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Hinata's POV

I sat on the roof just admiring what I like to call "the midnight sun"
Although its called the moon, "midnight sun" sounds deeper.

I've been pondering what Naruto said. I really do want him to pursue his dream and go on tour but...I desperately want him to stay with us...

I pulled my knees up to my chest and gid my face inbetween them.

What if he really does leave? And two years?! We'll all be gratuated by then...

Thinking back on it what if I never told him I was Murasaki? Would he think I lied to him? I mean I didnt "lie" I just kind of hid it from him. But how would he have reacted if I never told him. Eh it doesnt matter anymore I guess.

But I still remember the days when I used to pray for the things I have now... And i didnt want to fall in love or need someone. I didnt really want anything, but then he appeared and I started wanting him because he was my everything....Jeez im so selfish.

"Hina...I brought you some food" Sakura said cautiously approaching me "no thanks" I rejected "oh come on an apple a day keeps the doctor away" she said in a sing song voice. "An apple a day will keep anyone away if you throw it hard enough" I replied gazing at the sky.

"Jeez Hina! Just eat my chald!" she yelled throwing Twizzlers in my face. CWAP SHE FOUND MY WEAK SPOT.  >:0

"Sakura" I whined looking up at her "hehe you can never reject Twizzlers Hina! Twizzlers and Hippos..." Sakura trailed off "yus I love Twizzlers and Hippos anything else obvious Sherlock?" I said sarcastically.

"Just eat already. You didnt finish your dinner." Sakura said sitting next to me. "Sakura its freezing out why are you sitting down?" I asked eating Twizzlers "hey! Your sitting out here too" she retorted "yeah but im wearing thigh high socks and three blankets" I said "then give me one" she said snatching a blanket off of me.

"Le gasp! My blankie" I whimpered "hehe Suffer!" Sakura said evily. We both had a good laugh then eventually came to a long silence.

"You think he'll really leave?" I asked with the obious crack in my voice "well, its a huge thing for a celebrity. Especially Naruto, he just recently became world known and going to America is a no brainer" Sakura said heaving a sigh.

"So encouraging thanks" I said sprawling out on the floor. "Sorry. Its just the only thing stopping him from leaving is you...and me of course" she says flipping her hair "but am I enough to make him stay?" I asked desperatly "I think so. If you ask him to stay I think he will" Sakura stated.

"But I dont want him to stay if he wants to leave....I can wait two years right?" I said looking over at Sakura sadly. all she did was stare at me with a pitiful smile, "I think you can wait" she began, standing up and dusting off her clothes "but I dont know how alive you'll be during that wait" she finished walking back inside.

I sighed and stared at the sky.

I'm gonna film a video! That will lift my spirits right! I hope anyway...

I snuck past Sakuras room on my way down stairs and finally made it to my room. When I got into the studio I quickly snatched a camera and tip-toed back to the roof.

Finally after getting the perfect angle I slapped my mask on and hit record.

"Hey everyone!" I said half heartedly. "I thought I would film a video because I might take a break soon" I announced. "but anyway I'll be singing "angel with a shotgun" by The Cab" I stated and began to sing.

I took a deep breath and looked straight at the camera and smiled.
"I really have nothing to say" i giggled sadly gazing at the ground "so! Bai!" I said and quickly stopped recording.

Its so much harder when no one is here to give you pointers on what to say...but I should go upload this.

After I uploaded the video I plopped onto my fluffy bed, but for some reason, tonight I was unable to fall asleep until around 5:30 a.m.

/next day/

My eyes fluttered open as the sun peaked through my curtains.

I yawned and looked at my phone "10:03....10:03!!!" I screamed scurrying to my closet for my uniform. "Hina what are you doing?" Sakura asked rubbing hee eyes. "We're late for school!" I said slipping my socks on. "Hina its sunday...im going back to bed" she yawned closing my door behind her.

"Sunday..." I said with a sugh of relief. I quickly changed into some day clothes consisting of black leggings, an oversized purple sweater and some brown boots.

"I need to go shopping anyway" I said grabbing my over-the-shoulder bag
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (fancy huh! No XD)

/at the target rip off aka walmart/

I dont need all that much so I just picked up a basket instead of a cart. As I grabbed what we need (Twizzlers) I noticed a sign in the center of the store. It seemed incredibly fimilier until I noticed Narutos face on it.

The sign read 'World wide singer becomes famous is America!'

Really. They couldnt think of something better to put on a sign? They could have at least make it sound interesting.

I quickly checked out my things and made my way home. Im gonna tell him!

I opened the door and immediately regretted it! I wanted to talk to him but not this soon (」゚ロ゚)」

"Uh Hey Hina" Naruto said rubbing his neck "Hey" I said avoiding eye contact as I made my way to the kitchen.

"I wanted to talk to you" he stated as I set the bags of food on the counter. "Hold on can we go to the roof?" I asked "but its raining" he said. What since when?!

"Yeah but if your gonna break my heart i want it to be an all melodramatic movie moment" I said walking to the stairs.

"Uh I dont wanna break your heart though" he said quicklg grabbing my wrist. "I wanna tell you that im staying" he said looking me in the eyes.

My eyes widened before my gaze turned to the floor with a blanket expression.

"Please don't" I said quietly "what?" He asked in disbelief "please don't! I dont want you to be held back from your dream!" I exlaimed looking him in the eyes.

"But I want to stay with you" he said tightening his grip "and I do too! But I want you to take this once in a life time chance!" I pleaded "but your my once in a life time chance! and I dont want to you give up!" He yelled pulling me into a warm embrace.

I could feel my eyes burn with wet tears, "please Naruto" I cried digging my face deeper into his chest.
(Why is this so difficult for me to write XD)

"I don't want to loose you" he said gently "and you won't! I'll wait for you, no matter how long it takes" I said tightening the hug.



And the next day Naruto left on tour


Welp ._. There it is. ITZ NAWT OVER! theres one chapter left guys! The next chapter will take place two years after this so it should be published around next week...or longer...im really slow sorry XD

BAI!!!! (〜^∇^)〜

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