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Narutos POV

"I'm gonna do it!" I said to Sasuke "alright, have fun" Sasuke replied dully "awe come on! I'm telling Hinata that I like her and all you can say is have fun?" I groaned, "yeah" he said plopping into his seat "well thanks for the encouragement" I said sarcastically.

"Morning guys!" Hinata said cheerfully walking into the classroom with Sakura and Shion. "Hey!" I said happily "Hey Hinata! Naruto wants to tell you something after school" Sasuke said pulling Sakura into the seat next to him, "what I- Sasuke!" I scolded him "really? Okay" Hinata smiled sitting next to me.

"Hey guys! The news says that Murasaki and Naruto are having a duet on Saturday!" Shion said looking through her phone, "What?!" Me and Hinata screamed getting the attention of half of the class. I wonder why Hinata yelled too...

"I never heard about this!" I said looking over Shions shoulder to see the news, "says it right here!" Shion stated pointing to a section in an article. "Jiraiya" I mumbled under my breath "what was that?" Shion asked "nothing! Just think that my manager set all this up" I sighed landing back in my seat. "The thing is, Mirasaki hasn't said anything about this! And she always tells us about these kinds of things. Not on YouTube but on Instagram and twitter" Shion said curiously.

"Um we'll be right back" Sakura said pulling Hinata out of the classroom.

"Suspisious!" Tenten stated walking to her seat with Neji, "what do you mean?" Shion asked, "well we overheard your conversation and you were talking about Murasaki. Well whenever something big happens with Murasaki Sakura and Hinata always go to talk somewhere" Ten ten shrugged, "your right!" I replied "what does that mean though?" I asked dumbfounded "not sure" Tenten yawned bringing out a pillow, "tell me when the teacher comes in" she said and fell asleep.

"Right then...goodnight?" I said awkwardly. "We're back!" Sakura said sliding into the classroom. No joke she actually slida across the floor.

"What were you guys talking about?" I asked "we'll you see it's that time iif the month where a girl-" Sasuke cut Sakura off "okay we get it you don't want to tell us the truth! B-but please never use that excuse again" Sasuke shivered "of coarse! Anything for you~" Sakura chirped.

"okay class let's start this lesson!" The teacher said.

/magical time skip to after school bcuz its late, I'm tired, and I have an eye exam tomorrow/

"So Naruto! You wanted to talk to me?" Hinata asked turning a light shade of pink "oh yeah. Um come with me" I said nervously taking her behind the school.

"So I dont want to waste your time or anything but....okay I'm just going to straight out tell you" I said averting my eyes "uh okay" She smiled. I took a deep breath and finally came out with it "I like you. Well like is probably an understantment. I'm probably in love with you but I guess im not sure what that means and....I'm rambling sorry.." I said looking down at my feet.

"So. y-your saying you like me?" She stuttered. I nodded while I continued to stare at my feet. I heard her start to sniffle slightly making me look back up at her. She was smiling with glassy eyes, "wow! I thought I was going to confess first but I guess you beat mt to it" she said wiping a tear.

"What does that mean then?" I asked nervously "it means I like you too silly!" She said covering her face, "eh really?! Oh thank the heavens!" I said hugging her "So! Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" I asked pulling away from the hug, she blushed and looked down to the ground "y-yes" she mumbled and dug her face into my chest.

"Wont this hurt your career though?" She asked "eh who cares! I have you and that's all I need right now" I said pulling her into yet another hug.

/after like five minutes of calming down/

"who are we going to tell first?" Hinata asked, "hm, probably just everyone at once" I suggested, "hm, alright but when will we all be together?" She asked  "maybe we just tell everyone to meet at the park or something" I said holding her hand "sounds good" she smiled.

So that's what we did. We texted everyone and walked to the park to wait for then.

Once we were all there we had a small talk and then me and Hinata decided that now was a perfect time.

"So uh...hey guys!" Hinata said "uh hi? We already said hi like five minutes ago" Ino laughed, "heh right...um me and Naruto have some news" Hinata said nervously "your dating?!" Shion screamed "WHAT??!? how'd you know?" We whined "what! You actually are?!?" Everyone yelled "hehe yeah" Hinata squeaked.

After a long time of calming everyone down and making sure no pictures were taken. We all decided to go home and just do whatever.

I dropped off Hinata and Sakura at their pebthouse and then obviously went back to my house with a few paparazzi laying in the road. Its not my fault if they get run over!

I sighed and collapsed in my bed. I smiled recalling the day and then frowned when I thought of all the screaming and shaking that Shion and Sakura were doing! They litterally grabbed our shoulders and shook us till we were so dizzy we couldn't walk!

I started scrolling through my phone and noticed a new Murasaki video was uploaded. And of coarse I pressed play

/author is to lazy to post lyrics and doesn't know how to upload a video on my phone so the song is pitiful children from be more chill -3-/

"Also the fact I have today is... Uh...I play Mystic messenger! That's all I could think if right now sorry. Anyway thats all for today! Bye!"

(End video)

I still can't get over how good her singing is! Its so amazing. But I want to know who the person behind the mask is...maybe I know them? Well I probably do since she said she goes to my school but...

Ugh I'm too tired for this right now


HOI PPL :D sorry I haven't posted lately I'm kind of busy ;-; and I have an eye exam so I'm just going to sleep now


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