7 concert part 2

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Naruto's POV

I watched with a smile as Murasaki dashed behind the curtains and began to rant to a pinkette who tried to calm her down. after about five minutes Murasaki went up to the microphone carefully, "U-um can Naruto Uzumaki make his way to the stage please" she said with a flustered face, I glanced at Sasuke who nodded and pushed me forward, a path was suddenly made letting me make it up to the stage, Murasaki put out her hand to help me up which I gladly took and she hoisted me up onto the stage. "U-um the manager says t-that we should sing together" she said nervously holding her mask, "oh, w-well I'm fine with that" I said flashing a smile, "really? thanks! I'm actually really scared up here singing by my self" she said as we walked behind the curtains, "I feel ya, that's how I felt at my first concert" I assured, she nodded and stopped in front of the pinkette I saw earlier "Okay! you two both know the song 'kids again' right?" She asked quickly, "yes" we replied in unison, "and you've heard the switching vocals one?" she asked more calmly, "yep!" we said, "alright! your singing that! now go!" she yelled pushing us onto stage where there was a loud cheer, "well, you ready?" "ready as I'll ever be..."

and the music started playing. (bold is Naruto and normal is Hinata and the slanted one that idk its name is both of them)

"I know a girl. who likes to drink her coffee black. cause Sugar no she don't got time for that. leaves her desires at the welcome mat, when she walks in."

"and I know a boy, who's likes to keep his burner on. he's always runnin with no one to keep warm! it's like he's flirtin with the smoke alarm, his fires fading,"

"but still we laugh, we cry, we fall, we get high. just like we were kids, just like we were kids. and when I, I'm feelin small, you get me through it all just like we were kids, just like were kids again"

"I know a girl, who's never tried to settle down. she wears her loneliness just like crown! but when she smiles all the king will bow down, down, down."

"and I know a boy, who's broken every vow he's made. and spoken every cowards phase, but he can listen like a rainy day. and drown it out."

"but still we laugh, we cry, we fall, we get high. just like we were kids jut like we were kid and when I, I'm feelin small you get me through it all, just like we were kids, just like we were kids again, jut like we were kids, just like we were kids again"

"and still we laugh, we cry, we fall we get high, just like we were kids just like we were kids..."
"and when I, I'm feeling small you get me through it all, just like we were kids just like we were kids..."

"but still we laugh we cry we fall we get high, just like we were kids just like we were kids and when I, I'm feeling small you get me through it all just like we were kids just like we were kids again! just like we were kids just like we were kids again! just like we were kids just like we were kids, just like we were kids again."

"just like we were kids again!"

Hinata's POV

I opened my eyes nervously because I couldn't hear anyone, I looked toward Naruto who was smiling and waving to the crowd, I looked into the crowd and saw thousands of people screaming with smiles on their faces, but I guess I didn't tune them in yet because they sounded muffled until I soaked everything in.

"Nice Job Murasaki!" Naruto said giving me a hug, "w-what? uh yeah you too" I said returning the hug, "well I better be going back" He said releasing the hug, I nodded and he jumped down from the stage. I kinda just stood there like a idiot until Sakura pulled me off, "O-oh, how was it?" I asked "THAT WAS AMAZING!!" She screamed, "really? that's a relief" I said with a sigh, "yah, and it's gonna be on TV! and I might have filmed a whole bunch of it for your YouTube" she said sticking out her tongue, "well I think this concert was a success!" I cheered jumping up and down,  "Yep! but now. we better start planning that party! tomorrows Friday and we said it was on Saturday!" Sakura yelled, "right!" I said and quickly made my way to the microphone on stage.

"sorry I got to go! have a great night guys!" I said happily and waddled off the stage and into Sakura's car.

"Uh Sakuraaaa.... we're being chased by fans" I warned turning to the girls and boys chasing the car, "DONT WORRY I GOT THIS!" She yelled stepping on the pedal, "SAKURA I SWEAR IF YOU BLOW UP THIS CAR I'M NOT PAYING FOR IT!" I screamed as we drove like crazy people through the streets.

/a while later/

"lost em!" I said getting out of the car, "phew! thought we were goners~" Sakura chimed as we parked in the underground parking lot under our penthouse. "do you think people will notice our outfits?" I asked stepping in the elevator, "Maybe, just keep your mask on in case" Sakura said. the elevator stopped on ground level, now we have to be ninja's and make our way to the next elevator which unfortunately is across the room, with a lobby full of people.

(ninja's >:3)


"Dear lord why!" I yelled grabbing Sakura's arm and running into an elevator, the doors closed just before anyone could get in, sounds cliché but whatever. "I still need to do homework" I said with anime tears, "me too" Sakura whined joining me in my fake cries.

the elevator made a beeping sound and the doors flung open, I stepped into the penthouse and made my way to the couch where I could collapse and take off these dreadful shoes, "this is why I wear converse!" I whined showing the blisters on my toes. "Same!" Sakura said taking off her heals, "I cant believe you wore those, I think heals should be illegal in every country" I said snuggling onto the couch.

"me too, and by the way I'm going to sleep I'll do the homework in the morning" Sakura stated waving as she walked to her room, "me too, night!" I yelled grabbing a blanket from the closet.

I closed my eyes and realized, "I'm still in a dress!" I whined, oh well, I'll change in the morning, I still have my extra clothes here anyway.

/next morning/

'knock knock'

"Hina~ get  door" Sakura groaned, "come it!" I said drowsily, wait? door?! we don't have a door!, "who's there!" I yelled sitting up from the couch, "Hey guys" Naruto said with his balled up hand on the wall, "did you sleep in a dress?" he asked, I stared at him trying to figure out everything, dress? "DONT LOOK!" I screamed covering myself with the blanket. if he saw the dress he'd know I'm Murasaki.

"Hina what happened?!" Sakura yelled running into the room, "O-oh Naruto! welcome" she said trying hide any traces of Murasaki, including me, "she'll just be a second!" she said throwing me in a closet with my uniform.

I quickly changed and walked out with Sakura still in her Pj's. this is gonna be a long day.

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