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Hinata's POV

I was walking through Naruto's house because we were cleaning up the party stuff and putting all the pillows and blankets back while Shikamaru and Sai convinced Naruto to have a beer contest or something. If they get drunk its not my fault.

"Hinata~~~~" I heard someone say groggily "hm? Naruto?" I said turning around to see Naruto wobbling toward me, "oh no. Your drunk aren't you" I said woridly. "Hinata~!" He said again coming up and hugging me, "eehh??" I squeaked, I think my face is brighter than Sakura's hair and I feel like a flipping tomato right now!

"I love you Hinata~" Naruto said as he dropped to the floor and started hugging My legs. H-h-he l-loves me?!?! OH MAH GAWSH SAKURA HALP!

"Naruto!!" Sakura said running in at lighting speed, "S-Sakura.." I said drowsily, I don't know why but I feel very light headed. I swear if I'm sick again...

"Hinata did he do anything?" Sakura asked prying Naruto from my legs, "u-uh he s-said he l-loved me" I stuttered covering my red face, "KYAAA!!! REALLY OH MY GOSH HINA!!" Sakura squealed shaking my shoulders, "u-um Sakura you Dropped Naruto" I stated pointing to his sleeping body laying across the floor, "oh right! I'll go put him in his bed" Sakura said picking up up "we'll tall later" Sakura winked and walked back downstairs. Why the heck did she go downstairs?? His room is right next to me.

"better put these away" I said to myself shaking off what Naruto said. He was just saying that because he was drunk...right?

I picked up the blankets that I dropped and stuffed them into the hall closet. maybe I should upload a video today...OH! Yes there's a new song I want to sing!

"Hey Hina! Me, Ino and Shion are going to head home!" Tenten said snacking on a lollipop "oh okay! See you tomorrow!" I said waving at them from the top of the stairs.

I sighed and walked back downstairs. "Hey Hina! You ready to go?" Sakura asked "yep!" I nodded, "okay! We'll see you tomorrow guys! Don't you dare let Naruto out of your sight!" Sakura warned "we won't" Shikamaru sighed "good, Bye guys!" She smiled and walked out to the car with me trailing behind her.

we slid into the car but Sakura didn't even put the keys in the car. "uh, are you gonna drive?" I asked, "first. you have tell me what Naruto said to you up there" she smirked, "I already told you what he said" I blushed, "oh yeah, I guess you did, hehe sorry" she said rubbing the back of her neck, "okay we should probably upload a video today" Sakura said starting up the car, "w-wait! Hinata!" Naruto yelled running out of the house, Hey! he can't be out of bed yet!

"N-Naruto what are you doing?! you should be sleeping!" I said sliding the window down, "Naruto get back inside!" Sasuke yelled chasing him. "Hinata! do you want to go on a date tomorrow after school?" he asked after catching his breath. I was so surprised I couldn't speak, I was also so surprised that my face wasn't even red! how is that even possible, "she would love to!" Sakura answered for me "great!" He beamed, "I'll pick you up at 5" he winked then Sasuke pulled him back in the house.

"huh what?" I said finally coming back to reality, "Naruto just asked you out" Sakura answered as we left the drive way, "huh? HUH?!" I screamed, "Hina! my ears!" Sakura squeaked, "H-He asked me out?!" I screamed "yes! oh my gosh" Sakura laughed "I mean, I knew that but I didn't process it" I whined  "that makes no sense" Sakura stated, "I know" I said stuffing my face in my hands.

"it's okay Hina, I said yes for you. he's picking you up at 5" Sakura stated parking in front of our hotel, "do we really live this close?... AND WHY DID YOU SAY YES FOR ME?" I whined, "yes we do live this close, that why Naruto always walks with us to school, and I said yes for you because you weren't answering him" She sighed, "fair enough, I would've embarrassed myself anyway" I groaned.

/in the penthouse/

"okay! I'm going to set up a Murasaki video" Sakura said, "okay, let me just do something real quick" I said walking onto the top floor. we barely come up here unless it's for something secret, which is why I was so worried when Naruto said he was up here.

I sighed and put my mask on, I walked back down the stairs and then into my room, through the closet, and into my studio~ I feel like I'm going through a maze...

"I'm ready" I beamed, "alright, I set everything up so you can just sit down and sing!" Sakura cheered, I nodded and sat on the stool.

"one, two, three!" Sakura said and then the red light on the camera turned on signaling me to start talking.

"Hello everyone! I'm just going to cut to the chase and tell you what song I'm singing, I was an Island by Allison Weiss" I said and then started singing.

(nobody wants to read lyrics to i'm just going to post the video here)

"Okay! that's all for today" I smiled, "uh Murasaki, the fact of the day?" Sakura whispered, "oh right! The fact for today...hm...well, I love musical theaters! my favorite is be more chill!" I beamed, "well that's all I have, Goodbye Iris's!" I said and then Sakura turned off the camera, gave me a smile and then plugged the camera into the computer.

"did I do good?" I asked, "yep! definitely more cheerful this time" she praised, "yay! I tried this time" I sighed in relief. "I have to get ready for tomorrow, cause If school ends at four... that means I only have an hour to get ready for my date" I said and started blushing, "aweee, you guys are so adorable! you both blush when you talk about each other" Sakura cooed, "w-what I do not I- okay yeah I do" I gave in, "anyway! I swear if Toneri comes out of no where and messes with my ship I'm going to cry" Sakura whined, "don't worry, if he does I'll smack him" I assured.

"okay done! new video has been uploaded~" Sakura said following me out of the studio, "cool! I hope I get to sing a duet with Naruto again, oh wait... should I tell him I'm Murasaki?" I asked worriedly, "nah, not yet" Sakura said, "okay... anyway I'm heading to bed" I said, "night Hina!" Sakura said shutting my door.

I sighed and looked out the window, "Maybe I shouldn't tell him....oh jeez whatever" I groaned and climbed into my bed and quietly fell asleep.


AYE PPL! Miss me? yeah no. anyway! I will be uploading a scenery chapter in like twenty minutes or so. but that all I have so,


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