Chapter 38: The Plan

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Beef shouted Guude's name before they vanished as Pause attempted in getting to them, but missing once they were gone. Pause stopped his foot in frustration before he noticed that Seth, Ads, and Etho were struggling to get the heavy doors off of them. Anders and Blame were attempting in helping getting the two iron doors off of them.

As Anders pulled the left door off, Seth slid out from beside Ads, groaning as he got to his feet. Ads was still stuck though as attempted in wedging hinself free. Millbee used the wind to tip the right door off of Etho as the comboned power of the wind and Blame helped Adlington and Etho get free. Etho got to his feet and immediately grabbed his arm. Ads looked to him.

"You alright Eth?" Ads asked, and Etho let out an exshauted sigh.

"Yeah... Damn door must have landed on my arm... Hurts..." Etho slightly mumbled. Jsano swiftly walked over to him and grabbed Etho's arm gently, but still the non human flinched. Jsano sighed.

"Might have fratured it. Have to check it out, if that's alright with you." Jsano informed. Etho nodded. Jsano and Etho walked out of the room and down the hall, out of sight. Ads sighed and stretched out his back. A clear cracking sound could be heard, as Seth slightly grimaced.

"How can you do that?" Seth asked sounding slightly tired. Ads shrugged as Beef groaned in frustration.

"They're going to use the commander in the Reality Spell!" Beef shouted. Kurt nodded.

"We must think of something, and quickly if we're going to save the commanders life." Kurt added on. Mhykol sighed.

"But what do we do? I don't think even all of us could take them down.." Mhykol said. Suddenly, an idea popped into Biffa's head.

"We wont all be taking them on at once..!" Biffa said with a cheeky smile. Xisuma raised an eyebrow at him.

"What are you saying?" Xisuma asked.

"We could split up, devide and couquer." Biffa sort of explained. They were all still confused.

"What are you going on about?" Willakers asked. Biffa sighed.

"We can split up into teams to deal with them. One group can take on Herobrine, one can take on Dahrky Dahrk, one can take on Elk, Vrijen, and Pak, and the rest can free Commander Guude. Now do you get what I'm saying?" Biffa asked. Pause nodded.

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