Chapter 13: Wrong Place Wrong Time

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Avidya had his back against the wall and his head down in boardum, his arms crossed and his right leg pinned against the wall. Avidya's glasses we're almost falling off of his face, and his eyes underneath blank with curiosity.

Mhykol watched while sitting at his station as Avidya stared blankly to the floor. Mhykol's been on edge since the incident with Dahrk and the Void Curse, and hasn't moved from his station since Guude has deemed him, "not guilty". Mhykol hasn't liked the way Avidya has been talking to others and moving shiftly around the HQ. It was worrying.

Avidya suddenly awqwardly shifted off of the wall and walked out of the room, his head still strongly down and his arms now fallen to his side. Mhykol could only watch as the Lieutenant practically stomped his way out of the main room.

Avidya walked out of main gate 1 and out into the common grounds. He had thoughts of plety running through his head; why was all of this happening now? What would they do if Dahrk or Herobrine won? How would they live knowing that they let him win? His brain was a complex tornado of questions before answers. He was frustrated.

Avidya stroked his hair back with a hand as he wondered dangerously close to the entrance to Moonrise Forest, probably not even knowing of it himself as of the moment. He leaned against a tree by the entrance of the forest and he sighed, rubbing his head with both hands as he then let them fall to his side once more.

'I know I shouldn't be out here... but I just need to clear my mind for a while... take a little breather...' Avidya looked to the main gates that surrounded the headquarters and protected them. He groaned at the thought of what would happen to them if the gates weren't there. The monsters would kill them.

Avidya suddely heard a loud and obnoxious buzzing noise that seemed to be coming from all around him. Looking to the sky, the glasses wearing man could not see what was making the sound or where it was coming from. Then, dark matter started to rise from the ground around him, quickly escalating in shape.

Avidya, as he attempted to move out of the way, was shoved forcefully back into the dark matter chamber, the dark matter forming around him cage-like, trapping him in a two by two spot like a rat. Avidya looked around in a spit of confusion,

There was a slight echo of a chuckle which sent a chill down Avidya's spine. Avidya looked to the forest ebtrance and saw a blacked out figure standing there with it's arms behind it's back. He knew who it was immediately.

"Dahrk, you scoundrel! What are you doing here?" Avidya asked him, and Dahrk walked calmly out of the darkness. He peacefully looked at the trapped man with a sly grin.

"Avidya, my old friend. How have you been?" Dahrk asked, and Avidya growled angrilly.

"Don't try cutting edges with me, Dahrk! What do you want?" Avidya asked once more, and Dahrk let his arms fall losely to his side.

"I have come to chat, Mr. Zen. Or, would you prefer to call it... a trial?" Dahrk giggled, and Avidya growled at him.

"A trial?! But I have done nothing wrong!" Avidya snarled at the previous commander. Dahrk started to walk closer to Avidya.

"But don't you remember? You and Mhykol assisted us in getting full control of Pakratt's mind." Dahrk snickered, and Avidya grabbed the purple bars of the cage. The bars burned his hand, and Avidya swiftly let go, looking at the bars, his hands, then at Dahrk.

"What are you on about?!" Avidya growled, and Dahrk shook his head.

"How tipical of you not to remember. The Void Curse does wonders with memory loss." Dahrk laughed, and Avidya suddenly remembered what had happened.

"Th-That was months ago! G-Guude has surely forgiven me and Mhykol by now." Dahrk laughed at Avidya's statement, which sent the man in a chilly shiver.

"You think he's forgiven you?! HAHAHAHAHAHA! YOU FOOL! Don't you see the way he looks at you during meetings? The snarl like look in his face whenever you move? He hasn't forgiven you, and he sure as hell hasn't forgotten what you and Mhykol did!" Dahrk shouted, and Avidya looked to his burnt hands.

"Guude is a man of remembrance. If something is to happen that causes the life of one of his friends, he doesn't just, FORGIVE AND FORGET!" Dahrk laughed at him. Avidya looked to Dahrk and grabbed his sun glasses. Taking them off, Dahrk finally sees what the man has been hiding.

"You are a Svinsen." Dahrk stated flatly. Avidya's eyes were a mystic blue with white rings around the irises. Avidya glared at Dahrk.

"Guude might nit forgive me for what I've done, but he does forgive me for what I am." Avidya told him.

"Your people slaughtered millions during the Great War a thousand years ago. And yet, you still believe they will all forgive and forget." Dahrk grinned, and Avidya placed the glasses back onto his face.

"Your one sour sport." Avidya said.

"And you are not?" Dahrk asked. Avidya sat down on the spot, rubbing his hand through his hair.

"Maybe Guude didn't forgive me... could he have... lied...?" Avidya asked to himself, and Dahrk leaned in closer.

"Yes. He could have." Dahrk said. Unknowingly to Avidya, Dahrk reached behind him and grabbed his diamond blade, walking slowly towards Avidya as he unheathed the sword. Then, an arrow knocked the sword out of his hand.

The figure that has been savimg the group came out of a nearby tree, blocking Dahrk off from his sword, and from Avidya. Dahrk growled at the figure.

"You are becoming a pain in my side!" Dahrk shouted, and the figure unholstered an old iron blade. Farlandic. Dahrk seemed amazed.

"What?! Where... where did you get this?!" Dahrk asked, and the man looked over the blade.

"This blade is from the land Farlander. Kurt Mac. Or, presumed to be the last Farlander. Dahrk; An bhfuil sé ach chomhtharlú?" The man asked, and Dahrk stuttered back. Dahrk looked shaken, and Avidya has never seen the commander shaken.

"Y-Your a Farlander?!" Dahrk asked, and the man poimted the blade at Dahrk.

"Leave, Darhk! Leave this place! Or feel the wrath of the blade of the Farlands!" The man shouted, and Dahrk looked at Avidya. Dahrk growled at the man once again.

"You will pay! You will! And YOU-" Dahrk shoved his finger towards Avdiya. "-You wont win this fight! I'll see to it that you will die in the pits of hell!" Dahrk shouted.

"RAAAHG!" Dahrk screamed in frustration, and disapleared in a black swirl. The cage around Avidya disapated, and he looked to the man.

"Thank you... whoever you are." Avidya thanked, and the man put the sword away, folding the cloak over top of it to hide it. The man bowed at Avidya, and turned away from him.

"Do not forget, Avidya Zen, that you are umong friends. No one judges you for who you are, and no one will ever blame you for what has happened to Pakratt." The man said, and Avidya nodded.

"The Farlandic Hope is with you, Avidya Zen." He told him, and jumped into the trees. Avidya watched the man leave, as he looked to his burnt hands.

"The Farlandic Hope?" Avidya asked himself.


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