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Naruto POV

I woke up to-surprisingly- silence. "what's going on?" I asked myself as I stumbled out of my bed and to my window, I slid the curtains over and saw hundreds of fangirls sleeping on the ground. I sighed and rubbed my neck while I changed into my school uniform, it's Friday today, hm. maybe Hinata and Sakura want to hang out after school, I have every class with Hinata so it should be easy to ask her in homeroom or something, I'll have to ask Sakura at lunch.

I went down stairs to be greeted by no other than Hinata having a talk with Jiraiya.

"Um... did  I miss something" Hinata stiffened and slowly turned around but softened when she saw me. they both smiled and came walking up to me, "I was just having a nice talk with your girlfriend here!" Jiraiya teased, "w-we're not d-dating" Hinata stuttered shyly while I just stared at her, she reminded me of someone.

"well anyway, Sakura and I wanted to know if you wanted to walk to school with us" She said cheerfully, "oh, yeah sure. but um where's Sakura?" I asked looking behind her, "oh she's probably still getting ready, she lived across the street" she stated looking out the open door, "oh and where do you live?" I asked as Jiraiya face palmed, "she's you neighbor, baka" He sighed as I frantically apologized to Hinata for not knowing.

"it's fine! really, it's not like I told you so you have no reason to be sorry" she said reassuringly, "She's a keeper" Jiraiya whispered while walking past, "well, bye Hinata, please take care of my Naruto here, see ya guys" he said and walked upstairs. 

Me and Hinata walked out of the house with our bags and headed across the street to Sakura's house. Hinata knocked on the door and waited patiently.

10 minutes later

Hinata and I were still standing in front of the door, "okay I'm going in" she said casually, "what? you can't just break in" I stammered "she's my best friend, I climbed in her window once, she's used to it" she stated and started to pick the lock with a twig, the door made a 'click' noise and Hinata walked in like nothing happened, I stood outside the door with a look of shock on my face.

"h-how did you-"

"I have my ways"

I followed her in and we walked up to Sakura's room, when Hinata opened the door she immediately closed it and turned to me slowly with wide eyes, "wait here" she said and quickly slipping into the room closing he door behind her, "I wonder what that was about?"

Hinata POV

I opened the door and I saw Sakura in nothing but a towel, I shut the door quickly and turned to Naruto with wide eyes, "wait here" I said and dashed into the room without letting Naruto see inside.

"Sakura!! come on get dressed!!" I yelled as I threw her clothes at her and started brushing her hair for her. "oh come on Hina, I'm too tired to go to school" she whined and slipped he clothes on,  "it doesn't matter, Naruto's here and we're walking to school with him" I said as she stood up and put her shoes on. "let's go" I said "but my breakfast-" before she could finish I handed her a protein bar and opened the door.

"Alright let's go guys!" I said happily sliding down the railing of the staircase, "wow Hinata, you really like to be dangerous huh?" Naruto questioned meeting me at the bottom of the stairs.  "Yep!" she I popping the 'p'

as we walked up to the school gates I noticed Shinon glaring at me, "u-um, I better go" I stammered nervously knowing what's going to happen. "But Hina.." Sakura said putting her hand on my shoulder, "I'll be fine, I got used to it" I mumbled giving her a smile while Naruto stared dumbfounded.

"I-I'll see you guys later?" I said looking back at them, "yeah!" Naruto said happily while Sakura nodded sadly, I sighed and waved while walking to Shinon behind the school.

/warning! bulling is ahead! If you don't like it just skip this part, I will write when it's over/

 "why hello there~" she said annoyingly, I kept silent trying to prepare myself for the hits. "too scared to even talk" she sighed and turned angry, "stay away from Naruto, I'll make him fall for me in due time. so don't talk to him" she said as I felt a stinging pain in my side, she kicked me.

"I'll talk to him if I want to!" I yelled obviously holding back yelps of pain from her constant kicking, I finally let out a small high pitched yelp when she slammed me against a wall, My hands were scuffed up and blood was spilling out of my thumb, "just shut up and know your place" She scoffed before sashaying off with her hand on her hip while her other hand flipped her light blonde hair.

/bullying is over!!/

I walked into the classroom with a slight limp. I spotted Naruto and sat next to him, I quickly turned and examined my bleeding thumb, there was a piece of glass logged in it, I hissed at the pain as I tried to pull it out.

Naruto looked over my shoulder and quickly took my hand, "Hinata! what happened to your hands?" he asked worried, "I-I" stammered as I felt Shinon's glare boring holes into me, "I tripped" I said quickly, "well either way, we have to get you to the nurse" he said as I heard growls from some girls, I nodded as Naruto took me up to the teacher still holding my hand.

"Um, Sir, may I take Hinata to the nurse?" he asked while the teacher almost fainted, "M-Mr. Uzamaki" she said blushing, this was one of the newer teachers who was totally obsessed with Naruto's music, "o-of coarse" she said adjusting her glasses and coughing to fix her posture. he nodded and dragged me out of the class to the nurse.

"okay please sit down" the nurse said gesturing to a small clinic bed next to a window with a white curtain hanging around it. the nurse rolled her chair next to me and took my hand.

Naruto POV

after a while of working the nurse had completely bandaged up her hands, they were covered in white band aids that were more like a cloth. "thank you" Hinata said walking out of the nurse with me following behind her.  "you sure you just tripped?" I asked seriously, she silently nodded as we continued to walk to our classroom.

when we entered there was crying, we looked over to see Shinon complaining about something. "she hit me! and she called me names" she cried and caught a glace of us, "who?" one girl asked, "it was her" Shinon yelled pointing to Hinata who was taken aback by the statement, "when did I do that?" she yelled back at her, "this morning behind the school!" Shinon screamed with what was obviously fake tears.

"well! we'll just have to get security footage then!" the teacher said which took Shinon by surprise, "w-what? n-no just take my word for it" Shinon cried "why? is there something your hiding?" the teacher questioned with a smirk, "j-just forget everything I said" she said grumpily.

"is she why your hurt? did she hurt you?" I asked even though I knew the answer, she kept silent as her phone went off. she looked at her phone as I saw a notification that looked like it said Murasaki but she quickly shut off her phone and put it in her pocket. 

I shrugged it off thinking she just got a notification from a new video that Murasaki posted. the only thing troubling me was that I didn't get a notification that she posted a new video.

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