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Sakura's POV

I dropped off Sasuke and then headed back to the penthouse, obviously I can't sleep in the streets. well I mean I can but- whatever.  I was walking back into the penthouse when Hinata decided to tackle me to the ground.

"Eh Hina?? What's wrong?!?" I asked "HES SUSPICIOUS!!" She screamed rolling off of me, "uh what?" I said dumbfounded "Naruto asked me about Murasaki!" She yelled, "HE WHAT?!? NAH COME WIT WIH ME WE ARE GOING TO TALK ABOUT THIS" I yelled at the top of My lungs.

Hinata told me everything and ended up cuddling a pillow while eating twizzlers, "but you like him right? He probably likes you and he likes Murasaki too! Plus I think we need to trust more people" I sighed maybe your right but he wouldn't like me" Hinata mumbled into her pillow, actually its my pillow but whatever.

"Awe~ Hina he totally likes you! Its so obviously cringy and its adorable that both of you have no idea" I smiled as I took her up to the roof. "Look its night time! And its raining! Your favorite" I said "yeah it is my favorite" she said quietly.

She sat in a big puddle and started to splash the water around a bit. "you know your very childish...but thats a good thing" I giggled.

After a while of getting all wet we took out showers and went to bed. Pretty boring huh. Yeah no. We did what we both live doing. Eating twizzlers with our favorite song blasting. the song is actually from a musical called be more chill. Its called Michael in the bathroom, its sad ;-;

Then we went to bed.

(wow I'm great at dis -note the Sarcasm XD)

Hinata's POV

Its morning and I'm afraid to see Naruto. What if he finds out, he'll probably think that I lied to him which I did and he'll never trust me again!!

"Hina calm down! I can tell your tense so just. Chill" she smirked "are you trying to make a be more chill pun on me?" I smiled "what noo!" she Said with a smile, "yeah sure" we laughed.

"Hey guys!" Naruto said running up to us, oh jeez. "Hey Naruto" I said casually with a smile. Awesome I did it. "Hey Naruto" Sakura said looking behind Naruto for Sasuke "where's Sasuke?" She asked "oh he's sick today" Naruto sighed "awe dang it" Sakura whined. "oh no! My ship is being separated!" I cried, "Don't worry Hina, my ship is still here" Sakura chimed, "what ship?" I asked, "me and you of coarse" Toneri said wrapping his arm around my all of the sudden, "uh" I didn't know what to do, I'm in public so I can't slap him, Sakura save mee.

"Um Excuse me but nobody ships you two" Naruto stated wrapping his arms around me and pulling me away from Toneri. currently I look like a tomato because my crush just pulled me up to his chest and I don't know if it's because he's jealous or if he's just being a good friend. I wish he would be jealous but I can't tell.

"My ship!!" Sakura squealed, "see Sakura ships us" Toneri smirked, "hah  no~ I'm talking about Hinata and Naruto" Sakura laughed, "Oh jeez, Toneri just leave her alone" Naruto groaned, "for now, but I'll see you after school at the gate" He winked and walked back to his group of friends.

"U-um y-you can let g-go of me n-now" I squeaked, "o-oh yeah sorry" He said letting go of me, awe man now I feel cold! like when your under your blanket and then take it off and you get that big cold rush. does that make sense? whatever.

"let's get to class Naruhina!" Sakura said and started marching her way into the school building, "Naruhina?" we both said in unison, eh I'll just ask her later, maybe it's a friend greeting in a different language or something.

/in class/

"Um guys" I said getting everyone's attention, "yeah what's up" Naruto said with a smile, "well, since Toneri said he would meet me at the gates after school, I uh, I was wondering If we could head out ten minutes early so that I don't have to get uncomfortable with him" I mumbled, "oh yeah that's fine!" Tenten said cheerfully, "well all of you don't have to go I just need someone with me just in case" I said waving my hands around, "yeah sorry but me and Ino have a make-up test" Shion sweat dropped, "did you guys fail the math test?" I asked, "w-what I- maybe" Ino mumbled. "oh okay, um good luck" I said, "Me and Sai made plans with Shikamaru, sorry" Neji said, "perfectly fine! Sakura and Naruto will go with me, it's a good thing out last block teacher is super understanding, plus she's a suck up to Naruto" I smirked, "okay we'll just tell her about what happened and she should let us leave" Sakura shrugged, "yeah okay we'll go with you" Naruto said and gave his signature smile that is on literally every poster of him, N-not that I would know!

/later before the end of their last class -3-/

"okay, let's go talk to her" I said as we got up from our chairs. we already finished all our work so it wont bother her. "excuse me" Naruto said as we stopped in front of the teachers desk, "y-yes?" the teacher asked adjusting her glasses, "um we were wondering if we could leave early, since someone made Hinata uncomfortable and told her they would meet her outside at the gate on our way home" Naruto explained, "oh yes of coarse, I'm so sorry that happened, I'll see you tomorrow kids" The teacher smiled.

we gave her our thanks and left to get our book bags from our lockers.

(fun fact I've never used my book bag in school because my school banned us from using out book bags)

"Okay let's get moving" I sighed walking down to Sakura's locker, me and Naruto's locker were right next to each other while Sakura is all the way at the other end of the hall. "alrighty!" she chimed and jumped up from the ground, "what are you a frog?" Naruto laughed, "no she's a bunny because those are cuter than frogs" I stated, "well I happen to think frogs are quite cute" Naruto stated, we all laughed but then stopped when we saw Toneri leaning on the gate.

"this dude is persistent, Naruto protect Hinata for me" Sakura said cracking her knuckled, as she walked over to Toneri Naruto slowly walked up to Toneri while holding my hand. "Toneri aren't you supposed to be in class" Sakura said gritting her teeth, "well you see, I thought I would get here early for you Hina" Toneri said smugly, "ya see Toneri, I hate to break it to you but- actually I'd love to break it to you- anyway, Hinata has a boyfriend already" Sakura said, "no Sakura I-" I protested but I couldn't finish because SOMEONE! interrupted me, "oh really and who would that be?" Toneri smirked, "Naruto" Sakura said casually, "no way! she's not even good enough for Naruto, he's a pop star, Murasaki would be better for him, and while I hate to admit it I'm under Naruto's level, which is why Hinata is perfect for me." Toneri said.

"Oh you listen here you!" I said pulling out of Naruto's grasp and charging up to Toneri, "I will never like you and don't you dare say that about me! I don't belong to you so you can't just take me where ever you want and get me drunk! you can't talk bad about me or my friends, and just because Naruto is famous that doesn't mean he has high standards! he can like who ever he wants" I yelled, "wow, feisty! I like it" Toneri smirked holding my chin.

"yeah okay" I said and smacked him, "You better stay away from me! I'm stronger than I look and you can't touch me!" I yelled and hit him with my book bag one last time and walked away. "haha!! Hina that was great!" Naruto laughed, "r-really?" I blushed, "yeah good job girl!" Sakura laughed. 

/at the penthouse/

"you know what I got confused about" I said "what?" Naruto asked, "The teacher said she would see us tomorrow but...tomorrow is Saturday" I giggled, "oh my gosh I wanted to tell her so bad but she looked so serious  didn't want to hurt her feelings" Sakura laughed, "I didn't even notice" Naruto chuckled.

we kind of just talked on the roof the rest of the day and then Naruto dropped it on us saying that his birthday was tomorrow, jeez dude a bit late huh.


HEWWO READERS! sorry I haven't been posting but there will be a chapter tomorrow and it will be a Naruto's birthday special! I'm excited! anyway for the people who are reading college complications I will have a special for that one too and hopefully I will be able to post both of them tomorrow.


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