Chapter 39: Revenge

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Coe was scared. He remembered Guude and Aurey's faces once he told them his reason. Well. Part of his reason. Coe didn't want his family getting hurt, and like all other cheesy fanfictions, he had to do what Dahrk wanted. He needed to protect not only his family, but his friends. Once Coe found out that Herobrine had killed them, he was devastated. He had betrayed everyone, for nothing.

Coe was trapped inside of the interrogation room they put him inside. Coe wad certain that once they got back, dead or alive, victor or loser, they were going to kill him for high treason. The thought of death made Coe think. It made him think about all the amazing times he had working here, and all the times he had nearly perished. It was a dangerous job, but it was his job. And he loved it.

Especially the most recent time when Dahrk had transformed Jsano into his demon form, and him, Beef, and Nebris had to fight him off. He had severely injured Nebris and had almost killed them. If it wasn't for them snapping Jsano out of it and Jsano taking the hit for them. Even then, it was after the threat Herobrine made to Coe. Coe wanted so badly to kill him, to rip Dahrk to shreds for what he had done, but it was already to late. The mark had been made.

Coe could still feel the burning of his flesh, he could still feel the pain of becoming one of them. His screams as Pak, Vrijen and Elk watched as another member was sickly tranformed, and how another was stripped of their freedom. He could still hear Elk's sobs... Hering those sobs reminds him when Aurey thought he had died in the explosion they were in years before.

They had been sent to arrest an alien criminal that had been terrorising the country. Once they arrived they found an explosive device hidden within the floorboards. He shoved Aurey out the window and took most of the blast. He was in a come for thirteen months and had to recover for three. Aurey was smiling once he had awoken. He remembered her smile, her laughs... Her happiness...

Coe placed his head in his hands. His betrayal would spark his downfall. He was a good person, risking his life to save other people in dire need. Now... He's the one that the others are saving people from. Coe felt his heart sink. Suddenly, he had a thought. It wasn't his fault...! Coe had been forced into this position, and Guude had already made up his mind about what he was doing.

He cared about everyone, and Dahrk and Herobrine had destroyed everything that they had built up. Revenge streaked across his mind. And thanks o Aurey, revenge is what he was going to get.

Dahrk closed the door of a steel cage, standing back and admiring his work as Guude started to awaken. Guude struggled slightly against the chains that had been wrapped around his wrists. Guude's eyes widened, as he struggled harder.

"What the-?!" Guude then noticed Dahrk. Guude barely was able to get to his feet as he glared the evil man in the eyes.

"Like them? Dark magic does wonders for captive prisoners. Especially Enders." Dahrk mocked as his eyes peered off to the side. Guude growled as he looked off, seeing three people huddled up. A woman, a man, and a little child. Guude gasped.

"Is... Is that...?" Guude stuttered as Dahrk smiled.

"The Sirben's. Nebris's family. They're evergy will also be used for the ritual, just like yours will be used to power up the Moonstone." Dahrk giggled. Guude growled as he stormed up to the bars.

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