Chapter 1: An Eternity

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A month has passed since Pak, Elk, and Vrijen had vanished from Guude's sights, and Anders was still healing from his wounds he suffered when he faced Dahrk. Not everything had gine right for the Swede since the last time they faced Dahrk and Herobrine, and he didn't feel like starting.

Just a while ago, Anders had an argument with Guude aboit his injuries. Guude wanted Anders to rest, while Anders prefered to have gone back to work. But, Commander always makes the decisions, no matter if you like them or not.

Anders grabbed his gem from his pocket, wondering what woukd happen if he had told Guude about it when he first awoken from what had happened. Would they be instead looking for more of these, if there are more? Questions circled around in Anders' mind.

The Swede was confused. More confused then he had ever been afraid. Why did they fight when there was no reason to? Who was Herobrine first after? What are their intentions? Everything was like an unsolved jigsaw puzzle. But, like all puzzles, they must be solced eventually.

Anders continued to gaze mindkessly at the gem, until he heard a doorknob turn. Quickly, he shoved the gem into his jean pocket as he watched Doc walk through the door to his infirmary bedroom. Doc looked to Anders before closing the door, walkinf slowly over to his friend.

Anders watched in silence as Doc sat in a makeshift bean bag chair beside him, puttong his hands together and looking Anders straight in his blue eyes.

"How have you been?" Was the first thing that Doc said to Anders. Exhaling, Anders looked out the window, and Doc looked to his feet.

"Alright..." He answered, and Doc nodded. The two then proceeded to sit in silence for the next two minutes. Then, Anders turned back to the German.

"Why are you here Doc?" Anders asked him, and Doc's eyes darted to the Swede's face.

"To see my best friend...?" Doc asked confused, seeing how Anders changed his mood almost immediately after he asked hia first question. Anders sighed.

"Doc... I hate to tell you to leave, but I'm kinda busy." Anders said, and Doc chuckled.

"Yes! Because sitting on an infirmary bed is so hard to do." Doc grumbled, and Anders scoffed.

"Says you! You weren't the one who was shot twice and thrown down a cavern about fourty meters deep!" Anders shouted, and Doc's mechanical eye lit up profusely.

"Maybe I wasn't, but I was the one who got manually drained off all molecular energy that keeps me alive, and I was told who and what I really am! And all in a shirt span of four weeks, none the less!" Doc spat back, and the two glared at each other for a moment. It normally wasn't like them to fight, but they have been so on edge with the war happening, anything was possible.

Anders stuttered, and looked down.

"I... I'm sorry man... I... I just want to help you guys so badly... but... the Commander! Guude... he won't-"

"Anders..." Doc interuppted sadly, amd Anders looked at his half brother. Doc had his head hung low, and his eyes were reading sadness.

"Remember the old poem I taught you? Genossen können fallen, aber brüder werden nicht?" (Comrades may fall, but brothers will not) He asked.

"Y-Yeah." Anders answered. Doc looked to him with a slight smile.

"You best keep that gem safe, Anders. It's a lot more important then you think it is." Doc smiled warmly. Anders relaxed hus tense shoulders, and grinned sheepishly.

"Thanks... for the advice..." he said, and Doc slowly stood to his feet. Doc proceeded towards the doorway and out the door. Anders kept quiet about what had been said.

Guude slammed hia fists onto a dark oak table, sending jumps and gasps around a room full of anxious Mindcrackers. Guude's blonde hair fell into his face, and he pushed it to the side. Standing up, Guude took at least one look to each of the people that were there.

He put his hands to the side, then dropped them quickly. He shrugged.

"Where do we go from here, hm?" Guude asked them, and the room was silent. Guude groaned, and decided to pace the room.

"How the absolute hell do five people magically disappear from a planet?" Guude asked, but this tome louder then the first time. There were a couple of murmurs from the crowd, but no answers. Guude sighed angrily, and turned back to the command module.

"There is no way... none at all..." Guude mumbled to himself, and wondered his eyes all around the map. No trace of any of them still lingered, not even the girl. Mhykol was shaking, and he could barely keep on his feet. He looked up to his Commander with shakey eyes.

"S-Sir?" Mhykol asked, and Guude looked sharply back at him. Mhykol rubbed his arms.

"M-May I b-be exc-cused, s-sir?" Mhykol asked. Guude recognized the shakeyness in Mhykol's words, and sighed. Nodding, he said;

"You are excused, private." Guude said. Mhykol thanked him briefly before walking out of the room. He got to hallway B before stopping. He leaned against the wall beside a dormroom doorway, in which was opened, to catch his breath.

Mhykol didn't want this to proceed. Pak going awol was his fault, his and Avidya's faults. He knew that now, and he still couldn't cope with the fact that he didn't just have Pak, he has Elk and Vrijen now too. Mhykol put his face in his hands as he rubbed it, putting them swiftly back to his side as he looked to the ceiling.

Mhykol felt a hand grab his chest, and he jumped, squirming as another grabbed his mouth to prevent him from screaming. Mhykol was slowly being pulled into the room next to him, trying to get free from the strong hands that were tying him down. With one last pull, Mhykol was pulled into the dark room as the door shut behind him.

Strong footsteps echoed through out a dark netherbrick hallway, black boots clanking on a marble floor as the person qalked through the dark passageways of his home. The goatee'd man smiled as his hands were placed firmly behind his back.

Turning a corner, he got to a dank hallway lined will cells. (dank: daNGk/adjective; disagreeably damp, musty, and typically cold.) He smiled as he walked past the cells of many monsters and hybrids that he has caught, but none of them caught his eye.

He got to a cell near the end of the hallway and stopped, turning towards it and peeking inside. There were three uncauncious figures in there. The glowing white eyed man giggled madly before saying;

"Sleep well, my pets." And leaving every one of the hybrids and monsters alone once again.

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