Chapter 4: They All Fall Down

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Adlington twiddled his thumbs nervously as he wondered through the forest. He was scared. It wasn't because he was alone; Etho and Seth were there with him; it was the reason they were in Moonrise forest that scared him.

Kurt hasn't been seen for hours, and it had become worrisome for the commander and the entire Mindcrack team. Things were rough enough already with two members mentally changed by Dahrk and three gone completely, they didn't need another reason to fall apart. Especially not now.

Adlington looked to the sky and noticed the dark sky, the broken moonlight squeezing in what it can from between the trees and leaves. It sort of calmed Adligton, but not enough to relieve him from his anxiousness.

"Hold up here." Etho's deep voice said, and the three stopped where they stood. Both Etho and Seth looked to Ads with unsure faces.

"What's wrong with you?" Seth asked, and Adlington looked down to his quivering hands. He shrugged his shoulders, and glanced back up at the two Redstoners.

"Is that an, I don't know, or what?" Seth asked again, amd Adlington once again shrugged his shoulders. Etho groaned.

"We're getting no where with this..." Etho growled, amd turned away from them. Angrily startong to walk again, Etho stopped, and looked back to Seth and Adlington.

"You guys coming?" He asked, and Seth glared at Adlington before rejojning Etho. Adlington looked to the ground, then proceeded to follow the two older men onwards.

Etho crossed his arms and looked around. It was becoming even darker then before, and no stone had been uncovered on Kurt's disappearance. That is, until Seth noticed something brown laying in the center of an open patch of grass.

"Hey! Over there! In the clearing, I think I see something!" Seth shouted, and the three ran to it with zero hesitation. Getting to the patch of grass, they noticed that the thing they saw was a body.

Adlington gasped and covered his mouth, Seth looked to the floor, and Etho ran beside the body that was facing down. Blood stained around it as the person potentially bled to death, and jt was covering Etho's jeans now. He didn't care right now.

Turning the body over, Etho's only seeable eye widened in shock. Kurt had a stab wound in his chest, and around it was dried blood. It had appeared he was dead. Seth pressed his communicator on his wrist.

"Seth to Guude?" He said, not peering away from the Farlander's body.

"~This is Guude~." The comm rang. Seth took a deep breath in and exhaled.

"We... uh... we found Kurt... he... uh... well..." They were silent.

"~What is it Major~?" Guude asked, and Seth stuttered out an answer.

"It looks like Kurt was attacked in the forest, sir... he has a stab wound in the center of his chest..." Seth answered, and there was static on the other side. Guude sighed.

"~Jsano will be there in around twenty minutes. Sit tight Major~." He ordered, and Seth nodded.

"Yes sir..." Seth said.

Jsano looked over Kurt's body and sighed. Picking up his scalpel, he leaned over Kurt's wound. His hands started to shake and his bidy tensed up. Jsano groaned, and cocked his head to the side. Kurt's condition became worse, so he had to act fast.

"Come on, come on!" Jsano muttered to himself. He fiddled with Kurt's ribcage to see if he responded to the metals touch. Nothing. That made Jsano paranoid. Jsano was devoted on saving Kurt! He woukd not lose a patient today!

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