Chapter 23: The Arrow

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A.N more sneek peeks!
1: Someone Crossed Upon Something They Couldn't Control
2: Only Seven Can Awaken The Great Gem Of The Sky
3: The One With Water Looses Sight Of The Light
4: One Of Royalty Will Face Great Loss
Top Left Corner: A Sneek Of The Rebellion's Last Hope

Pause pondered about what had happened back in the Nether, and he was confused. Why was it so important to bring Xisuma that mask of his? As Pause got frustrated, he noticed Willakers, Biffa, Koralis, and Jevin talking to Guude. Pause walked beside Guude as they finished their conversation.

"So that is what happened since we vanished?" Biffa asked, and Guude gave him a nod.

"Indeed. After Elk, Vrijen, and Pak had disappeared, we learned of Anders finding the Erde gem from Willakers after he brought the Luft." Guude explained, and Jevin gasped.

"The Gemstones? They're here?" Jevin asked.

"Only four. The Erde, which bonded to Anders Zel, the Luft, which bonded to Mhukol Mine, the Fuere, which bonded to Pause Unpause, and the Wasser, which bonded to Beef Vintage." Willakers told him. Biffa exhaled sharply, and looked at Pause.

"You have the Fuere... that's what you used to melt our locks back in the Nether." Biffa said, and Pause nodded. The Nether... that reminded Pause.

"If you don't mind, I would like to ask a question." Pause told them, and Koralis nodded.

"Go ahead." He permitted.

"Back in the Nether, we found Xisuma's mask seperated from... well... Xisuma. Why does he need it... if you don't mind my curiosity." Pause said, and Biffa grinned.

"We do not mind it at all. It would be better to explain if Xisuma was here... but I do not believe he would mind if we tell the tale." Biffa said. Pause and Guude looked at one another. Koralis cleared his throat.

"It wad June 12th, 2140. Approxomately 26 years ago, we were sent on a mission to infiltrate our greatest enimies headquarters: The Prátaí Ar Bata." (Search up the translation and you'll find a funny Easter egg)

As the Hermitcrafter's made their sneeky way towards the Prátaí Ar Bata's secret headquarters, they had to stop behind a small boulder for cover. Searchlights covered the premises, searching for tresspassers and mobs who should not be where they would be. Biffa peeked over top the boulder.

"Searchlights... just what we need.." He groaned in a hush whisper. Willakers scanned the area.

"It looks like there are guards stationed at every point." Willakers informed, and Jevin summoned his Mystic Sword.

"Awesome! Fighting!" He screamed in a hushed tone. Biffa summoned his bow and loaded an arrow. There was a guard patrolling about three meters away from them, and he waited for his comrades to turn away before he shot him in the back. Biffa then dragged his body behind the rock.

"Congrats, you got a souvenir. What the hell are we gonna do with him?" Koralis asked, and Biffa smiled. He started looting the guard before he pulled a flat piece of plastic out of one of his pockets. An access card. Koralis smiled.

"Good shit..." Koralis laughed.

After about ten minutes of killing guards, they swiftly made their way toward the main entrance, hiding in the shadows that shielded themselves from extra guards. Biffa took out the access card from his uniform and swiped the lock, the door clicking and opening.

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