Chapter 15: Visions Of The Past

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Guude stood by Rob as they watched the front gate, hoping and preparing both themselves and the others for their friends arrivals. Guude was hopeful that they would be alright, and that atleast one of them had retrieved the Fuere gem that they so desperately need. Guude had his eyes locked onto the gate door, his arms crossed and his stance careless.

Guude has been aimlessly pacing back and forth since he's sent his comrades out on their mission, nervous that someone would get hurt, or just like Kurt, end up dead. Guude had faith in his friends, but also had no clue on what either Dahrk or Herobrine are sending after them. That is what made Guude nervous.

Rob glanced over at Guude and saw his frantic pacing, smiling slightly as he placed a gentle hand on the Commander's shoulder. Guude stopped, and looked at him.

"They'll be alright." He told him, and Guude sighed.

"How do you know?" Guude asked. Rob chuckled.

"I understand what you are going through, youngin'. I went through the same thing many times as the team's old leader." Willakers answered.

"Ah, right. Your old team..." Guude said quietly, and Rob nodded, the smile disappearing from his face in a matter of seconds.

"I wish I knew where they were and what happened to them... Xisuma... Keralis... Jevin... Biffa..." Rob said quietly to himself. Guude watched the screen in persistence. Seeing something move in the forest, Guude looked closer, smiling as Pause, Doc, Zisteau, and Pyro walked out of Moonrise and into view.

Mhykol pressed a few buttons and pulled a couple switches, wating and watching as a green light came on.

"Gates are opening, sir." Mhykol told Guude.

"Thank you Private." Guude thanked, and waited for the team to walk into the room. A couple of minutes later, the group of four excitedly entered the main room, getting many looks from other Mindcracker's, including Guude.

"Well Lieutenant? How did it go?" Guude asked, his arms still crossed.

"Whilst we were travelling, Pyro was almost fatally injured by Parridan's in the bogs. We managed to save him, thanks to Zisteau's previous warning." Pause started.

"As we went on, we realized that Nunsen was surrounded by four smaller volcano's that act like it's protector. We had to climb over those in order to get close to Nunsen." Pyro added.

"But we ran into some trouble while retrieving the Fuere..." Doc said.

"Trouble?" Rob asked, and Zisteau nodded.

"Apperently Dahrk has reactivated the Mark of Herobrine that was on Pak and them's arms and forced them to attempt and stop us. We ran into them, and they put up a good fight." Zisteau said. Guude rose an eyebrow.

"Well? Did you get it?" Guude asked, and Pause smiled. He reached into one of his lower sashed and grabbed something, pulling it out and showing it to everyone else in the room. The firey red gem filled the room with a bright red light, forcing a couple of Mindcracker's to shield their eyes, or even turn away completely. Rob gasped, walking towards Pause and the gem in complete and utter shock.

"I forgot how beautiful the glow was..." Rob said to no one in particular. As Rob grabbed the gem, it sent a firey sensation like pain up his arm, causing Rob to drop it and gasp. The gem was caugh by Pause, who seems to be the only one who can hold it.

Rob looked at his hands, then cautiously back at the gem. Rob looked to the gem and sighed with a smile.

"It has bonded with you, Pause." Rob said, and the room erupted into quiet whispers and murmurs. Rob rolled his eyes and stroked his beard.

"The gem's magic has merged with your soul, just like Anders and the Erde. It allows you the power of it's element. Fire." Rob explained. Pause placed the gem on the observing table beside him, and Willakers placed a hand on it.

"Edelstein der mystischen künste, offenbaren die irte deiner brüder und schwestern im namen der alten." Rob muttered, and the gem shone an even brighter color. A vision appeared before Rob.

Keralis and Jevin watched from a far as Xisuma and Rob battled it out with precise moves. Keralis shook his head and rolled his eyes, checking his wrist comm for the exact time. Keralis groaned.

"Biffa's late... again..." Keralis said, and Jevin chuckled.

"Won't be the first, won't be the last. You know this already Keralis, Biffa's never on time." Jevin laughed, and Xisuma gave off a slught grin.

"Most definately." Xisuma commented.

"Where is Biffa anyway?" Keralis asked, and Rob shrugged whilst clashing training weapons with Xisuma.

"Dunno. Saw him erlier, but all he told me was that he was going out. Said that Luna needed a favour from him." Rob explained. Keralis pondered, but was interrupted by Jevin patting him on the back.

"Biffa might be at that old abandoned guardian temple he's been raving about. That would be a pretty good place to strt looking." Jevin said, and Xisuma looked at him.

"He might be hiding.... IT... while he's there. Better not desturb him, or better yet... lead unwanted attention to him." Xisuma said, and Keralis nodded.

"Good thinking Xis. That's why you're paid the big bucks!" Keralis said, and they each shared laugh, one that will be remembered for times to come.

Rob snapped peacefully back into reality. He glanced at Guude, then back at the gem. Rib sighed and sadly remembered all the times him and his friends went through, but then also remembered that the world was in his hands.

"The Wasser gem is most likely to be hidded in an old amd abandoned guardian's temple, just off the shore of the Killian Sea. That would be a good place to start." Willakers told them, and wondered off. The Mindcrackers were confused on the old man's sudden change of mood, but did not bear to question it.

Rob wondered through the halls of the base and looked at his surroundings. No guards or police officers were around him, which gave him the perfect time to do what he has wanted to do for years. He headed into the library of the place and looked around.

Rob noticed a big red book that was on one of the shelves and grabbed it, pulling out a seat and flilping through the pages. One of the many chaoters peeked his interest. One named: The Fall of The Hermit's, Hermitcraft's Demise. There was all of them.

Xisuma. Jevin. Biffa. Keralis. And even himself. All standing together in one heartwarming and even heartbreaking last photo.

 All standing together in one heartwarming and even heartbreaking last photo

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(Photo drawn by me)

Rob could feel tears brim the corners of his eyes, and even then, rage. Rob looked at all the old archives of when he was still a member of this community, and stood up. Rob's fists clenched together.

"I will find you, my friends." Rob said. "Even if it's the last thing I do."

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