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Hinata POV two years later

"Sakura can you help me bring the groceries in?" I asked stumbling into the dorm room, "sure thing!" she exlaimed taking some bags from the floor, "thanks" I grunted closing the door behind me. 

after me and Sakura put the groceries away we went to sit on the roof. "soo~ it's been two years already" Sakura mumbled "yeah" I sighed "look, I know you miss him but...you need to focus on your career right now! you just released an album! that's huge for you" Sakura claimed "I know! and Im gratful but...I just can't get it out of my head that he might've forgotten about me" I said sadly "Hina! that boy could never forget about you!" she raised her voice. 

"then why hasn't he texted me in two years?" I asked looking at her, she relaxed and looked away without an answer. "but don't dwell on it hina...don't forget, we're meeting up with the group later..." Sakura reminded walking back inside.

a lot has happened over the past two years, I revealed my identity, Sakura got into a college, I got my own album! and tenten and Neji got married so that's good....Sakura and Sasuke got engaged though. but I personally think marriage Is too early only two years after graduating.

I sighed and went back inside to get ready to meet up with everyone.

/at a cafe with the others/

"Hina! so great to see you!" Tenten yelled running into a hug "Tenten!! I missed you" I said hugging her "GIIRRLLS!!" Ino screamed running into the cafe "INO!!' We all yelled "AYE!" Shinon shouted "SHINON!!" we all screamed "it's been forever since we all got together!" Sakura announced.

"all of you were here two days ago..." the waiter said dully walking past us.

"anyway! I have some news for you Hina" Ino said getting her phone out. "what news?" I asked sipping my sprite. "well, Naruto is off of tour. it says here that he'll be coming back to Japan" Ino said showing me the news website on her phone.

"Is he coming back here?" Shinon asked "don't know, all we can do is hope I guess" she shrugged "isnt that exciting Hina?" Tenten said looking over to me "uh yeah" I said a little stunned, WHY AM I STUNNED >:0 

'"you guys wanna-" "OMG IT'S MURASAKI!" someone shouted. omg really? "never mind! let's get Hina back to the penthouse" Ino said quickly getting up from her seat. the girl stood around me making a wall from the fans trying to get to me. 

I sighed as we walked cautiously down the streets. this sucks T^T this is why I always kept my identity a secret. my identity actually got revealed by accident. Sakura tripped while I was on stage and pulled my mask off but I guess it doesn't matter now.

"oh my! is that the one and only Murasaki?" a voice said sarcastically with a small laugh afterwards. that voice is too similar to...

"Naruto?!" I yelled tuning around "hey, Hinata" he smiled. the girls had already been standing behind me completely stunned.

"I'm back" he smiled sadly, i didn't bother to say anything so I just ran up to him and tackled him with a bear hug. "you were gone to long" I cried tightening my grip, "I know, I know. I'm sorry" he said hugging me.

/at the penthouse. wth am i writting guys XD/

"so Naruto! how was the tour?" Shinon asked "it was great actually! I got a lot of rewards and I learned a bunch of english" he beamed "awesome!" Tenten exlaimed "uh Naruto, can I talk with you for a minute?" Sakura asked glancing at me "yeah sure" he said following her to the roof.

me and the girls sat and talked for a while until they finally came back down. 

"welcome back!" Ino giggled, "Hina can I talk to you?" Naruto asked "uh yeah sure" I smiled "why is everyone talking without us" Shinon whined "it's oki we can talk together!" Tenten said.

Naruto brought us to the roof and sat me down on a chair. "is something wrong?" I asked nervously "well I mean...I haven't seen you in two years and...it's okay if you don't like me anymore" he said averting his gaze "what are you talking about" I giggled "my feelings for you haven't changed, I thought about you everyday you know" I stated.

"r-really?" he asked blushing like crazy. "really" I confirmed.

Sakura's POV

I sighed as we all stalked them from the balcony.

me and Sasuke never had that kind of relationship but, we aren't really the type for sappy stuff I guess.

I stared at Naruto and Hinata as they began to talk about what they did over the past two years.

They knew it. Time. Distance. nothing could separte them. because they knew. distance is just a space between. it's only as far apart as the hearts will let it.

cheezitz! I sound like a romance novel T^T my fault for hanging around that ino pig all the time~ (Ino became a romance novel writer)

You go Naruto...if you want to be together, you have to-get-her!



uh. so Hi. this was it guys XD i know not that great but this book made me really happy! I'm decently happy about how it ended.

this was my most succesful book! and it grew really quickly so Im extremely gratful to you all! I really hope you enjoyed this book so until my next book Farwell! 




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