Chapter 32: Visited By The Dark

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Guude, The Hermitcrafter's, the gemstone holders, and anyone else that wanted to join in stood around a dark oak table filled with files and papers. Each member had atleast one of the parchments or info files in thier hands and each read them cautiously. Guude exhaled as he threw his file to the center of the table.

"Since joining Mindcrack he doesn't seem to have a weakness... he had taken the positon after Luna died... and... he is quite strong." Guude informed. Pause nodded as he looked through the file he currently possessed.

"Yeah, the bastards squeaky clean also. Not a single thing on his records suggesting that he is an evil demon that's serving the god of destruction." Pause groaned as he too threw his file into the center of the many that were there already. Anders picked up a file amd read the front of it.

"Ah, here's something interesting! A list of the abilities that he can preform." Anders said, and offered it to Guude. Guude grabbed it and read it aloud.

"Teleportation, Psychic Telepathy, Hell Fire: to use in any way he wishes, Mind Manipulation, Void Magic: again to use however he wishes, Cosmetic Shielding, Summoning Magic, Levatation, and Illusion Manipulation." Guude said as he put the file in front of him.

"Attans, he has more things available to his disposal than we thought... Det är spelet över." Anders exhaled. Doc shook his head.

"Nein, it is not over." Doc turned to Guude. "Sir, do you remember when Dahrk almost wiped by data banks?" Guude nodded.

"Yes. Almost killed you. Why?" Doc smiled a little.

"Because, when he did so I absorbed some information from his mind as to what he and Herobrine were planning." Doc said.

"How? Your half computer and he's a demon." Millbee stated, and Doc smiled.

"Because, I am also half creeper. The gunpowder flowing through that part of my body ignited a shockwave of electricity with my robotic parts. That allowed me to take a sneek peek inside his mind." Doc said.

"What are they planning?" Koralis asked him.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy, sir. I only just know of this new information I absorbed because a slight flash flashed before me. I must wait until the rest of it is able to show itself. Until then, we must rely on the gems." Doc said.

"And in order for us to do that we need all six gems, which also requires the Mörka." Willakers told them.

"Which we don't even know where it is." Biffa finished for him.

"For all we know, it could be with Mhykol." Beef said.

"For all we know, it could be with Dahrk." Kurt said with a worried tone. Avidya shook his head.

"Dahrk wouldn't have it. He would make us believe that he has it though to throw us off the true location of it." Avidya added into the converstion, which made all the people in the room look at him.

"How do you know?" Guude asked, and Avidya exhaled.

"To tell you the truth, commander, I've been keeping something from you..." Avidya admitted, and Guude turned towards Avidya in interest.

"Do tell." Guude said, and Avidya sighed.

"I... am not human." Avidya admitted, and Baj's eyebrow raised.

"What would you clarify as, not human, then?" Baj asked. Avidya pondered for a bit, then grabbed the sides of his sunglasses, pulling them off as they revealed the eyes that no one had seen. They're eyes widened.

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