Chapter 27: It Trusts You

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Inside of the tainted forest, the wind silently blew through the tainted trees. The group of Beef, Pause, and Anders were being suffocated still by the taint whilst Beef could barely hear the commander shouting their names from a far. Beef was so close to passing out, the taint spreading all around him as he fought to stay awake and alive.

Beef concentrated the power of the gem and closed his eyes. The gem in his hand glew a bright blue as water exploded all around him, sending the taint off if him. Beef took a momemt to breathe, then he managed to get to Pause. Pause was unconscious and ice cold. Beef layed him down and went over to Anders. Using the gem, the taint almost immediately dissipated, Anders falling to the ground as Beef attempted to catch him.

Anders was also unconscious and ice cold. Beef put the two men over his shoulders and called for a wave of water. Having a wave appear in front of him, Beef placed the two men on the edges as he stepped in between them. Beef sighed exhaustedly, as he made the ten minute journey back, hoping that his water would be able to purify the taint from their bodies. If not? There's always Jsano.

Beef, with the bodies of Pause and Anders strung over his shoulders, hobbled down the hallway towards Jsano's medical bay. Walking through the door, Jsano was standing by one of the beds as his attention was drived from the person on the bed to Beef and the other two.

"Beef?" Jsano asked as Beef placed his two unconscious friends onto a bed each.

"Taint... taint poisoning... you... you need to... help them..." Beef said as he backed away from the bunch of them and leaned against the farthest wall from the beds.

"You don't look so good either, do you need me to help you also?" Jsano asked. Sweat dripped down Beef's forehead as he shook his head.

"No... I... I have to... get to the... the commander..." Beef answered as he wobbled out of the med bay. Jsano watched as Beef left and looked to the two out cold patients that he has. Jsano then looked to his hands.

"Can I... do this?" Jsano asked himself as his hands started to shake. Guude was pacing back and forth as he awaited to hear from either of the three gem holders. Guude groaned as Millbee shuffled awkwardly.

"What do you think happened to them, sir?" Millbee asked him, and Guude sighed.

"There's no way of knowing private." Guude admitted, Millbee groaning and turning back to his workstation. Guude swiped the sweat off of hos forehead as he continued to wait for any member of the gem team. Suddenly, Beef entered, having to lean against the door post in order to stay on his feet. He looked pale, and bags resided somehow under his eyes.

"Beef!" Guude shouted as he, as well as Adlington and MC, ran over to him as MC and Ads helped Beef stand.

"What happened? Where's Pause and Anders?" Guude asked, and Beef swollowed siliva that was looming in the back of his throat.

"T... taint poisoning... they're... being helped by... by Jsano..." Beef answered weakly.

"Maybe you should get checked also, you don't look that good." MC told him, but Beef reached into his dirty jeans pocket. Beef grabbed something within the palm of his hand and placed it firmly onto the table beside them. Letting his hand fall to the side, Beef revealed thw object to be the Luft Gem.

"The Luft?" Jevin asked, clearly confused on why it isn't with Mhykol.

"It... it was in the... the Tainted Forest... Mhykol... he wasn't any... anywhere..." Beef said, and Guude stared at the yellow gem. Beef placed a hand on Guude's shoulder.

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