Chapter 3: A Burning Hope

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Aurey was tired. She was tired of the bloodshed, of the fighting, of the arguing... and she was tried of being pit up against her own friends. Aurey sat outside of her balcony from her room, her red hair flowing in the slight March wind.

From over the sounds and thoughts of her own pondering, she barely heard the sounds of a door opening, and footsteps creeping up behind her. A firm hand grabbed Aurey's shoulder, and she jumped, shoving the hand off and turning around swiftly to see who it was. She relaxed.

"You really should knock when you enter a lady's room, Sev." Aurey chuckled, and looked back towards the sun reaching an hour before sundown. Sev shrugged his shoulders with a smile and stood beside the female. Aurey sighed and Sev inhaled.

"I did knock, by the way." Sev said, and Aurey looked to him with a confused yet shocked expression.

"Oh?" She asked, and Sev nodded calmly.

"Yep! You were probably just to busy thinking over here that you didn't hear me." Sev said with a happy like expression. Aurey nodded, and went back into her original pose. Aurey sighed sadly, and looked to Sev.

"Sev... when this is over... if... this is going to be over... what will we do then...?" Aurey asked, and Sev gave off an unsure emotional hum. He shrugged once more.

"I... haven't really thought that far ahead. To be completely honest with you, I haven't even got past the, evil madmen trying to take over the world, thing yet..." Sev said with a slught chuckle. Aurey joined in.

"I can partially agree with you there..." She said, and looked back to the sun. Sev turned to her.

"Partially?" Sev asked, and Aurey slightly nodded.

"I... I haven't exactly told you my point of origins... have I?" Aurey asked, which got Sev interested. He leaned in a bit closer towards Aurey and shook his head.

"Don't think so... unless you have and I've forgotten." Sev answered, amd noticed Aurey's head was bowed. Aurey exhaled sharply.

"I... am not from Minecraftia State." She said calmly before turning to Sev. Her eyes were innocent looking, but yet full of fear. Sev cocked his head to the side.

"Oh? Then... where are you from?" Sev asked, and Aurey ran her fingers through her hair swiftly. She looked back ahead.

"A place... far away from here called Cendralanox. Or... just Cendral Lanox." She said, and Sev rose an eyebrow. He was interested in the fair maidens story.

"It all started about a hundred years ago... dated maybe back to 2066 at the most." Aurey started.

"Two colonies were at war with one another; The Cendral's and the Lanox-Demon's. One, the Cendral's, a peace loving colony with nit much to lose, the other, the Lanox-Demon's, a destruction crazed kingdom with much to lose." Aurey stated sadly.

"The war had gone on for centuries before it had finally taken it's toll on Cendralanox. The core of our home had become unstable... and... well... you get where this is going." Aurey sighed. Sev blinked blankly a bit.

"And... you were part of that war?" Sev asked, and Aurey nodded.

"Well... atleast my father was. We were part of the Cendral colony... my father was a worker at one of their Ore Factories. It was bombed... and... my father... he..." Aurey choked a bit, and Sev placed a hand on her back and one on her shoulders. Aurey looked to the sky with tears flowing down her face.

"The Lanox-Demon's had invaded the Cendral Colony, and was slaying millions by the hour. That is when the war had taken it's effects on our core. The Earth began to split in half, and... and people were dying from left to right." Aurey told Sev.

"My mother and I ran as fast as we could... but... she didn't make it." Aurey said, and Sev's eyes widened. He calmly started to rub Aurey's back.

"Don't worry. I swear to our creators that I will do my best to protect you." Sev said, and Aurey giggled. She turned to him.

"When I arrived here, I met you bunch... I had no clue what I had gotten myself into." Aurey smiled, and Sev lightly punched her on the shoulder.

"Come on, we aren't THAT bad. I mean, you've met Millbee right?" Sev asked, and Aurey laughed.

"Sev!" She gasped, and Sev shrugged playfully.

"What?" He asked, and Aurey sighed with a smile.

"Come on... let's bead back to our posts." Aurey said, and Sev nodded. Sev went to lead Aurey out when he felt her hand grasp his. He jumped slightly in shock, and looked at her blushed face.

"I... uh... I think you and I will work wonders in the future." She smiled, and Sev smiled as well.

"Me too."

Mhykol's skull pounded and his body was numb. What had happened that caused this, he doesn't remember. Barely managing to open his eyes, Mhykol groaned and looked around cautiously. Only a purple flame banging above him gave off light, and it was constantly flickering.

Mhykol went to sit up when he felt a slight jerk on his limbs. Looking down, he noticed five leather straps were holding him pinned to the table he was on. On for each leg, one for each arm, and one for his torso. Mhykol's beart raced as he started to panic.

"HELLO?!" Mhykol hoarsely called out, but all that reploed was an echo. Mhykol shuddered at the sudden breeze of cold air that filled the room. Was someone here? Was it the someone that was holding him here. Two glowing purple dots appeared from the darkness and slowly started to expand and float towards him.

"Who's there?!" Mhykol shakenly asked, and the glowing dots stopped. There was a slight silence, then a chuckle.

"You must be Mhykol... a private of Guude's I assume." A raspy voice asked him, and Mhykol gulped. He was now shaking like a jackhammer.

"Who wants to know?" Mhykol asked quietly, and there was a slight silence. Then;

"Just someone who's had everything taken from him." The thing replied. Mhykol stayed silent. The thing tsked a Mhykol.

"I had only assumed that you would be able to help me with my problem... but... your kind doesn't exactly like mine." The person said. At this point, Mhykol was curious on what it was talking about. The person stepled a bit closer.

"I need to have a slight chat with Guude." The person said, and walked into the light. The man's purple eyes and beard amazed Mhykol, but also started him.

"What... what do you want?" Mhykol asked, and the person sighed.

"What do I want?" He repeated, and Mhykol nodded. The man smiled.

"My life back."

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