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Hinata's POV again -3-

I was walking into my classroom when Sakura came running up to me. "HINA! We've got a problem" she yelled kneeling down and catching her breath " What's the problem?" I asked cluelessly "The clue you gave as Murasaki. Everyone is searching around for people who look like her" she said looking up with a worried expression, "o-oh" I responded as my face paled.

"U-m can you Find Naruto for me I want to talk to him" I said with a slightly panicked tone. Barely anyone here looks like me! "On it!" Sakura said running out the doors, zooming past Sasuke. "What's up with her?" He asked keeping his gaze on the door "nothing we're just having... Issues" I cringed. "I see" he replied.

Come on Sakura! I've been waiting forever!

"Hina!!! I got em!" Sakura yelled suddenly running into the room with Naruto dragging behind, "great! Thanks Sakura! Now. Naruto we need to talk" I said seriously, "about w-what?" He stutterd as his face became slightly red. He's not blushing right?!? Oh whatever.

"We need you to do a concert in the school" I said "huh? Why?" he asked as the redness faded away, "um...Well since Murasaki is going to this school... She doesn't want to get found out yet so we need a distraction" I said "oh I get it! Alright I'll do it" He said running out of the classroom. "...where is he going class starts in one minute..." I said "...He's doing the concert so it doesn't matter just sit down" Sakura said, sitting next to Sasuke.

"WE'RE LATE SORRY!" Ino yelled bardging into the room with sai behind her, "ooooh" me and Sakura teased looking at the soon to be couple. If they aren't together by next week I'm gonna make them kiss -.-

"I- um Hina Sakura. Dont do this" Ino sighed, we starred giggling and then we stopped because she gave us a death glare.

"Its fine just please take your seats" Kureni responded calmly. Kureni is pretty much my favorite teacher and she's laid back but If you make her mad she will kil you. No joke.

-time skip to lunch-

"Hey look at Hinata. Doesn't she look a bit like Murasaki"

Awe crap. They found out

"Yeah she does. We should ta-"

"Hey everybody! I'm having a concert outside!" Naruto yelled running outside with a whole bunch of screaming fan girls.

Our whole group just stood there a bit confused but then it all made sense. "Oh our plan!" I said finally remembering what's happened this morning, "you forgot the plan that was going to protect you identity?" Sakura sweatdropped, "oops?"

"Hey let's go you guys" Tenten said dragging Neji with her outside, "okay" we all responded and started making out way outside as well.

"This song goes out to my friends! Yeah you guys over there!" Naruto smiled pointing over to Us. We all nervously looked around because everyone was staring at us and it was a bit awkward.

"It's called dont threaten me with a good time. And no its not mine its by panic at the disco." Naruto said confidently and started strumming his guitar

"Alright, alright
Alright, alright
Alright, alright, it's a hell of a feeling though
It's a hell of a feeling though
Alright, alright, it's a hell of a feeling though
It's a hell of a feeling though

Who are these people?
I just woke up in my underwear
No liquor left on the shelf
I should probably introduce myself
You shoulda' seen what I wore
I had a cane and a party hat
I was the king of this hologram
Where there's no such thing as getting out of hand
Memories tend to just pop up
Drunk pre-meds and some rubber gloves
Five-thousand people with designer drugs
Don't think I'll ever get enough (don't think I'll ever get enough)

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