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Hinata's POV

"NARRUUTTOO!!" I yelled running into the classroom "its almost christmas!" I beamed "I KNOW I SO EXCITED!!" Naruto screamed happily "I dont get why we still have to come to school!! We should have more than an week break" Sakura groaned walking into the room "its alright Sakura" Sasuke yawned sitting at his desk.

"Its the last day until after break anyway" Sasuke finished. "I know but I have so many presents to get" I squeaked "oh! Naruto we should do a duet for christmas" I suggested "oh yeah! That would be great! Sasuke you can help me film it" Sakura squealed "sounds good! What song though?" Naruto asked "well figure that out later. We shouldn't talk abiut it so much in public" I said as Claire walked into the classroom smiling brightly.

"Hey Claire! Uh why are you so happy?" One of claires friends asked, "no reason" Claire replied sitting in her seat, continuing to smile.

"Interesting" Naruto mumbled as we all stared at the way too happy Claire. "there he is!" I heard girls scream from down the hall. "huh?" Sakura groaned watching as almost half of the girls in our school surrounded Naruto with gifts. "o-oh, are these for me?" Naruto asked awkwardly, all the girls nodded.

"t-thanks" he said as the girls set the gifts on his desk. "run along girls" Toneri  said shoving the girls aside, I groaned as he gripped my hand. "Hina! what a coincidence that we ran into each other! what brings you here?" Toneri asked like a 'gentleman.'

"Um I go to school here." I said pulling my hand away. "yeah, and you go to school here to so maybe you should go to your correct class" Naruto growled. "okay, okay! no need to  get all mad" Toneri said then paused to stare at my necklace. I quickly covered my necklace with my hands and Toneri began to speak again. unfortunately. "Anyway! Hina! I wanted to give you this gift~" He said handing me a small box.

I stared at him oddly and took the gift. "go on. open it~" Toneri insisted as Naruto watched his every move. I slowly opened it, cautiously of course.

oh. "A ring..." I said dully "um Hina, that's an engagement ring. NARUTO DID YOU FINALLY BUILD UP THE COURAGE??" Ino shouted as she walked into the classroom. "w-what?! we've only been dating for like a month or two" Naruto stuttered "no Ino this is from Toneri. and it would be great if he could explain why it's an engagement ring" I said glaring at him.

"well we are getting married aren't we? it's either this or an onion ring" he grinned "I'd rather take the onion ring and slap you with it." I sighed "no you would be wasting food" Tenten said popping out of nowhere. "oh come on Hina! we will get married! I signed the contract" Toneri protested.

"We will NOT get married!" I said handing him the ring. "Come on Hina! I signed the contract and you can't get out of it" he smirked. "Please just stop with the contract thing already! I can easily run away from you" I stated crossing my arms. "We'll see about that" Toneri mumbled and walked out of the classroom.

"I dont wanna get married yet" I whined "I wont let it happen Hina!" Naruto said determined. "Yeah we wont let it happen either! Right Sasuke!" Sakura said "yep" Sasuke said casually.

"I dont know whats happening but I wont let you get married yet either!" Shion said randomly joining our conversation.

{After school}

"Finally!!! Its winter break!" Naruto cheered as me, Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto walked to the penthouse. We all agreed that we would stay at the penthouse over winter break so we can spend christmas together.

"Does everyome havs their gifts??" Sakura asked "yeah" Naruto and sasuka responded "I still have to buy a few~" I noted "that's alright! I have to buy some too" Sakura said scratching the back of her neck.

"We're here!" I said opening the doors to the hotel. "Hey betsy!" I greeted the manager "Hello Hinata!" She replyed happily setting up christmas decorations.

We all huddled into the elevator and pressed the penthouse button. Of course there's no security....I should really get some.

"Home!!" sakura screamed running in and plopping onto the couch. "Carefull!" Sasuke warned "awe he does Care~" me and Naruto cooed. "Daughteh I need you to make sugar cookies with my future son in law~ me and your father are going to decorate!!" Sakura chimed running to the second floor and getting decorations.

"s-son in law?" I questioned "let's get Cooking then!" Naruto smiled dragging me into the kitchen. "Alright so we need flour, uh vanilla" I mumbled grabbing different ingredients from the Cabinets.

"Wow you must bake a lot" Naruto said as I began to make the dough "heh not really. Its just Sakura makes me bake sugar cookies a lot. Not that Im complaining!" I said cracking the eggs.

"Mkay. Sooo~ are you excited for christmas??" He asked with a smirk "DUH!! christmas is my favorite time of the year!!" I rejoyced "me too!" Naruto agreed "oh hold on." I paused putting some cookies in the oven "okay let's talk while we wait" I said. He nodded and followed me to the living room.

"So your birthday is october 10. That makes you older than me" I said pondering. "Oh yeah! When is your birthday?" He asked "oh mine? December 27th but I'm not too fond of my birthday" I said awkwardly "oh! thats right after Christmas isnt it" Naruto said "yeah..." I trailed off.

"Well! Thats not a problem! Ill just get more gifts for you" Naruto stated holding my hands "y-you really don't h-have to" I stuttered blushing madly.

"Of course I do! What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didnt get you presents for your birthday" he said smiling "o-okay" I mumbled hiding my red face.

Beep. Beep

"oh! Thats the cookies!" I said rushing to the oven.

{After decorating and finishing cookies}

"These cookies are great Hinata" Sasuks complimented as we watched YouTube "oh thank you!" I said happily.

"You guys! We should go to sleep~ tomorrow is christmas eve" Sakura yawned. "Oh yeah! Where should we sleep?" Naruto asked "well Naruto. Theres a guest room next to my room and Sasuke there's a guest room two doors down from Sakura. And that's upstairs." I stated "okay~ I'll take Sasuke up. Night guys!" Sakura said as Sasuke followed her up the stairs. "Night" me and Naruto replied.

"Okay right this way~ i know you were in the upstairs guest room last time but the one next to my room has a better view" I smirked opening the door.

"wow! The view is amazing!" Naruto said in awe "told you~ I have the same view cause we share the same balcony but this room is a tiny bit smaller than mine" I stated getting some extra pillows and blankets from the closet.

"Well then! Ill see you tomorrow" I smiled "night Hina" Naruto said kissing my forehead "n-night" I stuttered walking out of the room.

I sighed as I shut the door to my room. I looked out my window one last time before heading to sleep.


hai! Just gonna say there will be two Christmas specials. One for christmas eve and one for actual christmas and I'll post them on the actual dates. And if u dont celebrate christmas I'm sorry but just enjoy the ships.


also if u didnt know I'm starting up "I think I love her" again and completely getting rid of college complications BAI AGAIN

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