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Hinata POV

It's Monday... great.

last night I had to stay up all night because I always respond to my comments on My Murasaki channel, and last night there was a bit too much, so now I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open.

"Sakura...." I groaned as I crawled out my room and dropped into hers, "Huh? what is it?" she asked while brushing her hair, "I can't make it to school" I mumbled while completely falling on her carpet, "are you sure?" she said kneeling down beside me, "I'm sure" I mumbled with my face till in the carpet, "alright"  she sighed and slipped her shoes on.

"there's donuts in the cabinet, if anyone comes to the door make sure your dressed and your hair looks... decent" she said while opening the door, "k" I said and dropped on my bed, I heard the door shut so I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Naruto POV

"Hey Sakura! hm? where's Hina?" I asked looking around, "oh she was too busy replying to the comments she got on YouTube so she's too tired to come to school" she yawned as my eyes widened, "she has a YouTube channel?" I asked happily, Sakura stopped in her place and turned to me, "no?" she said and sprinted off, I was about to chase after her but tons of fangirls got to me first.


"Awe man!"

/lunch with Sakura/

"hey so Hinata has a YouTube channel?" I asked while eating my sandwich, "no" Sakura replied bluntly, I sighed and looked at the tree where Hinata sat, "why does Hintata always sit in the tree when we're at lunch?" I asked out of no where, "oh, I don't know, she's always been a nature person" she shrugged, "oh, okay" I said taking another bite out of my sandwich.

we didn't talk too much today at lunch, it was pretty quiet for the most part, but we did hear Shinon yelling some stuff like "Naruto belongs to me! so everyone back off.


"Sakura, can I come over to yours and Hinata's place?" I asked as we walked out of our last class, "Um, yeah sure, let me just call Hina real quick" she said stepping into an empty classroom and taking out her phone, she dialed Hinata's number and put the phone up to her ear. "Hey Hina- yeah school was okay- anyway Naruto is coming home with me today so hide those things" she said over the phone. Things? I shrugged it off and poked my head outside.

"cost is clear" I whispered as Sakura stepped out the door putting her phone in her back pocket. I followed behind her and went into an empty court yard. We started walking up to a tall building that read 'Hyuga Hotels.' "Hey I thought you and Hinata lived across the street" I said confused, "oh yeah. but we live in this place too, just cause Hina is rich, but we didn't want to walk across the street just to see each other. so we either live here for a week or back home for a week" she stated. I nodded even though it made zero sense to me. "wait! Hinata's rich?" I yelled Sakura nodded and opened the doors.

we walked in and the receptionist asked who I was, "don't worry he's with me and Hinata" Sakura said pressing the up button on the elevator. it was about a minute until we reached their floor level, "so is this like the fifth floor? what's the room number?" I asked as we stepped out without me paying attention, "nope! we have a penthouse at the top" she said throwing her bag on the couch. I looked around at the penthouse that had most of the walls made out of glass, swirled stairs, a balcony looking over the living room, a large kitchen, a flat screen, a curved couch, and a...tree?

"Sakura?" A voice said, "Naruto's here!" Sakura yelled back. I smiled as I saw Hinata turn the corner and stand in the middle of the living room wrapped around a fuzzy purple blanket. "O-oh! Hi Naruto" she said wobbling over to me, "Hey Hinata!" I said happily, "you guys! come sit over here!" Sakura yelled patting the couch.

Me and Hinata went and sat beside Sakura but she ended up moving onto the floor, leaving me and Hinata next to each other. "u-uh Sakura? what are we doing?" Hinata asked putting the blanket over her head, "we're going to watch some YouTube on our Smart TV" Sakura said sticking her tongue out, Hinata's face was clearly worried at that point, "y-you don't mean, the thing?" Hinata said nervously, Sakura shook her head no and Hinata let out a sigh of relief.

"what thing?" I asked oblivious, "oh nothing" Hinata said softly, I shrugged it off and looked at the TV to see Sakura scrolling through YouTube. while she was scrolling I spotted one of Murasaki's videos, "Hey Sakura! click on that Murasaki video" I said happily, Hinata froze and Sakura stopped scrolling, "I-I don't think..."

"Oh come on! what's so wrong with it?" I said with a smile, "okay, but um, Hina, can you get some snacks?" Sakura said awkwardly, Hinata stood up immediately, "on it" she said and quickly walked away dropping her blanket on the floor. Sakura clicked on the video and it started playing, in the middle of the video I saw something on Murasaki's neck, A bottle necklace and a small rose inside. I feel like I've seen that before...

the video ended and Hinata walked in with popcorn and twizzlers.  "awe Hinata, you missed Murasaki's video" I said sadly as she said down handing me the twizzlers and snuggling into her blanket. "oh no, sorry" she said with a fake smile, I sighed and we ended up watching try not to laugh videos.

"Hey Naruto, how about you stay over tonight?" Hinata asked, I thought about it for a moment and ended up agreeing, I told Jiraiya and we sat on the couch all night watching Netflix.

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