23 halloween special🎃

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Hinata's POV

"IT'S HALLOWEEN!" I yelled running into the classroom, "morning Hina!" Naruto "NARUTO ITS HALLOWEEN!" I screams jumping into his arms "happy Halloween" he said hugging me back. "DARLING ITS HALLOWEEN!" Sakura screamed running up to Sasuke. "Were you guys just screaming that all the way here?" Sasuke asked "of coarse~" we replied cheerfully.

"Anyway~ are you guys ready? We're gonna get so much flipping candy" I giggled "yeah we are! I hope I get a bunch of almond joys...I love those" Naruto said.

After a lot of talk about candy, Claire walked up to us- she walked up to Naruto actually... Of coarse -_-

"Naruto~ your darling has Arrived" she cooed "nope! Nah! Stop right now girl. You can just sit back down" I said placing my hands on her shoulders and pushing her back in her seat. "Not today!" I groaned and walked back to Naruto. "Wow. You handled that well" Sakura said, "what? That was well?" Sasuke asked "well she usually slaps them. As you saw with Toneri" Sakura  stated.

/after school/

"Naruto, Sasuke. We're going to meet up in the lobby of the hotel okay" I said "okay" Sasuke replied "yes mam!" Naruto saluted and ran toward his house while Sasuke got in his car.

"Okay Sakura let's go" I said and started running toward the penthouse.

"Almost there!" Sakura said as we turned the corner, "So close!" I yelled "We made it!!" Sakura yelled. "Why are we so excited?" I laughed "because its Halloween" Sakura said walking into the elevator, "I don't know what Halloween has to do with running home but okay" I replied.

we ran into the penthouse and quickly got into our costumes.

"Ready?" I asked picking up a bag I Bought from flippin dollar tree. "Yep!" Sakura replied walking into the elevator, "okay they boys should be down stairs already" I stated pressing the lobby button on the elevator.

once the elevator door opened we walked out and looked around for the boys. "Where are they?" Sakura asked, "well Sasuke is sitting on the stairs and um...Naruto is hiding in the fake bush" I laughed watching Naruto try to be a ninja by crawling bush to bush.

"Naruto" I giggled "you wanna come out now?" I asked kneeling down "yeah but uh, I'm a little stuck" he chuckled nervously "I got this" Sakura said cracking her knuckled and walking over to the bush Naruto was hiding in.

"Give me your hands" Sakura demanded "okay?" Naruto hesitated. Sakura grabbed his hands and pulled him straight out. He plopped on the ground with a Loud thump.

"U-um are you okay?!" I asked rushing to his aid. "Well I'm okay now that your next to me" he smiled making me blush madly. "Awwweeee~~" Sakura screamed while Sasuke took pictures of us with a slight smile.

"Sh-should we get g-going?" I stuttered helping Naruto off the ground. "Yeah let's do this!" Naruto cheered, "yeah! Let's go!" Sakura said marching out the door.

It started to get dark so we went to a very rich neighborhood. Also known as me sakuras and Naruto neighborhood...well me and Sakura barely go back but we still kinda live there.

"Trick or treat" Sakura squealed as she crouched like a child, "happy Halloween!" The house owner said giving us two pieces of candy each. "Merry christmas!" I said as we walked down the sidewalk. (I actually said this when I was trick or treating XD)

"Hey! Someone is finally moving into the house next to us" I stated "oh yeah I wonder who it is I-" sakura paused as we saw Claire walking out of the house wearing a swimsuit like outfit with bunny ears and tail....

"I have to warn my parents..." Sakura sighed "...I can bet you they're going to meet my parents. And they will make me and claire get along. And my life will be ruined" I whined "poor hina" sakura whined with me " I live next you you hina! I'll protect you!" Naruto said holding my hand.

"Really?" I asked looking into his eyes "of coarse!" He smiled giving me a quick kiss and going to the next house. "Oh cheezitz" I mumbled trying not to squeal. "Hina. that was adorable and everything but we gotta hide from Claire" Sakura said pulling me out of the road. "He kissed me~" I said dreamily, "yes he did" Sakura confirmed.

"Naruto!~" I heard Claire scream from where Naruto was. "NUH UH CLAIRE! YOU MOVING NEXT TO ME IS THE SCARIEST THING TO HAPPEN THIS HALLOWEEN YOU BETTER WATCH YOURSELF!" I yelled sprinting over to Naruto and Sasuke with Sakura trailing behind me.

"What~ me scary? No way!" She said flipping her hair. "I think Naruto won't date Me because he thinks im too hot for him" she said "stop callong yourself hot! The only thing you can turn on is the microwave!" I said.
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Claire gasped as I stopped in front of her, me being slightly shorter due to her heels. "well. Um.  If you ran like your mouth you'd be in good shape" she smirked. "Claire. If I wanted to die I would climb all the way up your Ego and jump down to your IQ. we're done here" I said grabbing Naruto's Han and walking away.

/after trick or treating/

"Hina I cant believe you said that to Claire" Sakura laughed "I know! Even Sasuke laughed" Naruto chuckled "well it was funny" Sasuke chuckled. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVER- sorry continue.

"Are you guys gonna sleep over?" I asked setting my hat on the kitchen counter "uh sure. I'm up for it" Naruto said "ik okay with it" Sasuke said "yay! Sasuke you can sleep with me~" Sakura said "WHAT?!?" Me and Naruto screamed "don't worry, I'll build a pillow wall~" she assured taking him to her room.

"Well uh. I guess you could sleep in my room- o-or you can sleep in the guest room.." I said nervously.

"HINA! YOUR CLOSET!" Sakura yelled from her bedroom. My eyes widened. "Yeah let's use the guest room" I laughed nervously dragging him upstairs. "So uh. Tomorrow is Saturday so you can sleep in...I'll make ramen in the morning" I said giving him extra blankets.

I'll make ramen in the morning" I said giving him extra blankets

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(Guest bedroom)

"Wow this is beautiful" Naruto said exaimaning the room. "yeah. I wanted this to be my room but the one I have now makes me happier. Its darker, it has a better view of the city lights, and my closet is...special I guess" I giggled.

"Anyway! Goodnight~ ill see you tomorrow" I said "night" he smiled.

I walked to my bedroom and quickly locked the secret door to the studio.

I sighed and changed into my pj's then opened up my curtains so I had a beautiful view.

Then of coarse I went to bed because why not.

sorry! I know its not Halloween anymore but I hope this wasn't boring. Anyway


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