "Sweet but a little twisted in the knife area" Naruto stated "sweet and twisted....does that make me a candy cane?" sakura asked "h-how would that work I- you know what yes. It makes you a candy cane" I laughed.

"Okay, okay my turn!" I exlaimed handing a present to everyone. Sasuke got a Sweatshirt that of course matched the sweatshirt that Sakura got and I got Naruto a ramen sweatshirt.

"THANKS HINA!" Everyone chimed. Well, minus Sasuke. He just smiled. BUT THATS STILL AN ACHIEVEMENT.

"Alright naruto, Hinata. Open these" Sakura said handing us a box each "their from me and Sasuke" Sakura smirked.

Me and Naruto opened the boxes and inside was....mistletoes....a lot of mistletoes.

"W-where did you even get all of these..." I stuttered "kiss~~~" Sakura cooed taking pictures of this moment.

Me and Naruto ars still pretty new to dating and get super embarrassed when people talk about our relationship because....I don't know. Because its uncomfortable for people to take pictures of us kissing!

Me and Naruto finally ended up kissing after Sakura had to stop taking pictures and push us together.

"O-OKAY NOW THAT WE HAVE T-THAT DONE OPEN THESE" Naruto yelled in embarrassment and threw gifts at us.

{After an hour of screaming and author chan writing a boring chapter}

"That was a good christmas~" Sakura said eating a cookie "yep~ and we ended up sending the gifts to everyone else instead of going to their houses because... Im too lazy but! its fine" I said eating some twizzlers.


I'm so sorry this was super boring for a special but I'm writting this at 5 A.M bcuz I completely forgot about this. But next chapters will be exciting i promise!



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