Chapter 18: Release The Demon (Part 1)

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Pak couldn't stop pacing. He wasn't to sure about everything that was going on either. Herobrine hasn't asked anything of them since their failed attempt in retrieving the Fuere Gem. Then again, Herobrine hasn't been happy at all of how they were failing missions in general. It's been sending chills down his spine just thinking on all the ways Herobrine could end their lives, but he's been trying to think positive, as well as trying to get the others to think positive.

Vrijen couldn't stop shaking at the dampness that dripped from the cieling, as it landed on either his skin or his fur. Vrijen sat uncomfortably on the stone floor, for it is almost impossible for any Sheep hybrid like himself to sit confortably at all. Vrijen saw Pak's irritation, and pondered; could he be thinking of a way of freeing them? He could get killed. The only thing Vrijen knew for sure was that no matter what they did, they were going to die in the end.

Elk was possibly the most agitated. She had her arms crossed and her back and left foot placed against the wall. Elk wanted to be rid of this hellhole, she wanted nothing less but freedom. And she would have had it if she would have just listened to Martin. Baj... Oh how she missed Baj. He was possibly the only one that she could have ever trusted with her life, and she threw him away for a power hungry demi-god. A sad look came her way from Vrijen, and Elk looked down. She didn't want to hurt anyone... especially Baj.

Elk groaned and pushed herself off the wall. The cell that they were contained in was almost like a small four by four box. It was a couple of meters big and really soggy somehow. The cell bars were compressed iron and obsidian, making there no possible way of escape.

"This is pointless! Why even keep us in here if he can control our actions with this mark of his?" Elk asked angrilly, the other two clearly hearing the frustration in her voice. Pak stopped his pacing and looked at Elk with calming eyes.

"You know the answer Elk." Pak told her, and her eyes met his.

"I do? Please, enlighten me!" Elk growled. Pak wondered over to the bars and grabbed one for each hand. As he looked around outside the cell, Pak responded with:

"Because. Herobrine doesn't need us right now. And what better way of making sure your prisoner doesn't escape is to lock them up in an unbreakable prison cell." Pak said calmly. Vrijen stood up.

"Your awfully calm about this whole, 'being prisoner to a demi-god' thing." Vrijen said. Pak sighed, and bowed his head.

"It's because I've been here before." Pak admitted, and Elk's face went sad.

"Oh yeah... that's right... I completely forgot..." Elk sadly sighed.

"I-I'm sorry Pak... It's just... there's been so much that's been going through my head... one question gets answered and three more pop back in." Vrijen apologised, and Pak smiled. He turned back to the others.

"That is alright. As long as we remain positive, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish." Pak said, the other two giving off weak smiles. There was a bang on the cell bars, which made Elk shriek. Pak stuttered back, as Dahrk gave off a couple of dark and evil laughs.

"The master wants you three. We're stopping a bunch of no evils from retrieving the Wasser Gem; no mercy." Dahrk chuckled while unlocking the cell. Vrijen and Elk looked to Pak for comfort, but then they saw the nervousness on hus face also. This was going to be one hell of a ride.

It was already becoming difficult for the four adventurers when they started navagating themselves through Moonrise Forest, having nothing but trees and bushes in their line of sight. But, that did not stop them. When it became dark in the Forest from the leaves blocking the sun, Beef turned to the group.

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