6 concert pt. 1

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Sakura's POV

come on Hina...

right now I'm standing at the gate with Naruto waiting for Hinata. she didn't show up in our last three classes and I'm getting worried, I swear if Shinon beat her up again, I thought cracking my knuckles. Naruto backed away a bit, "d-don't hurt her, maybe she's just having trouble" Naruto said nervously, "no it's not her, it's Shinon" I growled angrily dragging Naruto back into the school where Shinon was walking out with her 'friends'

"Where's Hinata!" I yelled getting Shinon's attention, "Oh that brat? locked her up! she was so annoying- oh Naruto~ wanna come to the murasaki concert with me tonight~" she asked batting her eyelashes. "S-sorry I'm g-going with someone else" he said backing away, "hmph, oh well, See you sweetie~" she chimed and sashayed away.

We sighed of relief and ran into he locker rooms, "why are e here?" Naruto asked looking at the doors leading into the female changing rooms, "because! Shinon said she 'locked' Hina up and last time I saw her she was in here!" I yelled running around, "did you hear that?" I said quietly, I heard banging on locker doors and followed the noise. "Hinata?" I called out,  heard a gasp and the Hinata's voice, "Sakura? hurry we need to get to the-" "Hinata Naruto's with me" I said making sure she doesn't spill her secret, "o-oh uh, just get me out please" she whined and we tried to open the locker.

"I can't get it open" Naruto stated, "back up, Hina brace yourself" I warned, I heard her gasp and shuffle a bit, I swiftly kicked the side of the locker with a brief scream from Hinata, I ended up denting the whole locker swung off. "I'll pay for that later" Hinata stated looking down at the door. "Okay Let's go! I gotta get ready!" Hinata yelled dragging me away, "Bye Naruto! we'll see you on Saturday!" Hinata yelled, "bye?" he said confused with a wave.

Hinata's POV

"hurry, hurry, hurry" I panicked as the elevator dinged an the doors swung open, "Hina! calm down! you have to preform in three ours not in five minutes!" Sakura yelled trying to get my attention but I just kept running around the penthouse looking for my dress and makeup. "I know Sakura but this is my first time preforming in front of people, not just you" I sighed from the bathroom as I got into my short purple dress with a bedazzled waistline. "Yeah okay I guess your right" she said as I opened the door, "oh you look beautiful~ now lets get your hair and makeup" Sakura squealed and sat me down in front of the mirror, "Okay where's the curling iron?" she asked checking the cabinets, "hall closet!" I said as she rushed around the room, "alright let's do this!" she cheered and started doing my hair.

The two front parts of my hair were curled and tied to the back of my head while the rest of my hair laid straight on my shoulders and back. "Awe Sakura I love it" I said happily admiring myself in the mirror, "why thank you~ anyway let's get to the make up" she said, "but Sakura you know I hate makeup" I whined, "don't worry, I wont add much, and plus you've never worn makeup in any of your videos and people still call you beautiful! makeup wont be a problem" she said putting light purple eye shadow and a dash of lip gloss. "all done! now put on these and get in the car" she yelled. "what about you?" I asked, "don't worry my clothes are already there, all I need is my mask, which is right here" She said picking up her pink masquerade mask.

we slid into the car and drove to the outdoor stage. I slipped on my white flats and dashed behind the stage, "excuse me, you can't be back here" a guard said, "o-oh sorry, here" I said handing them the paper declaring my arrival, "oh, miss Murasaki, my apologies" he said and stepped aside letting me and Sakura in, "I'm going to go get changed, you introduce yourself to the waiting crowd, it's two hours early and people are already here, its a free concert after all" Sakura laughed and went into a dressing room.

I took in a deep breath and looked over to the open stage with drums, guitars, pianos, and violins. I stepped out to introduce myself to the band I was working with and tell what songs to play. The crowd cheered so loudly it made me jump a bit and turn to the fans, there was maybe a thousand people here! and there's gonna be more coming? I don't know if I can do this. I gave a wave to the crowed and turned back to the band members to discuss the songs.

"so, I found by Amber run?" (song above) the guitarist said for clarification, "yes and I will inform you about the next song for the second half" I nodded and started to set up the microphones. "Murasaki, we have a problem" Sakura yelled running over to me. she wore a long pink dress with sparkles along the top and some silver heals with straps. to top it off she had her flowery pink masquerade mask strapped around her head.

"what? what's going on?" I asked panicking, "o-our parents are asking where we are" she said worried, I pulled her over to the side where the crowed wouldn't see us. "tell them we're at the library downtown" I said walking back on stage while Sakura texted on her phone. the concert will start in five minutes and there is sooo man people here. "U-um excuse me? how many people do you think are here?" I asked a stage crew worker, "um about 5,000 miss" she said and walked away, f-five t-thousand!!

"one minute everyone!" someone yelled making me jump, I took a deep breath ad walked back out on stage to be greeted by screaming and cheering. I scoped the area and found Sasuke and Naruto smiling happily with some body guards surrounding them. guess they don't want girl troubles.

"H-Hey everyone" I spoke into the microphone nervously, "this is my first time singing in front of anyone except for my closet friend so, if I mess up I apologies" I said,

"you could never mess up!"

"we wouldn't mind!"

"Do your best!"

the cheering was a bit overwhelming but I can adjust. "well I'm going to start by singing a cover of 'I Found' by Amber run!" I said happily and the music started to play.

"I'll use you as a warning sign

That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind

And I'll use you as a focal point

So I don't lose sight of what I want

And I've moved further than I thought I could

But I missed you more than I thought I would

And I'll use you as a warning sign

That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me

Talk some sense to me

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me

Talk some sense to me

And I'll use you as a makeshift gauge

Of how much to give and how much to take

I'll use you as a warning sign

That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me

Talk some sense to me

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me

Talk some sense to me

Oh, and I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me

Talk some sense to me

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me

Talk some sense to me..."

cheering... that's all I heard. but at that moment for some reason. I met Naruto's eyes. the feeling in my stomach made me feel uneasy but I stayed calm and collected.

"B-break time!" I chimed into the microphone and sighed after I got behind the curtains, but I might have taken a peek at Naruto... just maybe...I might fall for a pop star.

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