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Naruto's POV finally

It's Tuesday! I hate Tuesdays, but at least I have all my friends. I'm still surprised that I got so many friends that don't obsess over my music. yes I still have them ask about it but it's not like they've ever taken advantage of me, although I still have half the school obsess over me.

I cant help but wonder why Shinon wanted to be out friend? I mean I only said yes because she was so sincere about it, and that fact that Hinata excepted her right away. I swear Hinata is too nice for this world. she's also really pretty and- what the heck am I saying.

"Naruto! snap out of it" Sakura said shaking me, "geez Sakura what are you doing?" I asked trying to recover from the dizziness she gave me. "you were staring off into space again" Hinata said popping up next to me. Hinata sits next to me in every class but she also makes it a priority to sit next to Shinon at the same time.

"Morning Hina!" Shinon chimed giving her a hug, "good morning Shinon" she replied just as cheerfully, "It's cold in here isn't it?" Hinata said hugging herself, "I'm okay,  but maybe we could ask the teacher if she could turn the heat on?" Shinon suggested, "Oh. here you can wear my jacket" I said taking it off and wrapping it around her shoulders, "w-what but I-" "your cold right?" I said. she nodded with red cheeks but I just thought it was from the cold.

"Shinon! what are you doing with them" her ex-friends asked sashaying toward us, "I-I uh, their my friends now! and um, they are way nicer than you" Shinon said nervously, I guess her sassy thing was just an act.

"But Shinon, you aren't like them! we're your real friends" they said, "no your not so please leave me alone" Shinon stuttered, "but Shinon-" "She said leave so please respect her decisions" Hinata said standing up while cracking her knuckles, "ugh whatever, have fun with the brats!" "have fun with the snobs!" Hinata yelled back.

Okay maybe Hinata isn't as soft as I thought. "thanks Hina" Shinon smiled "no problem" she said plopping into her seat. "Hey Hina! Shinon" Sakura said walking over to them, "you guys ready for shopping" she squealed "yeee!!" Hinata squeaked jumping up and down in her seat, "yeah!" Shinon said.

"you guys are going without me" I whined "I'm hurt" I said faking a hurt face, "but Naruto your not a girl so you cant come to the mall with us" Hinata said patting my head, "but I could if I was a girl right?" I said "well yeah but your not so sorry" Sakura said and sat down next to Sasuke.

I might just spy on them cause I've got nothing else to do!

/after school/

I'm waiting by the mall entrance. as  a girl. I have a name that I gave myself but and I look like a girl but I cant exactly hide my whisker birthmarks. I'm wearing a blonde wig put into high twin tails, A spaghetti strap dress with a gray jacket and black leggings. and some high-tops to top it off.

I could pass off as a girl pretty well If I say so myself. oh here they come. (picture above)

"W-what I don't like him at all I um" Ino stuttered, she seems to be under a lot of pressure "oh come on you and Sai always sit next to each other, and he clearly likes you" Hinata smirked, she's not wrong, Sai was pretty open to liking Ino.

"O-oh well, uh what about you and Naruto" Ino said trying to get out of the situation. "what do you mean me and Naruto?" Hinata asked genuinely confused, yeah what does she mean about me and Hina? "well you guys always sit next to each other and you seem really close" Ino said "yeah right. Like a guy would like someone like me" Hinata laughed, "oh come on Hina your beautiful and sweet! any guy would like you" Sakura protested.

"yeah your awesome Hina" Shinon said "hmmhm!" Tenten agreed while Ino have her a side hug, "Thanks you guys but I doubt Naruto likes me" She said with a hint of sadness. but why? she's one of my best friends, "I'm sure he has feelings for you, it might be deep, deep, deeeep, deeeep down under her makeshift brain. but he loves you" Sakura said. "heeey" I whined under my breath.

I followed them into a forever 21 secretly although I looked pretty weird. but hey, the people here will never see me again, no one will see me like this again I hope, because how the heck to girls wear this stuff.

"ooh this Is so cute Hina try it on!" Sakura said handing Hinata a blue dress with different shades of blue and the top part was black with thick spaghetti straps. the bottom part was flowy and was the part with the different shades of blue and np. I don't know how to describe a dress because I'm not a girl.

"awe it looks adorable on youuu" Tenten said gushing over the dress, "thanks?" Hinata said watching as the girls ran around her. I have to admit she does look really good in that dress.

"Um who are you?" I zipped around and saw Shinon looking down at me, I guess I did look suspicious since I was staring at the girls while Hiding in a clothes rack, "Me? Oh I'm Naruko" I said climbing out, "right um. why were you staring at my friends?" she asked, "what no I was um just staring at the clothes all around me" I said nervously "hmm, okay then have fun, I guess" she said and walked back to the other girls.

I sighed in relief. maybe I should head back home. yeah that sounds good I don't want to get caught again. they'll get way to suspicious.


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