Chapter 17: Alive

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Confusion. That is the word that ran through the mind of Old Man Robert Willakers. Dahrk had sparked something in him that he demanded to find out about; his curiousness being the part of him that would one day end everything for him. But, of what Dahrk had told him, he could not pass this down. He needed to keep searching.

Wondering into the library, Willakers made his way over to the sector of books that he had previously put back onto the shelves. Willakers was surprised that even though they had holographic projectors, this acadamy still keeps around all of the old books and iconic newspapers from years ago. But, they were as people say, iconic.

Willakers took out one of the books and flipped through the pages. Getting to a chapter, he read a paragraph aloud to hinself.

"After the coronation, New Commander Desius Dahrk suddenly began becoming agressive to his lower staff, and even to the Hermitcraft Warriors right before their tragic disappearances during the month of April. See more on page 242..." Willakers said, and flipped even nkre pages. As he got to page 242, he saw yet another paragraph that caught his eye.

"During a conference meeting about the Hermitcraft member's disappearance, Commander Desius Dahrk slipped out a saying that no one would ever thought he would say. His precise words were: 'I believe the Hermitcrafter's were begging for something like this to happen.

"They have been at the top of their game, thinking that they were invincible, but then everything came crashing down. I believe that no matter what they were capable of, not even them could escape the cold grasp of a prison cell, or even worse, death, if he decides to push it that far." Reading it now, Willakers knows that Dahrk was refering to Herobrine in the last sentance that he spoke.

Willakers was ecstatic. They could still be alive! And after all these years of him believing that Dahrk had just killed them and be rid of them, he might have a chance to make things right. But, there was only one way that he could make sure. He had to contact them somehow, and he knew how. His power of sight.

Willakers closed his eyes and concentrated on the lifeforms of his allies. His comrades. His brothers in arms. When he got hold of an orange lifeform, Willakers tried immediately to get in contact.

"Hello?" Willakers asked, and there was a slight pause, before;

"...Willakers?"  A voice chimed. Willakers smiled as he recognized that voice as the voice of Biffa Booa.

"Biff! Your alive!"

"Yeah, I am."

"What of the others? Xis, Jev, Keralis?"

"They're here too. Alive and well." Willakers was relieved.

"God, you guys had me worried."

"Glad to know you care that much about us."

"Cut it out."

"Just sayin'."

"Man. There's so much that you've missed... I wish I could tell you it all, but I don't have much time left."

"You can explain everything when we get out of here."

"Yes yes. Where are you anyways?"

"We're in the Nether, trapped in a prison in the Hellish Regeon."

"Man, must be Hell."

"Not funny."

"Hey, just sayin'."

"Alright alright, save the jokes for a face to face conversation."

"Of course Biff."

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