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Hinata's POV

After we all went shopping Shinon said she spotted some girl stalking us. "Really she was staring at us?" I asked uncomfortably "yeah!" Shinon said with a shiver "She was probably just admiring us! After all we are beautiful!" Ino said flipping her hair. We all sweat dropped at her confidence.

"Anyway me and Sakura have some work to do so we should get you guys back home" I said putting my wallet in my purse, "hm okay." Tenten said skipping her way to the car. "That girl can be way too childish sometimes" Sakura sighed "yeah but we love her" I giggled "true" Ino laughed.

I slid into the front seat if the car while Sakura slid in next to me. "okay. Ino your house is closest so let's drop you off first" Sakura said starting the engine, "awe okay" Ino replied sulking in her seat.

"Bye Ino!" We all yelled from the car windows "bye guys!" She yelled back running up to her door, "okay who's next?" I asked "Me!" Shinon said, "okay your house is just around the block right?" Sakura asked turning the corner "yep. Right here" Shinon said as we stopped in front of a large white and black house. "Bye Shinon!" We yelled, she waved with a smile and walked into her house.

"Okay Tenten! Now your turn" Sakura said driving away from the car, "awe but I want to spend more time with you girls" she pouted, "we do too! But we have something really important to do" I said as we parked in front of her house. "Alright. Bye girls!" She yelled "Bye!" I yelled while Sakura waved out the window.

"Should we go film the video now Murasaki?" Sakura asked "yes we shall. But um we never gave you a name. I'd like to acknowledge you without saying your real name" I said "hm how about momo" I suggested "momo?" She asked "yeah it's a pink and peachy kind of flower" I replied "oh.. Okay sounds good" she smiled as we got out of the car with our bags.

"Anyway what song do you want to sing?" She asked "Death of a bachelor!" I said almost immediately, "ooh I love that one" she cooed "yeah so do I! That's kinda why I chose it" I giggled "good point" she laughed setting up the microphone.

"Okay three two-" she flicked her fingers telling me she was filming.
"Okay! So Momo told me I should put more effort into my openings and I don't know exactly how to do that" I paused while shrugging "so I'll be working on it after this video but I'm just going to get to the point and start singing!" I said with a smile.

"To I look lonely.

I see the shadows on my  faith.

People have told me. I don't look the same.

Maybe I lost weight. I'm playing a game.

With the best of the best. Put my heart on my chest. So that you can see it too.

I'm walking the long road. Watching the sky fall.

Releasing your dress tingles my neck. How do I live.

The death of a bachelor!
Oh oh
Letting the water fall

The death of a bachelor!
Oh oh.
Seems so fitting for.

Happily ever after. Ooh

How could I ask for more.

Lifetime of laughter!

At the expense of the death of a bachelor!

I'm cutting my mind off.

Feels like my heart is going to burst. Alone at a table for two. And I just wanna be served.

And when you think of me.

Am I the best you've ever had.

Share one more drink with me. Smile even though your sad.

I'm walking the long road.

Watching the sky fall.

The lace in your dress tingles my neck.

How do I live.

The death of a bachelor!
Oh oh.
Letting the water fall.

The death of a bachelor!
Oh oh
The death of a bachelor
Oh oh.

Seems to fitting for.
Happily ever after! Ooh

How could I ask for more.

lifetime of laughter

At the expense of the death of a bachelor


The death of a bachelor!
Oh oh.
Letting the water fall.

The death of a bachelor!
Oh oh. How could I ask for more.

Seems so fitting for

Happily ever after!

How could I ask for more
Lifetime of laughter.

At the expense of the death of a bachelor."

I looked at Sakura or should I say 'momo' and she was smiling and jumping from behind the camera. I know she loved the song but why is she jumping?

I looked back at the camera and smiled. "So the second fact about me is I go to Konoha high. Well that's all I've got for now! Also I might sing with momo next time. And momo is actually my camera girl. And she's really good at singing" I paused trying to hide a smirk.

"Anyway bye everyone!" I smiled and Sakura turned off the record. "But Hina I can't sing" she whined while plugging the camera into the computer. "You can! And your really amazing at it!" I cheered taking off my mask.

"Whatever you say! But did you notice we have twelve million followers now?!" She jumped "oh. That's cool!" Said running over to the second computer. "Your right look at how many views our first video has" I squealed "your really famous aren't you" Sakura smirked, "maybe even more famous than Naruto" she finished "as if! He's a singer and actor! Like I could beat that" I laughed "you just might!" Sakura said uploading the video.

"Okay all done" she sighed as we walked out of the room.

"Should we head to bed now its really late" I said "yeah we probably should. We have school tomorrow anyway" Sakura said walking to her room. "Do you think we should head back to our houses tomorrow?" I asked "hm maybe I'll decide tomorrow" she yawned "okay night!" I said closing my door and plopping on my bed.

Hm... Maybe that fact today was a little much. Oh well! What's done is done!


OKAY! so u want to thank awesomenessknv for the new cover °^° I luv it!
And that's it so XD

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