Chapter 10: Friend or Foe?

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Old Man Willakers looked at the map of Minecraftia layed before him and scanned it fourteen times over again for good measures. Avidya stood astutely beside him whilst Blame was off to the side. The Old Man chuckled at the map.

"Anders found the Erde gem here-" Robert Willakers pointed to Moonrise Forest. "-and I found the Luft gem here." Willakers then pointed to the Anacon Desert. Avidya looked around the map.

"The Feure gem could either br found here-" He pointed to Nunsen Volcano. "-or here." Avidya then pointed to Ash Plains. Blane groaned, and rubbed his temples with his two index fingers.

"We're getting no where by just staring at the map! We could... dispatch two teams! One to one location and one to the other!" Blame suggested, but Willakers shook his head and smiled at the masked wearing man.

"And leave so much of this plaevce unguarded? My boy, I may be old but even I know that when we're under attack, never let to many soldiers out of base." Old Man Willakers told him, and Blame groaned at him. He was right, and Blame knew that. But he couldn't just stand here doing nothing.

"Then how about we contemplate which is more likely to hold it and go to that one? Send a team of four there." Blame suggested once more, and Old Man Willakers chuckled.

"Very well. Avidya! You and Blame here decide which destination we will send a team to search at. It will be all up to what you deicde." Old Man Willakers said, and the two saluted, getting to work as Old Man Willakers walked slowly over to the group of Mindcrackers who weren't working as of the moment.

"Here is the plan: When Avidya Zen and Blame Control over there figure out which destination to head to, we will send a group of four to get the Feure gem whilst we continue to find the locations to other gems." The Old Man said, and Guude cleared his throat. Everyone then looked to him.

"We will need voulenteers to go. Any one willing to risk their lives for the good of humanity and hybridity?" Guude asked. There at first was no one, until Pyro stepped forwards.

"I'll so, sir. I need a chance to out of the headquarters for a bit." Pyro said, and Guude smiled at him.

"Thank you Pyro. Anyone else?" Guude asked, and Pause shrugged.

"Hell, if Pyro's going, I'll go." Pause said with his arms crossed. Willakers nodded at the shirtless man.

"You will lead them, then." He ordered, Pause. Guude looked to his group of officers again.

"Anyone else?" Guude asked, and Zisteau rose his hand.

"I'll do it. Not like I have anything else to do..." Zisteau said, and Guude clapped his hands once together.

"Excellent!" Guude said, and Zisteau watched as Blame sent a look his way before turning back to Avidya and the map. Zisteau groaned.

"I'll go." Doc chirped up from the doorway, and Guude sighed.

"That's all we need. Appreciate the voulenteers." Guude said, and saw Anders. The Commander walked over to the Swede and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Anders-" Anders looked at him. "-I'd like to have a word with you concerning that gem of yours." Guude said, and Anders nodded as the two of them exited themselves from the room. As they got safely away from listening ears, the two faced one another silently.

It took Guude a couple of seconds to muster up the words, then he sighed at the Swede.

"When were you going to tell me of the gem you found, Anders?" Guude asked, and Anders looked at his commander with guiltyness.

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