Chapter 26: How Things Can Change

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Pause could hear the silence on the other side of the comm system extend over minutes. As Beef and Anders extended to look around the tainted landscape, Pause attempting to make conversation with his leader, who was kilometers away.

"Sir, are you still there?" Pause asked. At first there was no response. Then a couple of seconds after came the commanders voice saying:

"~Just be careful, Lieutenant~." Guude's voice made Pause sadly look at his feet.

"Yes sir." Pause answered. Anders groaned.

"This place is like a tainted version of Moonrise... almost an exact replica." Anders commented, Beef nodding and crouching down beside a pool of taint.

"Yeah... now that you've mentioned it, it does look like Moonrise. The only other aspect of it being that everything has been tainted." Beef said and moved his hand above the taint pool. Pause grabbed his hand.

"Might not exactly be safe to do that, Beef." Pause told him, and Beef looked back to the taint. Beef stood up.

"Right... you might be right..." Beef exhaled, and Anders gazed into the shadows of the forest in front of him.

"Doesn't look like there's anything here... Jäklar!" (Dammit) Anders cursed in Swedish, and wondered back over to Beef and Pause. Pause pressed the comm on his watch.

"Sir, we're heading back to HQ." Pause informed.

"~Roger that, Lieutenant~." Guude answered back. Pause sighed and looked to the sky. When he attempted to lift himself he felt his feet attatched to something. Looking down, he noticed that the taint had latched itself onto his ankles.

"What?" Pause asked. Beef attempted to free himself also, but the taint was only growing up his legs. Anders was maving the same problem.

"Kära hak, I can't get free." (Dear Notch) Anders exclaimed, struggling to get the taint off.

"Suffocated in taint... what a way for gemstone holders to go." Pause growled as the mysterious voice arose out of nowhere. Dahrk emerged from the shadows of the forest as Pause glared at the man.

"Dahrk... what have you done to Mhykol?" Pause asked furiously, but Dahrk jusy simply laughed.

"I didn't do anything... I jusy simply asked the taint to do it for me." Dahrk informed as the suited man got closer to the three gem holders. The taint had spread up to their knees.

"Pause, can't you burn this shit off?" Anders asked. Pause shook his head sadly.

"No, Anders... it's to risky to use it with this much taint. It could set the forest a-blaze, with Mhykol in it." Pause informed.

"Knulla!" (Fuck) Anders swore. Dahrk watched as Beef silently stood where he was previosuly, his head down and his body not struggling against the taint.

"You are smarter than the others, to give up. Not exactly a heroes death, but it makes what the other two are going to go through much more painful... hahaha..." Dahrk taunted, and Pause and Anders looked to the silent Beef. Paise growled at Dahrk.

"How the hell did you even manage to control the taint anyways?! Isn't taint supposed to be the uncontrollable being of darkness?" Pause asked, which made Dahrk give off a taunting laugh.

"You have kept up on your research on mystical things, Alex-"

"It's PAUSE!" Pause shouted angrilly, interrupting what the former commander had to say. Dahrk chuckled.

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