33 Birthday Special

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So many specials ;w;  happeh birthday Hinata

Hinata's POV

It's only been two days since Christmas and we're -unfortunately- back in school. 

I sighed as I walked up the stairs to Sakura's room. "Sakura wake the heck up we gotta get ready" I said drowsily, "I'm up!" she said shooting up from her bed in her clothes "you didn't sleep in those did you?" I cringed "nah, I woke up earlier and got ready....then I accidently fell back asleep. BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" She screamed "what it's not my birthday" I said with a yawn "it's definitely your birthday" Sakura stated "Give me a calendar. it's not and I will prove it to- oh. Never mind happy birthday to me" I said as I examined to calendar on my phone. "Anyway~ I'm heading to school for your surprise! you get ready though! don't be late. BYYYEEE!!" Sakura yelled running down the stairs and into the elevator.


I wobbled into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, did my hair and finally got into my school uniform. OH CRAP! I'm 17 now huh....that means if I don't do something soon...I'll have to marry Toneri...

I shook the thought off for now and ate some breakfast. twizzlers and mountain dew of course.

{Walking into the school}

I walked through the school gates and acted like it was any other regular day, because it actually is just a normal day for me. I always forget about my birthday until Sakura surprises me in the middle of class or something....I hope she doesnt do that today.

I guess I don't have a real reason for not liking my birthday but I've never celebrated it before. I mean we arent allowed to see mom at the hospital on my birthday because we basically never get to see her due to "testing"

and my father is always at work. Hinabi and Sakura are the only ones that know my birthday by heart because their the only people I've told, well. I didn't have to tel Hinabi my birthday because she's my family and she should know that.

"Hina. Hina? you okay?" Ino asked waving her hand in my face "Huh?" I said snapping back to reality "you dazed off in the middle of the door" she informed "oh" I said watching as other students passed by me "why would you do that?" she giggled "are you judging me?" I pouted "well, no. but judging is a hobby of mine~" she chimed "happy birthday by the way!" she said hugging me and giving me a box of chocolates. "o-oh thanks for remembering" I said happily even though I felt kinda dull.


I walked into my classroom to see the entire class circling mine and Naruto's desk so I couldnt see what was going on inside the circle. "uh" I muttered making everyone freeze and turn around cautiously.

"Hina! so great to see you! do you mind coming with me for a sec?" Toneri said taking my hand and dragging me out of the classroom. whyyyy

"what are we doing?" I asked as he sat me down in the library. "let's just chat for a second while they finish- I mean, let's just talk" he covered up "talk about what?" I asked crossing my arms. "well your 17 now" he smirked "how does everyone know my birthday?" I asked throwing my arms up "oh Sakura told us" he stated. 

"okay whatever. what about me being 17?" I asked even though I knew exactly what he wanted. "I want to give you a gift" he said taking a split second to glance at my necklace.

"here" he said handing me a small box. "it's okay it's nothing strange this time" he noted as I opened it. I was a small gold eiffel tower neckalce. "I saw it in the store and thought you might like it" he said inoccently. "wow. that's actually really sweet of you" I smiled "r-really?" he beamed. I nodded and he smiled brightly.

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