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Hinata's POV (I will eventually have Naruto's but not now)

I was walking to school by my self today because I have to help guy sensei set up the volleyball court for he upcoming game, so I'm going an hour earlier.

"Morning Sensei" I greeted walking into the gym, "Oh Good morning Miss Hyuga!" He said cheerfully, I smiled and walked up to him struggling with the net. "I got this" I said untangling him and spreading the large net on the floor. "can you please hang it over there an then when your done please grab the volley balls and set them in the basket over there" Guy Sensei said walking into the supplies closet.

I hung the net and started to make my way to the third supplies closet that is behind the gym outside. it was still pretty early so the sun wasn't out yet, basically it was late dawn. I've always loved dawn because it was so calm and cold. I actually love the cold more than anything so dawn in the perfect combination of cold, peaceful and calm. and when the slight breeze comes and you just stare off into space.

I snapped myself out of my thoughts and grabbed the volley balls and headed back inside. I set them in the basket and made my way to Guy Sensei. "I finished" I said "great! thank you so much miss Hyuga, you may take your leave" he answered. I nodded and walked into the empty hallways.

Today Shinon is supposed to ask if she can be out friend! I'm obviously going to ay yes because everyone deserves a second chance....that sentence was way too cliché for me. I sighed and headed to my classroom.

I sighed as I walked into the empty classroom and sat in my seat next to the window, and of coarse me being the socially awkward person I am, I sat in the very back. mostly I sit here because the best view of the ocean. I put my headphones on started playing my music while staring at the sunrise longingly.

/thirty minutes later/

"HINA!! here you are" Sakura said while panting, "oh Hi" I said taking my headphones off and placing them in my book bag, "Hinata! we've been looking everywhere for you!" Naruto said running into the classroom, "I left a note on your bed Sakura" I answered with a 'really' face.

"what!?? you did?" Naruto asked glaring at Sakura, "oh my gosh I thought you got kidnapped" Sakura breathed, "why would you- oooh" It dawned on me that my secret isn't the most hidden thing in the world so I understand why Sakura thought that but... I LEFT A FLIPPING LETTER.

"I left a letter Sakura. I also texted you what the heck?" I said with a confused smile. "I didn't see it" she whined, "whatever just come sit down" I said patting the seat next to me, "what were you doing here so early anyway?" Naruto asked sitting behind us, "I was helping Guy Sensei set up the volley ball game" I answered turning my seat to face him, "Oh, are you going to be in the game?" He asked "no, I'm not one for competition" I replied blankly.

"Hina likes nice and fluffy things so fighting for a ball doesn't really fit her" Sakura said "yeah but I'm not a girly girl" I stated, "Oh yeah! she will beat you in any video game trust me" Sakura sweatdropped.

"good to know" Naruto smiled, I could feel my face heating up so I quickly grabbed my phone and stared down at it to focus on something else. "Hina why are you staring at your home screen?" Sakura asked confused "I uh was looking for an app" I replied, "okay well you can do that later because the teacher is here" She said.

/next class with Shinon :D/

I sat down next to Naruto this time because Sakura wanted to sit next to Sasuke who actually didn't complain. Sakura and Sasuke were in front of Naruto and I while Neji and Tenten sat behind us with Ino and Sai next to us. so basically all our friends where in one spot.

we still have about five minute until class starts and I'm waiting for Shinon to come up to us. I'm gonna try to act surprised but it might not be too convincing....oh well!

I got caught up in the conversation with Naruto about goat simulator that I didn't notice Shinon slowly walking up to us. "U-um H-hello" She stuttered, the group looked up at her with curious faces while I looked up with a smile, "Hi" I replied calmly, "I-I just want to say I'm sorry for always being so mean to you guys and that I-I really want to b-be your friends..." Shinon said looking down with an embarrassed face, "Of coarse you can be our friend!" I said after nobody said anything.

"R-really?" she asked happily "really?" Sakura said dumbfounded, "yes, why not?"  I said giving her a welcoming smile, "well if Hina's  fine with it then so am I" Sakura sighed with a smile, "I'm cool with it" Naruto answered, "Um sure!" Ino said while Sai just nodded, "I guess, as long as she doesn't do anything bad" Tenten said getting a smile from Neji. "Great! that's settled lets get your desk" I said waking over to a desk and dragging it next to us.

"here!" I cheered, "thanks so much!" Shinon smiled giving me a tight hug, "No problem" I cooed patting her back. I'm really glad that she became out friend. now she can have fun and be weird with us.

"alright class let's get started"

/Lazy time skip cuz I don't want to write about algebra bcuz we're never gonna use it ;-;/

"Hey Shinon we're going to the mall tomorrow after school wanna come?" tenten asked "uh sure" she smiled, "great! I'll be picking everyone up so can we all meet at out penthouse" Sakura said, "that's where the party was right?" Ino asked "yep!" I said popping the 'p' "alright, I'll be there" Shinon said, "cool!" I cheered and we all went our separate ways.

"Hey Hina are you going to record today?" Sakura asked "yeah I guess so" I said with a sigh.

when we got home we dropped our bags and headed to my secret room!! I love this room. it has two black leather couches, purple walls, A small bar full of snacks and drinks, and the computer setup with speakers. and a TV for our secret Netflix Marathons.  (picture above)

I walked to the wall and turned a small nob where I opened a tiny door with twizzlers in it. (as you can tell from my other fics I luv twizzlers)

I grabbed two and handed one to Sakura, "alright what song are you going to sing?" she asked "Um maybe... Used to be, ya know by arrows to Athens" I suggested, "hm okay cool get ready" Sakura said setting up a camera.

I put my mask on and took a seat on the couch. "Three two, one"

"HI everyone! um I recently did a concert and I hope a lot of people came or saw it on the internet but my camera girl is telling me to start singing so here we go" I said giving Sakura a glare.

(okay so because  I'm so lazy I'm just going to show to video so just pretend its a girl singing)

I looked at Sakura who gave me a thumbs up. "Okay so that was Used to be by arrows to Athens. anyway! I decided that everytime I post a video I will give facts about myself, just for fun. First fact! This is my actual hair color and style" I said nervously. yes after two years of singing online I still have camera fright.

"anyway that's all so Bye my iris's!" I said with a wave and Sakura ended the video, "Hina maybe you should work on what you say after you sing" Sakura suggested plugging the camera into the computer "I know but I don't know what to say" I sighed, "let's just work on it together okay" she said reassuringly, "right!"

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