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Naruto's POV

I was walking into my classroom when a group of girls came running up to me. This is probably some gossip thing or something.

"Naruto!" They squeeled "hello" I said with a smile "do you think you and Murasaki could do another duet? You guys are just So adorable together and everyone online ships you guys" one girl gushed "oh uh, I don't know if we can do a duet but I'm pretty sure I have feelings for someone else" I said nervously "awe really? Who?" another one asked, "oh uh, I can't really tell" I replied scratching my neck, "respectable. Just thinm about you two getting together. Bye!" They said and rushed down the hallway.

Kinda weird. Why would people ship me and Murasaki? I don't even know who she really is! Although I have to say Murasaki really is an amazing person and I wouldny mind dating her. But I have to say if she was Hinata, I'd be super happy, but having Hinata as herself is enough for me. She's perfect just as she is.

"Naruto move your butt" Sasuke said poking my shoulder "huh?" "your standing in the doorway" Sasuke said "oh sorry" I replied stepping aside.
"Whatever. But why were you zoning out?" he asked "oh just thinking of something" I said nervously "is that something, or should I say someone. Hinata?" he asked casually, "w-what nuu" I said even though I'm lying. "Your a bad lyer" he said blankly.

"Hey guys!" Hinata yelled running into the classroom "hello!" I said cheerfully "hey" Sasuke said planly "where's Sakura?" Sasuke asked looking back at the door. "Oh she's sick today. Apparently her grandma is staying in her house, her grandma has a cat and she's allergic to them So she's staying in the penthouse watching Netflix" she responded .

"Sounds like her" Sasuke smiled, "yeah" Hinata sitting next to me with a calm smile. Suddenly Sasuke hit arm from behind me, "duds your staring" he whispered. I nodded and turned my attention to Neji, Ten ten, Sai, Ino, and Shion who were entering the class together. "Oh hey guys!" Hinata said walking over to Shions desk and talking with her.

She really is awesome huh. After all the things Shion did to her she still wants to be friends with her. Thats just Amazing. and another tap on un shoulder. I turned around to tell sasuke to stop "Sasuke you-" "Naruto your staring" Sai said. "Oh I thought Sasuke was the one who tapped me" I said, "oh I was about smack you" Sasuke shrugged.

"Whatever" I said as class started and Hinata took her seat next to me.

"can anyone tell me what 190 x 9 equels?" The teacher asked "how about you, Toneri" the teacher said getting the attention of a boy in the back who was talking with a friend. "Oh uh. 1,000?" He guessed "wrong" the teacher said and write the correct answer on the board. Well at least he didnt get in trouble- oh he's talking again. "Toneri! Come up here and tell us what you were talking about!" The teacher said.

He strutted down the rows of desks and up to the front of the classroom. "We were talking about how Hot Hinata was" he said dully. The teacher looked flustered but not as flustered as Hinata. This must be awkward for her, with everyone staring at her.

"I- ugh go to the principal's office" the teacher said clearly anoyyed. "Hey Hina you okay?" I asked "I'm fine" she said gritting her teeth, "you sure?" "Yeah, just embarrassed" she sighed, "I understand" I said and we started class again

/after school/

"hinata wait up!" someone called from behind us. Me and Hinata were heading to the penthouse with sasuke to see Sakura. "Oh, Toneri" Hinata said trying to sound normal although I could sense that she was angry. "I was wondering if you would want to get a coffee with me?" He asked "oh I actually-" "great come on!" Toneri said dragging her by the arm before she could even answer him.

"What..." "Let's go see Sakura" Sasuke said "but Hinata just-" "she'll be fine"

Three hours later

"I can't believe he just took her! She doesn't even like him" I groaned stuffing a cookie in my mouth, "oh come on Naruto. Stop being so jealous" Sakura said with a sniffle. "I'm back" Sasuke said handing Sakura a box of tissues, "thanks Sasuke" she said blowing her nose.

"I'm not jealous" I pouted "yes you are. we all know you like her" Sakura said "yep" Sasuke said taking a seat next to her. "Okay maybe I do. But you can't tell anyone" I sighed "wow! You give in so easily! Didnt think you would edmit it" Sakura laughed "what?! ugh you are way to confusing" I groaned, "thank you" she said "why is that-" "its a compliment in my book, so. Thank. You" She said with a devilish aurora. "K" I said fearing for my life.

"I have come back" Hinata said falling out if the elevator "uh you okay?" I asked helping her onto the couch "yeah I just need to film another video" she said drowsily "video?" Me and Sasuke asked "yeah cuz I'm *Hiccup* M-" "MAD!" Sakura said finiahed her sentence. "She needs to film a video about how mad she is that Toneri took her and send it to her family." Sakura said.

"Guys I think she's drunk" Sasuke stated, "he got her drunk!!" I yelled "yup" Hinaga said before falling into the ground "let's take you to bed" I said picking her up and walking to her room. "Be careful with her" sakura said "don't worry."

I set Hinata on her bed and sat in her desk chair.

I was about to leave but then I noticed a flash of purple out of the corner of my eye. I would've left it be but its shine made me curious.

I went over and picked up what looked like a mask? Why would she have a mask? It looks exactly like Murasaki's mask. Why would she have this here? Maybe Murasaki left it here during the party?

"Naruto! We're watching Voltron!" sakura called. "Oh! Ima comin!" I yelled dropping the mask and racing down the hallways.

I'll just forget about the mask for now

Yeah kinda boring but I tried.


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